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Peja, 08 October – The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” has held a working meeting with local institutions for children’s rights related to increasing the safety of children in primary and lower secondary schools in the municipality of Peja.
In this working meeting, concerns raised by the children themselves were discussed, such as the carrying of cold weapons and firearms in schools by children (students), as well as the increase in safety from the danger that is being posed to children by the presence of too many large number of stray dogs.
The representatives of the institutions at this meeting agreed that much more work should be done to increase the safety of children from these phenomena, as well as from other phenomena that endanger the health and lives of children. They even agreed that there should be much greater cooperation and joint action between institutions.
Those present also said that parents should be more active and work more with their children, which would affect the prevention of the carrying of cold weapons and firearms by their children in schools.
It has also been suggested that the mayor of the municipality, together with the relevant departments, take urgent measures to remove the stray dogs that are endangering the lives of children and that have become a huge concern for all citizens of the municipality of Peja, not only for children.
Those present at this meeting have pledged to increase the coordination of joint action and have thanked the organization Syri i Vizioni and Save the Children for providing assistance in drafting a joint action plan.
From this meeting, a letter of recommendation was drafted that will be addressed to the mayor of the municipality, the Directorate of Education and other relevant directorates. Present at this meeting were representatives from the Kosovo Police, the Center for Social Work, the Probation Service, the coordinator for children’s rights, the juvenile judge, the Ombudsman Institution and the media, while the representatives of the Directorate of Education and that of Health. Such meetings will also be held in other counties where the project is being implemented, in Mitrovica, Ferizaj and Gjakovë.


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