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Pejë, December 05- Representatives of hotel and tourism businesses in the area of ​​Rugova together with the teachers of the “Ali Hadri” Economic High School in Pejë have discussed the issues of education for hotel and tourism in the municipality of Pejë and the possibilities of implementing the practice. professional by the students of this school in the relevant businesses. The development of tourism requires the right professional framework, which must be created with the relevant education and following practices directly in the private business sector. Even the businesses in the area, which are mainly built as family economies, need to train the staff and this is another opportunity for cooperation between business and school.
The meetings between the business and the economic high school “Ali Hadri” with business representatives from the area of ​​Rugova are a continuation of the meetings held this year within the framework of the project “Mismatch” which is financed by Solidar Suisse and aims to adapt the schools to the market of work and the best possible preparation of students according to the needs of the labor market. Within the framework of the meeting in Rugovë, several cooperation agreements were signed between the school and enterprises for cooperation in carrying out internships for the students of this school.


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