mendo globalisht,
vepro lokalisht


“Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo” project, 2020/419-484, Activity 2.4.

18/SiV/2022 – Trainer / Organization – Trainings for social enterprises and business idea development, as well as advice-giving for development of business idea for 30 participants for the “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo” Project funded by European Union funds and implemented by Syri i Vizionit (SiV) in partnership with The Balkan Forum and the Municipality of Istog.

Termat e Referencës
January 2022

Rreth Syri i Vizionit
Syri i Vizionit (SiV) was officially registered as a local NGO in September 2001, but it started operating in the municipality of Pejë since 1999 as a Community Based Organization (CBO).
Since the very beginning, organization’s motto was “Think globally, act locally,” to which it stood loyal. Organization’s mission is “developing community of people, non-formal groups, organizations, networks, institutions and donors through advocacy, information exchange and awareness raising” and SiV through its action proves that it is an organization that accomplishes local actions based on best practices.

Informata të përgjithshme
Syri i Vizionit in partnership with The Balkan Forum and the Municipality of Istog are implementing the “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo” project, which is supported by European Union funds. The project aims to provide additional active labour market measures, such as providing support for specific training, on-the-job training, providing internships and self-employment of vulnerable groups in Kosovo. Furthermore, it will support development of new enterprises to develop opportunities for creating employment perspectives for particularly vulnerable groups in the labour market.

Target groups include communities with the lowest average participation in the economy: youth, working-age women, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities including Bosniak, Serb, Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali individuals in five municipalities in Kosovo: Istog, Pejë, Klinë, Deçan and Junik.

Syri i Vizionit, The Balkan Forum and the Municipality of Istog invite experienced Professional Trainers / Training Organizations in the field of training (at least 5 years) for social enterprises and business ideas to build the capacities of young people, working women, Persons with Disabilities and ethnic minorities of Bosniaks, Serbs, Roma, Egyptians and Ashkali, to develop their innovative ideas and turn them into social enterprises / Start-ups.

Beneficiaries of these training / advice-giving will be the above-mentioned target group in the following areas:
1. Holding of the training on social enterprises and development of business ideas
2. Individual advice-giving for business plan development.

Necessary qualifications:
• Adequate qualification in providing training as a trainer / organization
• Proposed trainer(s) to have experience and qualification in one of these fields – Business Management and Innovation (Master qualification and professional/non-formal education in training fields is an advantage)
• Work experience of at least three (3) years in providing training and their implementation related to the target groups
• Knowledge of minimum standards for working with people with disabilities and other marginalized groups.

Tasks and responsibilities:
The engaged trainer / organization is expected to:
• Develop training modules for specific areas in consultation with responsible SiV staff, for review and prior approval
• Prepare necessary additional training and counselling materials including Power Point presentation for each training module, training agenda, and pre- and post-training questionnaires, in consultation with responsible SiV staff for review and prior approval
• Lead the training with professionalism, clarifies and elaborates the relevant topics and terms in a language understandable to the participants
• Prepare a narrative report no later than five (5) working days after completing the training and all the engagement.

Engagement of the Company / Organization:

The trainer / organization will be engaged through a service contract with Syri i Vizionit – under the coordination of the Finance and Administration Manager. In this contract will be specifically defined the points which are not included in this document.

Tasks Kohëzgjatja
Preparation of training methodology (Module / methodology, agenda, pre- and post-training questionnaires, and other necessary materials) 1 day
Holding trainings for young people, women, people with disabilities and non-majority communities from five municipalities (Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan and Junik) 3 days
Preparation and submission of narrative report for the workshop / training 1 day
Individual advisory on development of business ideas 20 days
Gjithsej: 25 days


Terms of payment:
The payment of the trainer(s) / Organization will be made according to the relevant invoice for the delivery of services, which will be prepared or issued by the Trainer / Organization for the trainings held. Payment will be made through a bank transaction in Euro. It will be made upon successful completion of all trainings and submission of the narrative report approved by SiV.
The costs of holding the trainings (materials, space, drinks, and food) will be covered by the organizer.

Documents and application procedure:

• Copy of the University Diploma of the trainer / staff engaged in holding the trainings (any Licensing Certificate from the responsible institution is considered an advantage)
• Registration certificate proving that the organization is registered
• Certificate or any other document proving that the trainer / organization is credible and licensed to provide training
• Work methodology, including planning the process of developing training materials and holding of trainings
• Work methodology, including planning the process of developing materials for individual advice-giving
• A letter of motivation including the work experience and expertise of the trainer / organization in the field of such trainings
• A tentative work-plan
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Trainers
• Financial proposal *
* The financial offer should be detailed for each job that will be performed, this should include the development of the module and training materials, the holding of trainings, and writing of the report.

Download tender documents:

Applications must be submitted electronically to the e-mail address: with the subject: Public Call – Trainer for Training of Social Enterprises and Business Ideas. Or also by mail to the address of the NGO: “Syri i Vizionit”, Rr. Isa Demaj, no. 14, 30,000 Pejë, Kosovë. The deadline for submitting the application is 04 February 2022 (Friday), at 16:00hrs.

Vetëm kandidatët e suksesshëm do të kontaktohen!

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