think globally,
act locally

Projects in 2011

During 2011 SiV successfully implemented of projects started in the earlier years. Over 15 persons were engaged in various projects, whereas there were 17 long-term projects, without counting short activities and campaigns. This year resulted with activities that further strengthened and profiled the organization. It carried out activities that went to benefit of the wider community and more Kosovo municipalities, particularly in rural communities where their crying for help voices were never heard earlier.
Important part of the work during this year was the cooperation with partner organizations, new and old donors, as well as permanent partnership with institutions at the local and central level.

Out of the projects during this year, some major projects started earlier were continued. With the ISC-USAID funded projects was continued to impact on changing the Law on Forests and Law on Waste. In 2011 as well, with NDI support it was worked on monitoring implementation of the Law on Protection of Nature and in participation on influencing groups related to the Law on the National Park of Cursed Mountains, in debates for changing the Kosovo Constitution, etc. Through activities in these projects, Syri i Vizionit turned into an important actor in central legislation-related issues, in particular to issues dealing with the region and environment.
As extension of earlier years, in partnership with Olof Palme Center, this year were drafted action strategies for Serb community in the municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac and for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in the municipalities of Rahovec/Orahovac and Deçan/Decane. Besides the three-year action plans, under these projects 19 mini-projects of the community were also supported. These mini-projects impacted directly in improvement of living conditions of the communities.
Two other projects were also continued in partnership in a number of Kosovo municipalities in relation to return and reintegration. The EC-funded Kosovo Conflict Prevention Project (KCP) continued for its third year in the row, same as the project with FIQ for monitoring implementation of the law in Kosovo and the project with CRLS for acceptation of Kosovo in global movement against climate changes. Under MOBKOS program, Syri i Vizionit continued to be its Secretariat, while in sustainable partnership with Solidar Suisse (former SLA) also continued under the permanent program with a mini-project on youth and labor market.
During this very year additional engagements were taken in a number of short-term projects that complemented partnerships and further pledges such as the project with Care International on future leaders of peace; with the UK Embassy on starting cooperation with regional youth NGOs; campaigns for stopping gunshots with the Saferworld, etc. As part of the partnership with the municipality of Pejë/Pec, Syri i Vizionit finished two smaller projects under the bigger one that municipality has with the European Commission’s Liaison Office (ECLO) in Rugova Gorge: the project on community work for opening a walking path and a bus line for touristic purposes to Rugova mountainous area.
In the aspect of developing internal capacities of the organization, during this year was complemented and redone the organization’s website and complete revision of programs’ objectives, starting with drafting of specific strategies in seven respective sectors.

Rural perspective

Project Title: Rural perspective
Duration: 12 months (January-December 2011)
Location: Prizren , Rahovec , Gjakova
Implementing organization (s ):  Syri i Vizionit, Solidar Suisse
Budget: € 11,193
Donor: SDC and ADA

Project goal: Improving rural life conditions and promote sustainable economic development in western Kosovo. Also encouraging farmer organizations to develop innovative ideas and offer better services to their members.

Beneficiaries : On the business’ race "best farmer  organization in western Kosovo in 2010" , direct beneficiaries are three farmer’s organizations that have been declare winners by the jury, while indirect beneficiaries are members of the winning organizations.

Project implementation: farmer organizations that have been selected at the end of 2010 as winners in the business plan competition " the best farmer organization in western Kosovo " as the best from the neutral jury of race have been : Women’s association of Krusha fom Krusha of Rahovec , Association of farmer woman "Krusha Madhe"from Krusha of Prizren  and Farmers Association " Saturn " from Gjakova. During 2011 SiV organization and SOLIDAR Suisse monitored the implementation of the business plan from these three farmers’ associations, but at the same time providing assistance to the difficulties that those associations faced in realizing business’ plans.

Activities and Results:
- Monitoring of implementation of business plans of winning Associations
- Associations’ supporting in other activities
- Association of Women " Krusha " – Krusha Cooperative from the implementation of the business plan to build workshop for pepper processing products . In this workshop  the cooperative makes production, pasteurizing and packaging of ajvar. While pickled pepper pasteurize and pack . It has employed 12 head workers  , and besides these it  engages 13 others . During this year it managed to produce 35,000 jars of pepper products.
- Association of Women of Krusha  has managed to open the collection point in Has  provided in the business plan . At this collection point they collect and test the milk of villagers with whom they  received clothing and there the association has hired a person . It has managed to increase the  revenues of 20 farming households in the region of Has, enabling them surrender and sale of milk at this point .
- Saturn Association, has managed to increase the product of members to protect soil structure, to reduce production cost, to enable application of clystalline fertilizers, and to increase the members income with the implementation of the business’ plan.  Five members on whom  the association  has invested together hire 26 workers , this number is larger during the season .


