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“Every day is June 1”, the week of activities for International Children’s Day begins

Press release

Pejë, May 28, 2018 – With the motto “Every day is June 1”, Syri i Vizioni marks International Children’s Day – June 1 – in Kosovo. The activities that will take place in several municipalities of Kosovo aim to engage as many actors as possible who work in the sector of the protection of children’s rights in Kosovo on this day. From Monday, May 28 to Friday, June 1, activities will take place in the municipalities of Pristina, Mitrovica, Peja, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Klina and Gjakova. They will be implemented through the children’s group ROR (Respect Our Right), which for years has been monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Kosovo.

The activities are carried out in cooperation with the municipal Assemblies of children, starting on Monday with a public children’s debate with the Mayor of the municipality of Gjakova, Mr. Ardian Gjini. On Tuesday, the children will visit the organizations “Handikos”, “Centre for Independent Living”, and “Pema”, which provide services for children with special needs in the Municipality of Peja, to get to know first-hand the difficulties that confronts children in these centers. On Wednesday the activities continue with a visit to the SOS village in Pristina and the reconstitution of the children’s assembly in Gjilan, on Thursday with the drafting of the tree of requests and wishes of the children in Klina, and on Friday the activities are concluded with the consultation meeting with the Office for Governance of Good for the Drafting of the National Strategy on Children’s Rights – a meeting that will be opened by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj, as well as the realization of video messages and paintings that are related to increasing the responsibility of institutions towards the needs of children in Ferizaj and The children’s tree in Mitrovica.
These activities will involve hundreds of children from different municipalities, local and central authorities, institutions, and officials who are engaged in working with children and whose mandate is to protect children’s rights.
Children’s Day is celebrated in the framework of the project “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights” which is implemented by the organization Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with Save the Children in Kosovo.
For more information: Naser Lajqi, tel. 044 695 650 email: naser.lajqi@syriivizionit.org



May 28, 2018


08:00 – 09:00 Media Release – A media release will be compiled and sent, where the media will be notified of the activities that will take place throughout the week related to the June 1st celebration, as well as the importance and message of this campaign. .


13:30 – 14:30 Children’s Public Debate with the Mayor of the Municipality of Gjakova Mr. Ardian Gjini – In this debate, the children will demand responsibility from the mayor for the measures taken so far as well as those he plans to undertake in the future for the children of the municipality of Gjakova, also discussing the “Child Friendly Gjakova” strategy drawn up from the Municipality of Gjakova.


May 29, 2018


Strengthening the voice of children with special needs – The ROR Group, together with the Municipal Children’s Assembly in Peja, will visit organizations that provide services and work with children with special needs to get to know more closely the difficulties that children face in these organizations so that they can also address them to local level institutions. During this visit, the children will also develop activities with children, and the Mayor of the Municipality, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri and Mr. Islam Husaj, Chairman of the Municipal Assembly.

10:00 – 11:15 Visit to the “Tree” Center

11:30 – 12:30 Visit to the “HandiKos” Organization

13:00 – 14:30 Visit to the Center for independent living in Vitomirica-Peja


May 30, 2018

11:00-12:30 Drawing the attention of Institutions for abandoned children – Members of ROR together with members of AKF from Prishtina will visit SOS Village, where they will develop various activities with the children of this village, created works with the motto “Every day is June 1”, where some of the works will be sent to local and national institutions through various advocacy activities that ROR will carry out during this year, thus attracting the attention of institutions to do much more for SOS village.


13:00 -14:00 Reconstitution of the Children’s Municipal Assembly in Gjilan – On the eve of June 1, in coordination with the coordinators for children’s rights and the DKA, the reconstitution of the AKF will take place in this municipality, where the chairmanship will be elected of AKF and the president of this institution, who will also make the pledge to the children of this municipality, represented by children from primary and lower secondary schools.


May 31, 2018

11:00 – 12:00 “Children’s tree for the municipality” – Grupo ROR together with the Municipal Children’s Assembly will write different messages with the concerns, needs and wishes they have and these messages will hang on the decorative trees in front of the Municipality of Klina where it will be named “Children’s tree for the municipality”.


June 1, 2018


10:00 – 12:00 Consultative Meeting with the Office for Good Governance for the Drafting of the National Strategy on Children’s Rights – In cooperation with the ZQM and children from the municipal assemblies and the ROR group, a consultative meeting of the working group will be organized by this office related to the drafting of the new national strategy on children’s rights, where in addition to the notification with the work and the strategy, the children will give their input on what this strategy should contain and regulate. The opening of this consultative meeting will be made by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, where he will also deliver a welcoming speech on June 1, the International Children’s Day.


11:00 -13:00 Marking June 1st through video messages and pictures – The Municipal Assembly of Ferizaj will mark this day with the realization of some video messages and pictures that are related to increasing the responsibility of institutions towards the needs of children.


11:00-13:00 “Children’s tree for the municipality” – The Municipal Assembly of Children of Mitrovica will write different messages with the concerns, needs and wishes they have and these messages will hang on the decorative trees in front of the municipality of Mitrovica where it will also be named “Children’s tree for the municipality”.


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