Terms of Reference: Consultant for the realization of the legal study on the mechanisms of organization and representation of children at the local level
The organization Syri i Vizioni (SiV) was officially registered as a local NGO in September 2001, but it started functioning earlier since 1999 as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in the municipality of Peja.
Throughout the last years, the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” has developed numerous partnerships with a wide spectrum of local and international organizations, municipalities and other active factors in Kosovo and the Balkans such as: European Commission, Save the Children in Kosovo, Olof Palme International Centre, Solidar Suisse, Volkshilfe Solidaritet, ADA, USAID, KEC, KFOS, DRC, CARE International, OSCE, etc.
General information about the project
Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with Save the Children – office in Kosovo, has been working for five years on programs on monitoring and protecting the rights of children in Kosovo, which aim to respect the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, within which he has developed projects to strengthen the mechanisms of preventing violence, corporal punishment and reporting cases of violence in the schools of the municipalities of Pejë, Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjilan and Gjakovë.
Within the framework of the thematic program in the field of Governance with children’s rights “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights”, work will be done on empowering children at the local level by directly influencing their participation in decision-making and improving the situation of their rights at the local and national level, thereby creating legal mechanisms for the organization and representation of children at the local level, either through student councils or municipal assemblies of children or any other structure determined by the legislation in force .
Within the framework of the topic Governance with Children’s Rights, Syri i Vizioni seeks to engage a consultant for the realization of a legal study on the mechanisms of the organization and representation of children in primary and lower secondary schools at the school and municipality level, in the municipalities of Peja , Klinë, Gjakovë, Prizren, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Pristina and Mitrovica.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of engaging this consultant is to develop a professional study on the legal mechanisms related to the organization and representation of children in school and municipality. This study will clarify specifically and clearly what is the way of organization and representation of children at the school and municipality level and in what form is their representation and direct participation in decision-making determined. It will also offer us alternatives or additional mechanisms on how the organization and the best representation of children can be made in the above-mentioned municipalities, it will clarify the role of the Municipal Children’s Assembly, the councils of students of primary and lower secondary schools , or any other mechanism. This study will empower children and us as an organization, in order to hold the institutions that are mandated to govern with children’s rights responsible for the legal obligations they have towards children, both in the organization and representation of children and direct involvement their decision-making.
Expected results:
The drafting of the analytical and research report on the legal mechanisms of the organization and representation of children in schools and municipalities, with specific recommendations and suggestions for the forms, methodologies and legal and sub-legal obligations that Kosovo and the municipalities have, always based on the governance of children’s rights and their involvement in decision-making (laws, by-laws must be marked with *). The report must have a research and specific analysis for each law, by-law or decision both in the municipality and in the school (primary and lower secondary schools).
Qualification and Contracting of the Consultant
– University Degree in Law
– Documentation of work experience in analyzing any legal study
– Certificates in the relevant field and work experience in the field of children’s rights and governance with children’s rights
The expert will be engaged through a contract for services that will be signed with the “Eye of the Vision” – under the coordination of the Finance and Administration Manager. In this contract, the points which are not included in this document will be specifically defined.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The engaged professional expert is expected to:
– To send the work methodology on the legal study on the legal mechanisms of representation and organization of children in schools and municipalities;
– To analyze and consult all laws, by-laws (administrative instructions, municipal regulations, decisions, etc.);
– Draft and submit the first draft of the remote study three weeks (21 days) after signing the contract with SiV
– Submit the final study report one week (7 days) after the comments and suggestions given by SiV and Save the Children.
Engagement of the Consultant
The commitment will be made on a daily basis, which will include the following activities:
Tasks Duration
– Preparation and submission of work methodology on the study 1 day
– Analysis and study of all laws and other by-laws 6 days
– Drafting of the first draft of the study report, 2 days
– Incorporation of comments from SiV and Save the Children and submission of the final report 1 day
Total: 10 days
Payment Terms:
– The payment of the consultant will be made according to the relevant invoice for the performance of the services;
– Payment will be made through a bank transaction in euro currency. The payment will be made after the final study report is submitted and after it has been accepted by SiV and SCI.
The expert’s fee will compensate for the work performed including:
– Pre-preparatory work and necessary materials for study and analysis;
– Writing the final report.
Based on Kosovo law, Syri i Vizioni is also obliged to pay tax (tax and pension) of 10% of the gross amount.
As a fundamental part of the expert’s commitment, the part of the report on his/her commitment is provided, which must be submitted one month (30 days) after the contract has been signed with him and after the final report on the study has been submitted and received.
Method of application:
– University diploma
– CV and a letter of expression of interest
– Work methodology
– Financial proposal
– Report or any work in the field of study and analysis of laws and sub-legal acts (preferable)
All those interested in the position of consultant can send the required documentation by mail to the address NGO “Syri i Vizionit”, Isa Demaj 14, 30 000 Pejë, or in electronic form to: info@syriivizionit.org, by the date: October 10, 2017, time: 17:00.
Only successful candidates will be invited.
Rr. Isa Demaj. No. 14-30 000 Peja
tel. +377 (0) 44 695 650
+381 (0) 39 423 240
e-mail: naser.lajqi@syriivizionit.org