Inconsistency of the education system with the labor market needs in Kosovo (Mismatch)

Project Title: Inconsistency of the education system with the labor market needs in Kosovo ( mismatch )
Duration: 5 months ( June-October 2011)
Location: Peja
Implementing organizations: Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 3,649
Donor: Solidar Suisse

Project goal: The goal of this project is to investigate the situation of ( non) adaption of courses that vocational schools in Peja have market needs in Kosovo, to promote the beginning of cooperation between vocational schools and business.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the project are six professional schools in the city of Peja and Peja Department of Education, which will receive a complete survey of the situation with recommendations, business and broader meaning of all professional schools.

Project Implementation: In this project is made a research with questionnaire for businesses in the municipality of Peja, of how much the stuff that they hire is qualified, the way  they train employees, etc. From which is drawn a report that was submitted to the schools and institutions in a joint press conference in which they  required  opportunities for the improvement and have been issued recommendations.

Activities and Results :
• A survey of over 120 enterprises for  employment of Peja, staff and  qualifications
• Creation of a database on enterprises, with the favorite professions that are in deficit in the Peja city.
• The report on the findings of " incompatibility" of vocational schools and labor market needs
• Joint Conference with schools , businesses , and institutions on research findings
• Recommendations for secondary schools, vocational training center, the ministry and other involved institutions.
• Publication of a study based on the findings of the project.

The development of research and training to business and all stakeholders of tourism of gazebo annual path of Peja
Project Title: The development of research and training to business and all stakeholders of tourism of gazebo annual path of Peja.
Duration: 13 months (May 2011 - June 2012)
Location: Peja
Implementing organizations: Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 9.975
Donor: European Commission Liaison Office in Kosovo

The purpose of the project: The project is implemented within the wider project access "Dukagjini and Rugova Valley Action Program" and is intended to focus on aspects related to the development of gazebo annual path (Green Path) of Peja, in support of tourism and recreation in connection with business development and growth of local brand development.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of this project are businesses and residents of the area by which the green annual path passes and al citizens and tourists of municipality of Peja and other places of Kosovo who use the path for walking and recreation. Municipality of Peja is also beneficial because from now it will offer trials from hiking, cycling and different recreational sports with conditions and very good infrastructure.

Project implementation: Within this project initially is done a research with area residents where the annual path (green path) wil pass by, which includes the walking path known as the Channel from Kapeshnica to the Third kilometer in Rugova. An analyze of the need for the existence and improvement conditions along the existing path, is extracted from the research, conditions that must be met during the construction of this path and demands of residents and users of this path. Direct meetings were held with residents and businesses of Kapeshnica, ZATRA, Levosha and Black Peak areas ,where the annual path passes with the purpose of informing and involving them on the construction of the annual path. With the start of annular path construction is conducted a survey to the residents and businesses in these areas. From this research have been identified economic and productive potentials of this area. From these results we will undertake activities that will be aimed to increase local and traditional production potentials, as well as creative activities for the use of annular path.

Activities and Results:
• Municipality of Peja is updating the requirements and recommendations and potential businesses located along the annual path.
• Community of Kapeshnica ,ZATRA, Levosha and Black Peak areas all the time they were informed about the works that have been made in the construction of the trial.
• The communities of these areas have began to be more active in the path’s maintenance and provision of services in annual path(green path).
• Business along the path or announced on local product which the local community produces, and have began to cooperate for the purpose of mutual benefit and providing traditional products in their business.

