misli globalno,
deluj lokalno

Projects of 2013

During the year 2013, the organization continued with the projects started from previous years and expanded the activities by increasing the number of beneficiaries and the scope in different municipalities of Kosovo. Thousands of participants in the activities have benefited from the projects that the organization has carried out in the field, while the influence has been extended to the local and central authorities, to facilitate the access of citizens to the authorities and the solution of their problems, which the organization “Syri i Vizioni” has confirmed. as an important actor and partner in Kosovo and in the region. During the year, partnerships with organizations and donors with whom we have been working for years were maintained and their circle was increased with new projects.
Based on these projects, during 2013, around 15 people were engaged, who contributed to over ten long-term projects, as well as other engagements, activities and campaigns based on the needs of the community. The community in various localities in Kosovo has benefited from these projects, with a concentration in the western region of Kosovo, but also in other regions. Projects have been developed with community groups in different areas, including rural areas, groups that were previously ignored or unsupported, but also in organized groups, but that did not previously have the support that our organization has now offered them.
The projects started a year ago have continued, the projects on social dialogue in the dairy sector and support for professional education in adaptation to market needs have continued, with financial support from Solidar Suisse, as well as the project for young people and their interregional cooperation . Of course, the active citizenship programs supported by Olof Palme and the projects of protection and creation of conditions for children’s safety in schools with Save the Children have continued and expanded.
During 2013, the implementation of two new projects funded in partnership by the European Commission has also begun. The local project to support farmers’ organizations that is developed in partnership with IADK and the regional anti-corruption project where Syri i Vizioni is one of 15 NGOs from the Balkans.
In the environmental aspect, the organization has started a project in which it leads a group of about 10 non-governmental organizations in activities dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the Drin River and increasing understanding of the value of the natural wealth for people and ecosystems and has supported the action for cleaning the municipality of Peja. The action of civil society and the authorities under the name “To clean Pejë” has also been coordinated. During the first six months, the organization has helped strengthen the newly opened visitor service center at the entrance to the tourist area of Rugova until the creation and independence of the non-governmental organization named “Western Gate”.

A part of the activity that has been done during the year has been focused on supporting initiatives of citizens, informal groups and those in the process of establishment, which has been developed through the Office for open support and counseling within the organization. The young volunteers of the organization are involved in research and in the organization of activities and campaigns with different partners throughout Kosovo.
After 2013 was an election year in Kosovo, within the framework of Democracy in Action, Syri i Vizioni has monitored the campaign and the elections in six municipalities of Kosovo.
In terms of the internal development of the organization’s capacities during the year, it was completed in the professionalization of the framework with the participation in trainings and skills in which the organization’s staff and volunteer activists were engaged. The new three-year strategy has been drawn up and the organization’s strategy for media communication has been completed.

Social dialogue in the dairy sector
Project title: Social dialogue in the dairy sector

Duration: 12 months (January 2013 – December 2013)

Country: Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with Solidar Suisse

Budget: €16,370

Donor: Solidar Suisse

Project purpose: This project aims to empower producers and processors in the milk sector: their officials during milk sampling, project administration, transparency and neutrality during milk sampling by the Association of Milk Producers and Processors .

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are associations of milk processors and producers, administration and project officers who are directly involved in the realization of the project, farmers and consumers of dairy products.

Realization of the project: In this project, the Association of Milk Producers and Processors, SiV during 2013 had the responsibility of providing assistance to the project workers in processing the database of farmers, providing statistics as well as monitoring the project officers in the field while receiving samples. Throughout this period of one year, SiV has gone to the field with the project officers to see the problems they face during the collection of samples and at the same time has received the opinions of farmers about the challenges they face, their opinion about obtaining samples and results for milk samples.

Activities and Results:

• Regulating the list of farmers and processing the database

• Monitoring of project officers.

