misli globalno,
deluj lokalno

Pejë, September 19 – The meeting was held with the heads of local councils “Inclusion of councils in public meetings and the responsibility of institutions towards them”, this meeting was held in the framework of the project for strengthening active citizenship in Kosovo.
In this meeting, it was discussed with the heads of the councils how many have been included in the public meetings for budget and planning for the next year and the following years and how satisfied they are with the responses and responsibility of the institutions towards them.
Most of the local council chairmen have expressed their disappointment that they have not been involved as much as promised at the beginning of their mandate and have not been given more time to hold public budget and planning meetings in their localities. Some have even said that very few receive answers to the requests and complaints they have addressed to the relevant director and especially to the mayor’s office.
However, the appointment of the coordinator for contact and coordination of the municipality’s work with the councils by the mayor is a hope for the heads of the councils that from now on they will be notified more in time for each meeting and for the interventions that will take place in the locality of the heads of local councils.
The heads of the councils have expressed their willingness to contribute to the good of their community and have asked the coordinator appointed by the municipality not to have obstacles from the security employees in the administration when they have meetings with the municipal officials. Also, in this meeting, the heads of the local councils agreed that they too should be more cooperative and coordinated among themselves and be even more vocal towards the institutions, especially in returning answers to the issues addressed and in including their priorities. in the pan and the municipal budget for the coming years.
In this meeting, the work that has been done in their localities and the investments that have started to be made were also emphasized by some of the heads of the councils, even though there were some complaints in the contracted heads of work because they are no longer working with the appropriate intensity for what they they also notified the municipal bodies.
Likewise, most of the heads of the councils have said that if it were not for the Eye of Vision and other organizations, they would not be very active and would not address the issues or problems they face in time.
In addition to the heads of local councils, the coordinator appointed by the mayor of the municipality to coordinate the work of the municipality with the heads of local councils and OSCE representatives was also present at this meeting.
The meeting was organized within the framework of the “Active Citizenship” project, which aims to develop active citizenship in Kosovo, which has been taking place for several years in the region of Peja and Prizren by the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” supported by the organization Olof Palm International Center.


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