The strategy for Serbian community involvement through active participation of citizens
Title: The strategy for Serbian community involvement through active participation of citizens
Duration: 12 months (January 2011 - December 2011)
Location: Peja, Klina, Istog, Rahovec
Implementing organizations: Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 33,413
Donor: Olof Palme International Center
The purpose of the project: This project aims to empower and support the Serbian community in the municipality of Rahovec developing a three-years action plan for the community in the municipality, which will be drafted based on the needs derived by the community and support and empowerment of community and focus groups of Peja, Klina and Istog.
Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries of this project are Serbian community of municipality of Rahovec and municipal authority, the Office of Communities that have a complete plan of action for a period of three years, but also have the advantage on training. Direct beneficiaries are also communities of neighborhoods and villages of the municipalities of Peja, Klina, Istog and Rahovec, who were directly involved in the implementation of joint initiatives which were supported by small grants under the project.
The realization of the project: A three-years action strategy for Serbian community in the municipality of Rahovec was drafted in this project. The project is focused on strengthening of the community conducting various meetings and trainings aimed at increasing the capacity of the Serbian community. The project has continued to support its initiatives emerging from communities by supporting 7 implemented initiatives groups themselves and other organizations in the community based on communities of Peja, Istog, Klina and Rahovec .
Activities and Results:
• Reduction of action strategy for Serbian community in the municipality of Rahovec.
• A survey conducted with 20 percent of Serbian families in the municipality of Rahovec on the situation of households and housing facilities.
• Existing information on the advantages, strengths, weaknesses and risks detailed from the community during the facilitation of focus groups, information that will help in writing the action plan for participation of Serbian community.
• Better recognition of the municipality with RAE existing problems in their specific habitats and the creation of better cooperation between focus groups for joint actions
• Training organizations for strategic planning, drafting of project proposals and advocacy lobbying for community representatives from villages and neighborhoods in the municipality of Rahovec and also municipal representatives.
• The support of 7 initiatives of small grants for focus groups and community organizations in Peja, Istog, Klina and Rahovec (licensing and support for Radio Focus in Rahovec, animation for children of Hoca, replacement of electric poles in Binça of Klina with KEK, opening the four wells in Videja together with municipality of Klina, short course of English in Ciorkolez of Istog, debates and visits kept in Gorazhdec of Peja, paving of the way for Llazoviq neighborhood together with the Municipality.

Youth leaders of peace
Project Title: Youth leaders of peace
Duration: 6 months (September 2011 - February 2012)
Location: Peja, Klina and Istog
Implementing organizations: the Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 11,200
Donor: Care International

The purpose of the project: This project aims to create conditions for a lasting peace between young people from different communities through common cultural, sportive and recreational activities.

Beneficiaries: The main beneficiaries are young Albanians, Serbians, Roma, Egyptians, Ashkali, Bosniaks from rural areas of municipality of Peja, Klina and Istog, that through cultural and sporting activities have had the opportunity to develop their talent in a certain field, but also to enhance friendship with young people from different communities and also be notified with experiences and activities that young people in other locations conduct. They also have benefited knowledge of how they can be formed as an informal group, that in the future they may be registered as a youth center or cultural- artistic society, since durig this project these young people have had the opportunity to visit youth centers in Peja, Klina ,Istog and on organizing of cultural events.

The realization of the project: The project is focused on the involvement of young people in rural areas that are still treated as marginalized groups, as well as on the impact on improving interethnic relations among youth, extinguishing barricades and non linguistic contact between them. Within the project were held exchange visits of those young people with the aim of exchanging good practices among the youth of these village. There also were held visits by municipal officials, respectively by the Directorate of Culture, Youth and Sports and on this occasion representatives from municipalities visited youth in these villages, they announced them to the activities of the directorate and their ability to engage in activities that are organized from them. Also during the project’s realization is organized a cultural event aimed at recognizing the cultural traditions of communities. It also organized a football tournament for the purpose of escorting the youth. The project enables the empowerment of these young people to be more active in society.

Activities and Results:
• informative activities about the project with municipalities of Peja, Klina and Istog in order to identify groups of young people of all communities living in Kosovo .
• Realization of exchange visits between youth intended to increase cooperation and communication between municipalities.
• Conduction of a football tournament with the aim of creating better cooperation between the focus groups for joint actions.
• Realization of a cultural event with the aim of recognizing young people with values and traditions.
• The realization of the focus group visits youth centers in Peja, Klina and Istog with the purpose of recognizing good practice between formal and informal groups .
• the organizations of a two-days camp where attend at least 30 young people who on special gropus have worked on joint strategy based on their needs with the aim that this strategy to be submitted tto local institutions and potential donors.

Functionalization of local bus line to Rugova

Project Title: Functionalization of local bus line to Rugova
Duration: 13 months (May 2011 - June 2012 )
Location: Rugova – Peja
Implementing organizations: the Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 4.987.50
Donor: European Commission Liaison Office in Kosovo

The purpose of the project: The project is implemented within the broader project " Dukagjini and Rugova Valley Access Action Program " and is intended to functionalize the bus line serving the tourism in the area of Rugova and the creation of suitable conditions to use the bus line to travel to the area of Rugova.
Beneficiaries: Residents of the area of Rugova and all citizens and tourists are beneficial from the municipality of Peja and other places in Kosovo exploit opportunities to travel from Peja to Boga. The municipality of Peja is also beneficial, because from now will provide the citizens a bus line from Peja to Rugova ,and the operator who will have a current situation analyze before starting to functionalize the bus line and will have a stimulation for first six months.

