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Evaluative meeting on the implementation of the Strategy for cooperation with parents

Istog, June 27- The meeting was held to evaluate the progress of the piloting of the School-Parent Communication Strategy for career orientation among students of lower secondary schools in Kosovo. Syri i Vizoni, in cooperation with MEST and other partners in this activity, have evaluated as successful the activities of the first year of the strategy, which was jointly drafted last year. Seven schools have been piloted in different regions of Kosovo and in the past three months, activities have been held in groups with parents, in which they have talked about career and further education after the ninth grade, the role and ways parents can help their children. them in this process.
The ProKarriera project with support from Solidar Suisse has supported MEST in the design and piloting of this strategy, as it believes that parents should be an active actor and a helper and not imposing on children in their decisions on education and career. In addition to the meetings with parents within the framework of the ProKarriera project, guidance guides have been prepared for students in each of the seven regions of Kosovo, which have been distributed both in meetings and in electronic form to students and parents, so that they are as informed as possible about where to continue their education after grade 9.


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