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Empowerment of women and their role in decision-making

The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni within the program “Active Citizenship” supported by Olof Plame International Center, has started to support some initiatives from the informal groups of women from rural areas that are related to their (female) empowerment and participation. in decision making.
One such initiative is focusing on the women’s group of the local community of Gurrakoc in the municipality of Istog, where women from all communities are developing activities related to strengthening the position of women in society and their active role in decision making.
Initially, trainings are being held on the importance of women’s participation in decision-making and their active role in improving the condition of this layer of society, especially in rural areas where women are more marginalized.
In addition to the training, meetings will also be held with the women who hold various positions in the municipal assembly of Istog, as well as several study visits to exchange the experiences of these women in the municipality of Prizren, where in addition to the visit they will make to the Assembly municipality in Prizren will meet even more women who exercise different positions in this municipality and will get to know the situation of women in this municipality.
Also, visits to various cultural and historical institutions and monuments will be carried out, in order to get to know the culture and values ​​of the municipality of Prizren that those experiences can bring to their municipality or to those areas where these women live and work.
This initiative of the women of the Gurrakoc community is one of the many activities that the Eye of Vision Organization is carrying out within the “Active Citizenship” program, where a very important component of this program is the empowerment and active role of women in society and in decision making.

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