Terms of Reference
Trainings: “Writing of Projects and Development of debating knowledge for children of the ROR monitoring group”
1. Introduction:
The organization Syri i Vizioni (SiV) was officially registered as a local NGO in September 2001, but it started functioning earlier since 1999 as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in the municipality of Peja.
Throughout the last years, the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” has developed numerous partnerships with a wide spectrum of local and international organizations, municipalities and other active factors in Kosovo and the Balkans such as: European Commission, Save the Children in Kosovo, Olof Palme International Centre, Solidar Suisse, Volkshilfe Solidaritet, ADA, USAID, KEC, KFOS, DRC, CARE International, OSCE, etc.
2. General Information:
Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with Save the Children office in Kosovo, has been working for five years on programs on the monitoring and protection of children’s rights in Kosovo, aimed at respecting the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, in within which he has developed projects to strengthen the mechanisms of preventing violence, corporal punishment and reporting cases of violence in the schools of the municipalities of Pejë, Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjilan and Gjakovë.
In the framework of the thematic program in the field of protection and governance with children’s rights “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights”, special importance is the protection of children from violence, and governance with rights Theirs.
An important part of the child rights governance program is the raising of the professional capacities of children, members of the Respect our Rights (ROR) group, in monitoring the implementation of children’s rights in Kosovo, based on the International Convention on the Rights of The child. Their professional development in writing projects aimed at improving the position of children’s rights and participating in decision-making by themselves and expanding their debating knowledge with other actors who are responsible for the implementation of children’s rights.
In order to achieve this goal, Syri i Vizioni seeks to engage a trainer/professional (expert in the relevant field) to provide one-day trainings in project writing and debating knowledge development.
2.1. Objectives:
Raising professional capacities in “Writing Projects and Development of debating knowledge” of the Respect our Rights (ROR) children’s monitoring group.
2.2. Purpose of the Training:
This training is specially organized for the Respect our Rights (ROR) group of children, aged 14-18.
The purpose of the training is to raise the individual, group and professional capacities of the members of this group – to design projects or publications related to their research in the field of children’s rights, and to know how to argue the findings and recommendations theirs when they present to the responsible actors and manage to debate ensuring the improvement of the situation of children in Kosovo.
3. Hiring the coach:
The selected trainer will be engaged through an agreement for the provision of the Eye of Vision service, under the coordination of the Thematic Manager for Child Protection and the Thematic Manager for Governance with the Rights of the Child, as well as with the support of the staff of the Eye of Vision .
The engaged coach is expected to have the following qualifications:
– University degree – Bachelor or Master
– Experience working with children in the aforementioned fields (trainings, lectures, workshops, etc.)
– Certificate of training in the relevant field or similar fields
3.1. Duties and Responsibilities:
The trainer engaged during this training is expected to:
Prepare the necessary and comprehensible materials for children aged 14-18 years for training in writing projects and developing knowledge in debate and agenda, in compliance and prior consultation with the responsible staff of SiV and Save the Children;
– I offer training in a way where the priority is the inclusion of children and their highest interest, clarifying and elaborating on the topic and relevant terms in a language understandable to children;
– Organizes discussions through practical and comprehensible examples for children, working also in groups;
– Shares the evaluation questionnaire on the children’s knowledge on the subject of the training before and after the training is completed (the questionnaire is developed in cooperation with SiV and Save the Children);
– Drafts and submits a final report on the training, including the knowledge gained by the participants, the main issues that emerged during the training and group work, as well as the analysis of the findings from the pre- and post-test results and recommendations.
3.2. Coach’s commitment:
The engagement will be done on a daily basis, including the following activities:
Tasks Duration
Preparation of all materials, including the training agenda and questionnaires for measuring the knowledge of the participants before and after the training – 1 day
Training provision – 2 days
Preparation and submission of the final report on the engagement – 1 day
Total: 4 days
3.3. Payment Terms:
– The payment of the trainer will be made according to the relevant invoice for the performance of services;
– The payment will be made through a bank transaction in Euro currency (€) after the successful completion of the training, respectively after sending the final written report and its approval by Eye of Vision.
3.4. The Trainer’s Payment will compensate for work performed on:
– Commitment to training organization (including all necessary details);
– Pre-preparatory work and compilation of necessary materials for training;
– Commitment to writing the final report.
Note: Based on Kosovo law, Syri i Vizioni is obliged to pay the tax (Tax and Pension) of 10% of the gross amount.
As a fundamental part of the trainer’s commitment, the part of reporting is foreseen. The engagement payment is made upon satisfactory acceptance of the report sent by the coach. It is foreseen that as part of the report there will also be an analysis of the results generated by the questionnaires for the evaluation of the knowledge gained from the training, comparing the results of the questionnaires before the training with the results of the questionnaires after the training.
Sending the written report by the trainer is mandatory after the end of the training, within one week.
4. Application Process:
Those interested should send the documents mentioned below to this e-mail: info@syriivizionit.org.
– University degree
– Certificate of training in the relevant field or similar fields
– Training methodology
The deadline for application is: July 30, 2017, 4:00 p.m.
Only the successful candidate will be contacted.
5. Responsible Persons in the Eye of Vision:
Naser Lajqi – Program Manager
Teuta Uka – Manager of the theme “Governance with Children’s Rights”
NGO “Eye of Vision”
Rr. Isa Demaj. No. 14-30 000 Peja
Tel. +381 (0) 39 423 240
E-mail: naser.lajqi@syriivizionit.org
E-mail: teuta.uka@syriivizionit.org
E-mail: info@syriivizonit.org
Website: www.syriivizionit.org