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The organization “Syri i Vizioni” for two days in a row has gathered more than 30 young people from all communities in a joint camp for the drafting of the action strategy for young people.
“Trout” Hotel in Istog was the place where young people from the most marginalized villages or neighborhoods of Pejë, Klinë and Istog municipalities, for two consecutive days, met together and worked on drafting the action strategy, which aims to revive different activities in these areas and the activation of these young people, so that they themselves can organize themselves to improve their lives, advocate for the realization of their rights to the responsible institutions, so that this layer of young people can also be an active part of society.

During these two days of stay at the camp, these young people have addressed, debated and analyzed numerous problems that they face every day or that preoccupy them, such as the economic aspect, education, health, environment, culture, sports, etc.
The purpose of this camp was to finalize all the problems presented by these young people with a document where they are specifically addressed and this document presents the current situation of these young people and the need they have to activate and contribute all together regardless of ethnic, religious and racial differences in improving the environment where they live.
This strategy will also serve as a means of advocacy towards the responsible institutions so that all the needs that have arisen from the young people themselves are included in the action plans of the departments for youth culture and sports in the three municipalities.
The organization of this camp for the drafting of the action strategy is part of the project “Youth, leaders of peace” that the Eye of Vision organization has carried out in the three municipalities of Pejë, Klinë and Istog, the youngest of all communities, and especially with young people from rural areas and is supported by the organization Care International.
In addition to this camp, within the framework of this project, numerous visits of these young people were made to the directorates for culture, youth and sport, as well as to the youth centers that are active in these three municipalities, so that these young people become more familiar with the work of and the possibilities of their engagement in different activities.


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