• Realization of 100 questionnaires with farmers from all over the territory of Kosovo

• Reporting of research results

SELDI- Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti- Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising
Project Title: Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising- (SELDI)

Duration: February 2013- January 2015

Country: Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey

Implementing organization(s): Center for the Study of Democracy (SiV is a member of the network for Kosovo together with the Riinvest institute)

Budget: €13,886 through Syri i Vizioni, (the other budget was realized through CSD)

Donor: European Commission

The purpose of the project: The purpose of the project is to support the European integration process by promoting democratic values ​​and the rule of law, to contribute to an active and dynamic civil society in the region, which participates in the public debate on democracy and the rule of law and against corruption.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the project are civil society organizations, institutions dealing with the fight against corruption and good governance, public administration and legislators, media and citizens in the respective countries where the project is implemented.

Realization of the project: The project is realized within the network, by the actors, each in their own country. Joint meetings and conferences are held twice a year, in which the findings from the research and the anti-corruption report in each of the countries are published.

Activities and Results:

• Development of the action plan for SELDI activities in the region for the regional strategy of good governance and anti-corruption by civil society

• Presentation of a joint strategic program aimed at strengthening and evaluating coalitions of NGOs and various initiatives

• The realism of qualitative research, monitoring and advocacy strategies in the field of good governance and anti-corruption, contributing to the key reforms of the sector at the regional and national level;

• Government institutions recognize the importance and value of civil society participation in the process of reforms in good governance and anti-corruption and that citizens are better aware and consulted on the subject. Clear action on good governance and anti-corruption, dissemination of the advocacy message and policy recommendations to each country and region through the empowered SELDI coalition and NGOs and citizens;

• Monitoring of good governance (including surveys, production of analyzes in the Western Balkans and Turkey, Corruption Assessment Reports);

• Public and field awareness (including the regional Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Policy Forum, cooperation with local NGOs, grassroots organizations and networks, meetings and consultations with extension authorities, media).

Let's clean Peja
Project name: Let's clean Peja

Duration: 2 months (May 2013 – June 2013)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €4000

Donor: Municipality of Peja

The purpose of the project: The purpose of the project is to clean the city from illegal waste dumps in different parts of the city and villages of the municipality of Peja, as well as to increase the awareness of the residents of this municipality in the preservation and care of the environment.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of this project are all citizens of the municipality of Peja, who will create for themselves a cleaner environment that will reflect on their health, having better health and a cleaner city.

Realization of the project: In this cleaning action, all municipal public institutions are involved, starting from the mayor, civil society, various interest groups, businesses and citizens. All these actors have been divided into groups, going through different areas inside and outside the city, thus cleaning all the neighborhoods of the city and villages where illegal dumps have been identified.

Activities and Results:

• Mobilization of all public and private institutions, civil society, citizens and other interest groups in the cleaning of illegal waste dumps in the municipality of Peja

• Cleaning of illegal dumps and waste disposal in the city dump

• Preservation and maintenance of the environment through raising awareness through cleanup campaigns, radio and TV shows

• Creating a cleaner environment in the municipality of Peja

"Together 4 Children Rights Child protection and Child Right Governance"
Project name: "Together 4 Children Rights Child protection and Child Right Governance"

Duration: 8 months (May 2013 – December 2013)

Place: Peja, Gjakovë, Ferizaj and Mitrovica

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €53,317

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: This project aims to improve the position of children's rights in the Republic of Kosovo through the strengthening of children's organizations in schools and outside them, as well as to increase their influence in the implementation of children's rights in society. Kosovar. Also, the support and development of child protection policies in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and EU standards, so that children see school as a safe place and the mechanisms for the protection of children at school and outside are strengthened. her.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are the children and the management of the lower secondary schools "Ramiz Sadiku" and "Xhemail Kada" in Pejë, "Zekeria Rexha" and "Mustafa Bakija" in Gjakovë, "Jeronim de Rada" and "Tefik Çanga". in Ferizaj as well as "Andon Zako Çajupi" and "Bedri Gjinaj" in Mitrovica. In the framework of this project, the children of these schools, teachers and parents have had the opportunity to attend numerous trainings related to the prevention and addressing of violence and harassment in schools, as well as in the design of strategies for the operationalization of protection mechanisms within the school . While indirect beneficiaries have been the local institutions for children's rights, such as: the Institution of the People's Advocate-Ombudsperson, the Directorates of Education in the municipalities, the Center for Social Work, the Coordinator for Children's Rights, the Kosovo Police, etc.

