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Drafting of the action plan for gender issues in the Municipality of Peja

With the support of the EU and the implementation of the project by UNDP and NGO Syri i Vizioni in Peja, a workshop was organized for the drafting of the action plan for gender issues in the Municipality of Peja, with representatives of the local government and civil society in the Municipality of Peja. The aim of the workshop was to identify, from the national strategic plan, key issues that will be dealt with by the key actors of the municipality of Peja, including municipal institutions and civil society.

Many issues were discussed during the workshop, such as the economic empowerment of women, the improvement of the social situation, health and education.
The municipality of Peja, from the strategic plan drawn up at the national level, is defined in three issues, education, health, women in decision-making. The purpose of this whole workshop was for the municipality of Peja to have a concrete plan for gender issues, which will deal with the points that are considered to be the priorities for the municipality of Peja, even the municipal officials have promised that they will be very engaged in the drafting and the implementation of this plan in the best form.

The project is organized in partnership with two United Nations agencies, UNDP and UN Women, financed by the European Commission.


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