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Projects of 2006

In 2006 “Syri i Vizioni” is fully involved in fulfilling the obligations that have emerged within the Kosovo Initiative Program network, which has already become a well-organized structure of organizations operating in the field, each in its own area in three the states. “Syri i Vizioni” has implemented several projects within the Youth Component of the KIP program, projects in some of which it was the leading organization in cooperation with other organizations.

The important commitment was the continuation of the projects started a year ago in the “7 September” neighborhood with the Roma and Egyptian returnees, since this year the employment component for the returnees of this community also begins. This was just one part of the project that was developed along many lines with the community in this neighborhood. During the year, a brochure for the return was also drafted. This brochure provided complete data collected in one place for returnees in the municipalities of Klinë, Pejë, Prizren and Istog. The brochure was also addressed to the municipalities with complete data on the return and for the first time offered independent data for the displaced persons who had been constantly misinformed by the Serbian propaganda, which for the needs of politics did not support the return to Kosovo.

Kasneci, which was left without funding in the last months of last year, was reactivated during this year and with greater commitment of the staff took on a more professional profile by raising the advocacy voice and addressing the problems of citizens’ lives in relation to the institutions, but also the democratization and reform of local governments, the judiciary, etc. The project that started last year as a collaboration between OSCE and USAID, then continued only with the latter in a nine-month period that lasted until February 2007, when the last issue of “Kasnec” was published.

Exchange and distribution of information on the process of return to Kosovo/Creation of websites in selected municipalities in Kosovo
Project Title: Exchange and distribution of information on the process of return to Kosovo/Creation of websites in selected municipalities in Kosovo

Duration: 14 months (July 2006 – October 2007)

Country: Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with International Aid Network (IAN), Belgrade, Serbia

Budget: €28,708 (25,131 + 3,576)

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP)

Purpose of the project: This project is the continuation of the first test phase (pilot phase) that was implemented during the months of June-August 2006. KIP approved the continuation of this additional project for 14 months based on the evaluation and positive results achieved during the test phase two months. The aim of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between the civil society (NGOs of the KIP network) and the Municipalities of Kosovo in order to support the activities for return and re-integration. Cooperation will be supported through assistance in the creation of municipal websites with a focus on the process of return and re-integration in Kosovo in the five selected municipalities of Kosovo such as: Istog, Klinë, Prizren, Skenderaj and Mitrovica.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are the five selected municipalities of Kosovo, the return and host community as well as the wider community in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, through access to information related to the return and re-integration process in general. In addition, local media in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro have the opportunity to expand their sources of information on the return process. Realization of the project: The project is based on the cooperation between the member organizations of the KIP network and the Municipalities. This project, through the design of web pages, is addressed to local authorities, civil society in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, displaced persons and refugees, in order to facilitate and support the return of minorities by creating connections between displaced persons and refugees with the communities that located in the country of origin, through the continuous exchange of information; providing important information for displaced persons and refugees/for organizations that are helping in this process, as well as presenting problems and issues to decision-makers; improving the quality of assistance provided by NGOs, local authorities and the business community through the exchange of information among themselves; also offering regional IT training for municipal officials and NGOs member of the KIP network.

Activities and Results:

• Proper presentation of basic information on the return process; creating a link on every website of the municipality in which there are at least 20 articles

• Over 100 articles with relevant and easily accessible information, different forms and procedures for the displaced, NGOs assisting in the process, local media, municipal representatives and international organizations;

• Raising the exchange of information between the member NGOs of the KIP network in the region and greater visibility;

• Development of IT knowledge within the KIP network.

Support for the return of the Roma and Egyptian communities to the "7 September" neighborhood - Re-integration through employment and community mobilization - Phase I and II
Project Title: Support for the return of the Roma and Egyptian communities in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori" - Re-integration through employment and community mobilization - Phases I and II

Duration: 16 months (August 2006 – November 2007).

Place: Municipality of Peja

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni, leading organization in partnership with the NGO "Vizioni 02", Istog

Budget: €91,190 (€20,000 + €44,990 through KIP and €6,950 + 19,250 with DRC)

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP) and the Government of the Netherlands through the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

The purpose of the project: This project is a continuation of the previous project called to support the return of the Roma and Egyptian communities to the neighborhood "7 Shtatori". In general, the project in question had the primary aim of creating conditions for the sustainable integration of Roma and Egyptian families who returned this year from Montenegro to Peja, offering them the opportunity to create effective connections with local businesses operating in that part. . The project was developed in several stages and employed 20 people.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are 16 returned families of the Roma and Egyptian community and 4 families from the host community that have been employed, as well as 10 companies that have benefited from machinery for their needs in the work process.

