think globally,
act locally


The year 2003 characterized a continuation of the work and activities from the previous years. During January – December 2003 Syri i Vizionit published the Herald (Kasneci), a youth and advocacy newspaper (financed by OSCE). Throughout this year was initiated and opened the Youth Centre ‘ZOOM’ in Peja (supported by Trentiono Con il Kossovo). Additionally, within the centre ‘ZOOM’ it was organized and coordinated ‘Journalist School’ which was planed for an initial phase to last 9 months with a possibility to extend in the upcoming years (supported by Trentiono Con il Kossovo and participating students). 

After a short period of rest, Syri i Vizionit begin to issue its exemplary youth magazine ‘Vizioni’. Aim of the magazine is to better integrate youth into current Kosovo society and creation of a core group of youths as community leaders in the area of media. The number of printed copies reached 2000 and it was distributed in the Region of Peja.

Another activity that marked September 2003 is that Syri i Vizionit reached an agreement with One World South East Europe Portal, an internet based media with offices almost allover the world. Syri i Vizionit will be the main partner and representative to cover news and other information for the portal in Albanian language. The initiative will have a prospective future according to anticipated plans.