Realization of the project: The project was implemented in four municipalities of Kosovo, Pejë, Gjakovë, Mitrovica and Ferizaj, thus including in each municipality from two lower secondary schools, in which it worked directly with the school council in drafting the codes of decency and in the creation and strengthening of mechanisms for the protection of children's rights at school. Likewise, the children attending these schools together with the school council attended several trainings aimed at preventing and addressing violence and harassment at school. Brochures of the international convention on children's rights have been distributed to inform them of this convention, as well as informants with the contacts of the institutions responsible for children's rights at the local level. Also, visits of the institutions responsible for children's rights in schools were organized, as well as round tables were held in each municipality with all actors, as well as debates were held on radio and TV to raise the awareness and responsibility of children and the institutions themselves. in improving the situation of children's rights in these municipalities.

Activities and Results:

• Drafting and implementation of the code of conduct in six lower secondary schools

• Placing complaint boxes in eight schools, creating opportunities for children to address their grievances through the boxes

• Over 250 children have been trained in the field of preventing and addressing violence and harassment that occurs in schools

• Over 300 children have been informed about the work of the mechanisms for their rights that operate at the local level from visits and meetings of these institutions that have had more children

• Over 35,000 copies of the International Convention on Children's Rights were printed and distributed, raising children's awareness of their rights guaranteed by the international convention.

• More than 4,000 information sheets with the contacts of institutions responsible for children's rights at the local level were printed and distributed.

• Four round tables were held in Pejë, Gjakovë, Mitrovica and Ferizaj with all actors where safety and respect for children's rights in schools were discussed

• Two trainings were held with each school council for the design of the strategy for the creation and operationalization of mechanisms for children's rights within the school.

• Three radio debates were held on local radio and a show on TV Mitrovica on children's rights

• Lectures were held within the international day of the international convention on children's rights by the children themselves in each school

• Trainer groups of seven people (children) have been created in each school, who will lecture on the international convention on children's rights.

"Democracy in Action" – Elections 2013
Project Title: "Democracy in Action" – Elections 2013

Duration: 5 months (August - December 2013)

Country: Region of Peja (Peja, Gjakovë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan and Junik)

Implementing organization(s): "Syri i Vizioni" within the coalition "Democracy in Action"

Budget: €35,293 through Syri i Vizioni, (the other budget was realized through KDI)

Donor: USAID, NDI, English Embassy, ​​Norwegian Embassy, ​​Olof Palme International Center,

The purpose of the project: "Democracy in Action" was established with the purpose of monitoring the parliamentary and local elections organized in November 2007, as well as with the purpose of raising the awareness of citizens to participate in the elections. In addition to the organization "Syri i Vizioni" part of the coalition "Democracy in Action - Elections 2013" there are 10 non-governmental organizations in Kosovo

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are the entire population of Kosovo. In particular, a number of people who have been involved in the process as monthly and daily monitors have benefited from training on the electoral process and system in Kosovo. Also, all voters have benefited from voter education campaigns in general, while the undecided ones in particular.

Implementation of the project: The activities include the overall monitoring of the electoral process: monitoring of the one-month party campaign, election day, voting and counting of votes on election day and during the run-off in six municipalities and the publication of early results in the municipalities of Pejë and Gjakovë .