Realization of the project: The project mainly concerns the creation of jobs for 16 members of the Roma and Egyptian community returned to Peja as well as 4 members of the host community (20 people in general); the project includes primarily the additional payment of these workers and local businesses that employ the beneficiaries. Second, it foresees the support of small investments for selected companies that have employed beneficiaries from the Roma and Egyptian community. In addition, during the project, regular weekly monitoring and support for companies, regular assessment of the fulfillment of the obligations of members of the Roma and Egyptian community who are employed; then small investments amounting to 1,500 Euros per company for each worker they have hired, and partially subsidizing the monthly payment for the 12 employees of this project and a bicycle to make it easier for them to go to work. In terms of communication and information, the project has carried out 3 radio broadcasts in the local media as well as the publication of several articles in the printed and electronic media with the aim of raising the visibility of the KIP's actions as well as further advocating for the return of the displaced from the Roma and Egyptian community in Peja.

Activities and Results:

• Hiring and monitoring the work of 12 workers and businesses;

• Providing equipment for participating companies in the amount of 1500 euros subsidy for each of the 14 employees and 10 businesses;

• Organizing and holding three radio shows in local media and publishing a number of articles and interviews in newspapers

Brochure for displaced persons
Project Title: Booklet for displaced persons

Duration: 6 months (August 2006 – January 2007)

Country: Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision and SDF Belgrade

Budget: €5,640

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP)

The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project was to provide information on the process of returning to Kosovo in the Albanian and Serbian languages ​​in the following municipalities: Klinë, Pejë, Prizren and Istog. The project includes the collection and dissemination of data for the purpose of successful return planning. The collected information is published in a booklet and distributed to all stakeholders, institutions, refugees/displaced persons, host community and published online.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are the four municipalities and the displaced persons from these municipalities living outside Kosovo who have received information in one place about the return process. Project implementation: The project included research, information gathering, brochure design, printing and distribution. In addition, the project also included a number of activities such as organizing regular meetings with relevant institutions to gather information, including countries such as Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro.

Activities and Results:

• Printing two thousand (2000) copies of brochures in Albanian and Serbian separately for each municipality;

• Holding regular meetings with the relevant institutions in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro in order to gather the latest information on the return process.

Advocacy newsletter - Kasneci/Glasnik
Project title: Advocacy newsletter - Kasneci/Glasnik

Duration: 9 months (June 2006 – February 2007)

Country: Region of Peja (municipalities: Peja, Klinë, Deçan and Istog)

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €17,955


The purpose of the project: Through the publication of a series of newsletters, this project aims to raise the awareness of the public and the local government in the region of Peja. Also, it aims to improve the quality of life and the efficiency of civic actions, as a result, the accountability and performance of municipal structures.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of this enterprise are all those whose concerns and voices are heard (from all communities), and which, as a result, can result in the improvement of both infrastructural and living conditions. Also, all those targeted as young people and the elderly benefit from the information provided. More broadly, citizens of the Peja region (including Peja, Deçan, Istog and Klina) benefit from information provided from a different perspective (of civil society) than what they are used to receiving from official sources in this region. Moreover, young and talented individuals have the opportunity to participate in this publication by providing their writings.

Realization of the project: The publication of "Kasnec" is made possible by the collection of information and the drafting of articles by the team of journalists, and after editing and designing, the newspaper is distributed free of charge to citizens in more than 100 frequented points in cities and villages. The newspaper was published in Albanian and Bosnian-Serbian languages. Kasneci has helped to create bridges between citizens and municipal structures through support, monitoring, advocacy activities and the creation of formal or non-formal networks in the municipality of Peja. With two pages for minority communities and bilingual publication "Kasneci" has helped inter-ethnic dialogue and mutual contact between communities. At this stage, the newspaper has engaged professional journalists. The editorial policy was based on three lines: the functioning of institutions, the activities of civil society and the reflection of citizens' lives.

