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December 20, 2019 – During a three-month period, the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni – within the “Active Citizenship” project, has supported and empowered formal and informal groups of women through the realization of these women’s own initiatives in the municipalities of Istog, Klina, Deçan and Rahovec, where this project is being implemented.

The ideas for the implementation of the initiatives have come from the assembly women’s groups and informal women’s groups. These ideas have been oriented towards “Increasing the participation of women in decision-making processes”, seeing this as a mechanism for strengthening the position of women in society.

The purpose of these initiatives was to inform, raise awareness and sensitize groups of women, men and young people in rural and urban areas about women’s participation in decision-making processes.

In order to inform the target group, meetings and campaigns have been held that promote the values of gender equality in society, the existing legal mechanisms and the procedures for involving women in decision-making processes have been discussed, such as public meetings, local councils, help desks for citizens, assembly women’s groups, etc.

At the same time, meetings were also held with the responsible institutions in this field to address concerns arising from group meetings and discussions about the inclusion of women in decision-making processes.

Also, in order to achieve the goal of the campaign to promote and raise awareness about gender equality in society and increase the number of women in decision-making processes, radio shows were held to inform the general public as much as possible.

The “Active Citizenship” project aims to activate citizens. It has been carried out for several years now by the organization “Syri iVizionit” with valuable financial support from the Olof Palme International Center and SIDA.


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