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Mayor Ardian Gjini vows to govern together with the children in Gjakovë

Gjakovë, May 28, 2018 – With the motto “Every day is June 1”, the organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Child office in Kosovo and the monitoring group of children ROR (Respect Our Rights), today organized a public debate of children The mayor of the municipality of Gjakova, Mr. Ardian Gjini
In this debate, the children have requested more commitment from the mayor in creating recreational spaces for them, in the construction of sports grounds in schools and outside them, in the creation of facilities for schooling and transportation for children whose families are able to heavy economic burden and in preventing children from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities from dropping out of school.
An important part of the debate has also been the violence that is exercised against children at school and in the family, where the children have asked for the help of the mayor so that he personally and the responsible institutions commit to ensure that children are protected from violence at school and to provide psychologists for schools.
On the other hand, Mayor Gjini has assured the children that the municipality is committed and will commit to doing much more for children, because, according to him, when you invest by listening to the children, then we have invested properly and for the benefit of the children. and for the benefit of society “When we take the opinion of children then we see things from a better and more practical angle, not as we plan and think about them as institutions or as adults, and this has two benefits when we take your opinion, the first is to strengthen your role, position and personality of thinking and acting in society and investments are part of your ideas and needs”, expressed Gjini, promising that he and the municipality will do much more in practice not just declarations and documents as we are used to hearing and drafting.
Regarding safety in schools, with special emphasis on the protection of children from violence, especially in schools, Mayor Gjini has asked children to report cases of violence and has pledged that he personally, as the mayor of the municipality, will follow this up and no one the teacher will not allow any kind of violence against them “If I find out that a teacher is using violence, whatever it may be, against you and other children, he will no longer work at the school, and you have an obligation to report him cases by notifying us”, Mayor Gjini promised to the children.
At the end of the debate, President Gjini promised the children that all their questions and requests arising from this debate he has taken note of and will share and discuss with each relevant director.
In this public debate with the mayor of the municipality of Gjakova, Mr. Ardian Gjini, the Ombudsman’s office in Gjakovë, the Center for Social Work and the Kosovo Police were also present.
The activity of the week of marking June 1, “Every day is June 1”, will continue in other municipalities of Kosovo.
This week’s marking is done within the project “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights” which is implemented by the organization Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with Save the Children in Kosovo.


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