Activities and Results:

• Publication of 9 issues of Kasnec of 12 pages each in the Albanian and Bosnian-Serbian languages ​​(4000 per issue in Albanian and 400 in Bosnian-Serbian);

• In each issue, the publication of about 30 articles dealing with problems of citizens' lives, the functioning of institutions and activities of civil society

• Two-page coverage with 3-4 articles for each municipality of Pejë, Deçan, Klinë and Istog and two pages for minority communities

• Employment of eight journalists continuously

• Raising issues and advocating for various community issues. There have been many cases where articles in the newspaper have prompted action by the authorities

• Raising volunteerism among youth groups and writing articles

• Publication of a page with citizens' letters

Coordination of the OWPEJL network for Kosovo
Project Title: Coordination of the OWPEJL network for Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January - December 2006)

Country: Kosovo Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni

Budget: €11,700

Donor: Hivos

The purpose of the project: Support and promotion of OWPEJL's program areas (projects and initiatives) with a focus on creating the content of materials for publication in the Albanian language as well as network management/representation for Kosovo of OWPEJL. Coordination of activities will be done through the OneWorld network in the Southeast Europe region.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of this undertaking are all those countries that access the OWPEJL through the Internet and are thus notified quickly of developments occurring in the region covered by OWPEJL as well as in the particular languages ​​of the readers of these countries.

Project implementation: This project is based on the provision of support through the exchange of information and online and printed materials related to the areas of direct cooperation and public information. In addition, OWPEJL enables readers to obtain information about various social, economic and political developments in the countries it covers. Communication between network members is based on partnership, where each organization exchanges information and materials for coordinated distribution.

Activities and Results:

• Maintenance and coverage of the Albanian language portal of OWPEJL

• Publication of more than 100 topics/issues and publication in the Albanian language. This information is further translated into the languages ​​of the countries where OneWorld is located;

• Regular engagement of a person (network manager) and editor;

• Increasing the diversity of information provided for the countries covered by the OWPEJL platform.

Strengthening cross-border and inter-ethnic networking and dialogue among young people – KIP Youth Component (year 4)
Project Title: Strengthening Cross-Border and Inter-Ethnic Networking and Dialogue among Young People – KIP Youth Component (Year 4)

Duration: 5 months (August – December 2006)

Country: Kosovo and Serbia

Implementing organization(s): "Syri i Vizioni" as a leading organization in partnership with the NGOs "Zavicaj za Povratak" (ZzP), Kragujevac, Serbia, Caritas Kosova-Mitrovica and Fisnikite - Prizren.

Budget: €28,600

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP)

Purpose of the project: The project aimed to develop sustainable cross-border links between young activists and secondary schools in Kosovo and Serbia through a dual project with a focus on youth and return. The project in question consisted of two components: 1. Education and Empowerment of Youth in secondary schools and 2. Distribution of micro-grants for youth in support of the return and integration process.

Beneficiaries: Ten students from secondary schools from Kosovo and Serbia benefited directly from the meeting/joint training. Other indirect beneficiaries were 100 students from these 10 schools from the cooperation with the leaders, who participated in the meeting/training. Also, a large number of students have benefited during the implementation of the activities under the Small Fund.

Project implementation: The component for Youth Education and Empowerment in secondary schools is planned to equip selected young people from Kosovo and Serbia with basic knowledge in the field of conflict management, project design, journalism and web design, such as and to transfer to them the appropriate knowledge on the principles related to the process of return to Kosovo. This component was implemented in 10 locations (5 in Kosovo and 5 in Serbia) and had a target of 100 students, 10 for each location. In a geographical sense, the project represents close cooperation with 10 secondary schools in the following municipalities: Pejë, Prizren, Mitrovica (north and south), Istog and Klinë, Kragujevc, Kralevë, Beograd and Smedervska Palanka. While, the other component, Micro-grants for Youth in support of return and re-integration, has supported the development of a scheme for small grants that have been distributed to selected schools from Kosovo and Serbia in order to harmonize the efforts made by NGOs of KIP members in the process of returning to Kosovo. The previous grants have reached the amount of up to 1,200 Euros. Six grants are allocated within this component.