The realization of the project: A research with residents of the area of Rugova and with residents of Peja was made within this project, which derived on issuing an analyse of the necessity for a bus line, the use of this line and the conditions that it should offer. Then the operator that will be responsible for maintaining the bus line from Peja to Rugova will be selected, who will be offered an incentive grant that has to do with regulating and holding of the bus line for Rugova. In the framework of this project will be built several shelters for waiting bus passengers, who at the same time will serve for additional information about the area.

Activities and Results:

• Establishment of the bus line Peja- Bog ( Rugova) that will hold the line at least twice a day and its registration as a regular bus line on the bus station.
• Providing of the convenient bus that will operate and provide good conditions for travel but also will introduce the area.
• Mobilizing of the community of Rugova on the needs that the community has regarding transport, determining the sites for construction of bus shelters.
• Construction of eight shelters for people that will serve as a waiting bus stations and information gateway for tourists who visit Rugova.


Monitoring the implementation of the Law for the Protection of Nature

Project Title: Monitoring the implementation of the Law for the Protection of Nature
Duration: 4 months (November 2011 - February 2012)
Location: Kosovo
 Implementing organizations: the Syri i Vizionit
Budget: € 4,680
Donor: NDI

The purpose of the project: This project aims to monitor the implementation of the Law on Nature Protection and other legal acts issued by the Government and municipalities in maintaining and improving the state of nature in Kosovo.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of this project are the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Parliamentary Commission for Agriculture, Forestry, Rural Development and Environment ( BPZHM ), municipalities and other stakeholders, as through this project for the first time will achieve by its adoption by the Assembly in 2010, to assess the implementation of this law in practice. Completion of the project provides a report with recommendations, where responsibilities will note what each institution should take in a way that nature protection law to be implemented in practice.

The realization of the project: A general analysis is made with this project of what municipal institutions have done under the obligations arising from the law on nature conservation, as well as the commitment of the central institutions, namely the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, on the completion of active legislation arising from this law, financial and professional support to municipalities, etc.. This is done in meetings conducted with each of the respective institutions, Agency for Nature Protection and institution that operates within the Ministry, civil society and other stakeholders that the Law on Nature Protection engages in nature conservation. The project also had to do with citizens' awareness of the existence of the Law on protection of nature, the organization of joint meetings with all these stakeholders to watch work, commitment and contribution of each during the two years since the law entered, and an assessment report will be submitted to the parliamentary committee and the Government.

Activities and Results:

• The organization of three public debates on various institutions of central and local level to analyze the achievements of law enforcement.
• The organization of a public meeting between institutions, businesses and legal experts on measures of punishment for perpetrators of nature.
• The including of all institutions and other interest groups from local and central government in the implementation of nature protection legislation.
• Drafting of an evaluation report including recommendations from all stakeholders engaged in the process of implementation of the Law on nature.
• The publication of the evaluation report and submission of the report to the Ministry of MPH and the parliamentary committee's of BPZHRM.

Help on the implementation of MOBKOS II

Project Title: Help on the implementation of MOBKOS II
Duration: 4 months ( March 2011 - October 2011 )
Location: Kosovo, Peja Municipality
 Implementing organizations: " Eye of Vision " MOBKOS program, Municipality of Peja
Budget: € 6,934
Donor: Flemish Government ( Belgium ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure with support from the Municipality of Peja

The purpose of the project: This project aims to increase the awareness of citizens and institutions in relation to urban mobility.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are municipalities and the Ministry that collect the information they need regarding spatial planning, and take suggestions and ideas regarding urban mobility experts; activists and organizations that deal with the environment and urbanism; and finally citizens of Peja through campaign’s promotion for the use of bicycles and parking in order to alleviate urban traffic.
The realization of the project: The project is a continuation of the project MOBKOS 1, while at this stage Eye of Vision has the role of the secretariat of the program, to maintain contacts with partners and beneficiaries. Part of the work has been the creation and maintenance of a web site named MOBKOS, which serves as a national platform for urban mobility in Kosovo and in published articles, studies and opinions on urban mobility in Kosovo. EV has been responsible of the holding of national conferences on urban mobility, conducting campaigns about parking and awareness the population for the development of urban mobility .

Activities and Results:
• Management MOBKOS web site through the call for the drafting of 50 articles in the field of urban mobility
• Campaign for the release of parking: Shooting of five professional spots on the street ,its publication and distribution
• Visual campaign materials: posters, leaflets, to promote urban mobility
• Realization of two conferences with experts and institutions to create a common platform of action throughout Kosovo regarding urban mobility
• Assist Licensing By - pad Audi for Peja.