misli globalno,
deluj lokalno



Duration of Assignment:
Approximately 10 working days over the period of 1 months (preferred start Sept 2017)

Syri i Vizionit is a strategic partner of Save the Children International office in Kosova/o, which is implementing a project of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). Sida has a strong commitment to support the capacity strengthening of local civil society organizations. Part of Save the Children’s key requirements is to indicate a clear plan on how a certain percentage of the grant will be used for capacity strengthening. The Organizational Capacity Development (OCD) approach to capacity strengthening will be used, monitored and reported back to the donor.

”Syri i Vizionit” is a nongovernmental organization established in 1999 with the aim to serve mainly to citizens of Kosovo, but also wider. Since the very beginning, organization’s motto was “Think globally, act locally,” to which it stood loyal until at present. Organization’s mission is “to support the community through information, advocacy, awareness and capacity building of individuals, informal groups, organizations, institutions and networks” and we aim to continue to remain “an organization that accomplishes local actions based on best practices.”
The consultancy assignment will be centered on assessing the capacity strengthening needs of the organization. This will contribute to and enable the process of strengthening local civil society.
The process of Organizational Capacity Development starts with a holistic assessment by using an Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA). The OCA is based on the idea that it is possible to obtain an overall picture of an organization’s capacity and development profile by making systematic reviews and assessments of three basic aspects that are analyzed with the aid of eight variables.
The eight variables, here called ‘Areas of Capacity’ are; To Be:
1. Governance and Structure
2. Culture and Inclusion
3. Management, HR and Staff
To Do:
5. Implementation and Quality
6. Participation
To Relate:
7. Networking and Communication
8. Influence and Legitimacy

An Organisational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is a process that seeks to assess the capacity of any organisation across a broad range of topics. The overall objective of the consultancy is to;
a) Conduct an Organizational Capacity Assessment by facilitating a participatory workshop methodology outlined in the SCS tool for OCA. The workshop aims to identify areas for organizational improvement in order to achieve sustainable results.
b) Ensure thorough documentation throughout the workshop and produce a report summarizing the outcomes.
c) Assist Syri i Vizionit with developing a four-year OCD plan to address the identified areas of improvements identified in the workshop.

It should be emphasized in the introduction of participatory workshops that different opinions are encouraged and the facilitator’s role is to lead the discussion and ensure that the outcome reflects the reality in the best way. Discussion and scoring on each of the criteria allows the organization to determine gaps and make recommendations for building the required capacity.


The OCA and its workshop should be used as a first step in the process of organisational development and should involve many diverse representatives of the organisation through a participatory workshop consisting of a questionnaire and data entry sheet. The workshop aims to look at the overall situation at the time of assessment through the opinion of various groups within the organization and identify current situation within various aspects and identify areas of improvements. The workshop consist of an introduction, division of four pre-decided groups that answers a large set of questions within the group and a plenary that brings all groups and their answers together and where the facilitator leads a discussion with all groups to find a consensus on the current state of each question and area. Current situation and areas of improvements are identified and documented during the plenum.


4.1 Facilitator:
The facilitator will be responsible for:
• Become familiar with the OCA Tool.
• Lead the participatory workshop with “SiV” staff and partners.  The workshop will last three days and will be facilitated in Albanian language.
• Complete in detail the OCA Tool (except for the finance/grants part)
• Providing the Capacity Needs assessment report.
• In coordination with SIV identify the priority areas for organizational development for the next 4 years and complete the OCD Framework
• Deliver documents and other deliverables on a timely manner
• Workshop material (OCA Tool and Manual), will be provided by the Syri I Vizionit

•4.2 “Syri i Vizionit”:
“Syri i Vizionit” will have the responsibility for the overall management of the facilitator and this  will include the following:
• Provide the Save the Children OCA Tool and manual to the facilitator for the workshop purposes
• Reviewing and approving the proposed methodology
• Organize the workshop
• Ensuring that “SiV” staff will take place in the workshop
• Supporting facilitator to invite the staff and/or members
• Monitoring the delivery of milestones
• Reviewing and approving the OCD Framework template and final Capacity Needs Assessment Report.
• The finance/grants part of the OCA tool will be prepared by Save the Children
• Ensure completion of the OCD Framework detailing the OCD work for the next coming years.

• Maintain neutral and professional approach during the review process and during the overall workshop of the assessment.
• Facilitation and thorough documentation of participatory workshop.
• Draft comprehensive validated report which includes findings of the OCA and recommendations for the continued development of organisational capacity submitted within 6 days of the workshop.
• OCA Tool to be completed in English
• Final report submitted
• One day preparation of OCD Framework (in English) together with SiV to be held within submitted within 8 days after the workshop.


The contract of the assignment should be for 10 working days within the timeframe of 1 months, preferable throughout the period starting from the 1st of September
Familiarization with OCA tool and initial meetings- 1 day
Facilitation of OCA participatory workshop: 3 days
Report writing:  1-2 days
Feedback meeting and OCD Framework development with SiV: 1 day

• Advanced degree in economics, development studies, social sciences or related discipline
• A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in conducting organizational capacity needs assessments, experience with self-assessment processes will be an advantage;
• At least 5 years of experience working in organizational development within civil society
• Excellent analytical, oral and written communication skills in English.
• Experience in monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
• Strong facilitation skills and ability to lead a plenary and document simultaneous
• Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and work well with diverse people.

Applications must be sent in English and entail the following:
• Expression of Interest and availability;
• CV should be presented;
• Two references from similar assignments; and copies of the reports they prepared (if applicable)
• Expected remuneration, in the form of gross fee per day

Expression of Interest clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Needs Assessment’ Organizational Capacity Development” can be submitted as hard copies at the address below OJQ “Syri i Vizionit”, Isa Demaj 14, 30 000 Pejë, or electronically to: info@syriivizionit.org not later than 17:00 on September 20, 2017. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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