Activities and Results: Component 1: Education and Empowerment of Youth in Secondary Schools:

• Creation of ten focus groups with participants from secondary schools in the 10 municipalities defined in the region

• Organization and holding of ten trainings, of 5 days each with a participation of 100 primary school students on the topics defined above (50 days in general);

• Development of a pilot website for young volunteers, which will serve to exchange information among young people;

• Organizing and holding a short training for ten focus group leaders in order to allow volunteers to maintain the pilot website;

• Support for the organization of a 3-day meeting with young people among 10 leaders from the focus groups. Component 2: Micro-grants in support of the return and re-integration process:

• Development of a grant scheme for selected schools in Kosovo and Serbia in order to harmonize the efforts of KIP organizations in the process of returning to Kosovo;

• Creation of the Committee for the allocation of grants, composed of KIP member NGOs, and operating on the basis of transparency and KIP procedures during the allocation of grants;

• Allocation of grants to primary schools (in 6 municipalities) for the implementation of initiatives related to return.

KIP Network Annual Meeting 2006 – Youth Development Component – ​​Third Phase (III)
Project Title: KIP Network Annual Meeting 2006 – Youth Development Component – ​​Third Phase (III)

Duration: 2 months (July - August 2006)

Country: Montenegro

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni, leading organization in partnership with the NGO OAZA, Peja

Budget: €15,655 Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP)

The purpose of the project: Organization of a three-day Network Meeting with all 17 member NGOs of the KIP Network. Such cross-border meeting is an opportunity to draft and finalize in detail the Action Plan in several key areas identified by the Development of the Youth Component of the KIP such as: 1. Networking with youth organizations/groups outside the KIP network; 2. Youth Participation: organizing debates in primary schools in terms of return and re-integration, and 3. Youth empowerment and mobilization: creating an Open Fund for primary school students so that they are involved in activities in the process of returning and meeting the standards in Kosovo.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are the 17 organizations of the KIP Network, which have participated with two representatives each, people who work on strengthening local partnerships and within organizations. Also, groups of students from 10 primary schools from Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro who participated in training and other social activities also benefited.

Realization of the project: With this project, the continuity of the strategic plans drawn up by the member NGOs of the KIP Network on the occasion of the first and second meeting has been ensured. Concretely, this meeting of the Network is organized in order to draft (with the help of professional trainers/consultants), a comprehensive Action Plan to be implemented during the fourth year of the Development of the Youth Component of the KIP Network.

Activities and Results:

• Determination of activities by each group for Education/Networking and Small Grants;

• Preparation of the proposal for training/conference;

• Organization of the three-day Network Meeting;

• Preparation of the final Action Plan and delivery to the donor and partners;

• Publication of information on the Youth component of the KIP as well as the distribution of information in schools with the aim of fair information.

The action plan for re-integration in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori", Pejë
Project title: Action plan for re-integration in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori", Pejë -

Duration: 8 months (April - November 2006)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni as the lead organization in partnership with "Visioni 02" Istog and Helping People in Need (HPN) from Rozhaja, Montenegro

Budget: €32,935 (24,995 + 7,940)

Donor: The Kosovo Initiative Program (KIP) €24,995 and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) €7,940

The purpose of the project: This project aims to create suitable conditions for the return and sustainable re-integration of 25 families of the Roma and Egyptian community in their countries of origin in Kosovo, in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori" in the Municipality of Peja.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are 110 people from 20-25 families of the Roma and Egyptian community who are displaced and lived in the "Konik 1" camp in Podgorica, Montenegro and who expressed their willingness to returned to their place of origin in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori". In addition, meetings have been organized with the return and host communities (youth, women and men) to improve the image and remove prejudices about each other.

Realization of the project: This project mainly dealt with dialogue activities through trainings and social activities in the field of advocacy and education, as well as there were specific activities in the local media in order to raise awareness. Further, the project continued with the gathering of the group already created (in the preliminary project), which consists of 6 people and the division into focus groups. The selection of these groups was made in particular based on the expressed will and willingness to cooperate and live together with other communities in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori".

Activities and Results:

• Raising cooperation, strengthening relations between relevant institutions and community groups;

• Development of methods for collaboration in focus groups in both locations including youth, women and men;

• Organizing meetings and creating contacts between focus groups in the respective locations;

• Reducing barriers in putting forward ideas for joint action;

• Taking concrete steps to improve the hygienic conditions of families by action groups and neighborhood residents;

• Training of children aged 5-7 years with knowledge to enter primary school;

• Reducing the illiteracy rate by offering door-to-door literacy courses in the neighborhood;

• Improving the technical conditions of the Community Center.

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