Activities and Results:

• Monitoring hundreds of election activities during the campaign period;

• Holding press conferences with reports on problems and irregularities encountered during monitoring,

• Monitoring of election day, voting and counting of votes in six municipalities; runoff in four municipalities of the region

• The announcement of the preliminary result a few hours after the closing of the boxes in Peja e Gjakova

• Engagement of 8 long-term observers (LTO) for a period of two months;

• Engagement of over 350 short-term observers (STO) on election day;

• Organization and holding of over 50 trainings for STO for a period of 10 days;

Operation of the visitor center
Project Title: "Democracy in Action" – Elections 2013

Duration: 5 months (August - December 2013)

Country: Region of Peja (Peja, Gjakovë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan and Junik)

Implementing organization(s): "Syri i Vizioni" within the coalition "Democracy in Action"

Budget: €35,293 through Syri i Vizioni, (the other budget was realized through KDI)

Donor: USAID, NDI, English Embassy, ​​Norwegian Embassy, ​​Olof Palme International Center,

The purpose of the project: "Democracy in Action" was established with the purpose of monitoring the parliamentary and local elections organized in November 2007, as well as with the purpose of raising the awareness of citizens to participate in the elections. In addition to the organization "Syri i Vizioni" part of the coalition "Democracy in Action - Elections 2013" there are 10 non-governmental organizations in Kosovo

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are the entire population of Kosovo. In particular, a number of people who have been involved in the process as monthly and daily monitors have benefited from training on the electoral process and system in Kosovo. Also, all voters have benefited from voter education campaigns in general, while the undecided ones in particular.

Implementation of the project: The activities include the overall monitoring of the electoral process: monitoring of the one-month party campaign, election day, voting and counting of votes on election day and during the run-off in six municipalities and the publication of early results in the municipalities of Pejë and Gjakovë .

Activities and Results:

• Monitoring hundreds of election activities during the campaign period;

• Holding press conferences with reports on problems and irregularities encountered during monitoring,

• Monitoring of election day, voting and counting of votes in six municipalities; runoff in four municipalities of the region

• The announcement of the preliminary result a few hours after the closing of the boxes in Peja e Gjakova

• Engagement of 8 long-term observers (LTO) for a period of two months;

• Engagement of over 350 short-term observers (STO) on election day;

• Organization and holding of over 50 trainings for STO for a period of 10 days;

Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the agricultural sector
Project name: "Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the agricultural sector"

Duration: 20 months (April 2013 – November 2014)

Country: All of Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni - IADK

Budget: €30,160.29

Donor: European Union

The purpose of the project: The project aims to form the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo (BSHBK), to contribute to strengthening and raising its capacities, so that they represent farmers in negotiations with the Government in all sectors of agricultural development.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of this project are the agricultural associations of Kosovo, the municipalities of all Kosovo, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development.

Realization of the project:

The project is carried out in partnership with the Eye of Vision Organization (SiV) and the Initiative for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo (IADK) from Mitrovica and is focused on 5 regions of Kosovo, including the region of Peja, Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gjilan and all municipalities of these regions.

Five workshops were held in the regions of Kosovo, including municipalities, farmers' associations and the Ministry of Agriculture, in which, with the engagement of an expert, the existing strategies in these regions for the development of agriculture were analyzed, the implementation of laws and administrative ordinances were analyzed from the central and local levels, the problems faced by farmers were discussed, the specifics of the regions were discussed and at the end of the workshops, recommendations were given for the BSHBK to address them at the local and central level.

After the end of the workshops, a conference was organized at the central level, where all the important actors in Kosovo for the development of agriculture were invited, to whom the findings from the holding of the five workshops in the five regions of Kosovo were presented and the recommendations for the relevant institutions were addressed. An international expert was also engaged in this conference, who spoke about the role and power of farmers' organizations in Germany and Europe.

In order to strengthen the role and recognition of the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo, the website www.bshbk.net has been created, which will provide information to the public about the work done by BSHBK and informing farmers. In the framework of the project, a study visit was carried out in Bulgaria, where the participants were the members of the BSHBK board, who during this visit met with various governmental and non-governmental institutions, various manufacturing companies in the agricultural sector and in the renewable energy sector.

Activities and Results:

• Realization of five workshops in five regions of Kosovo, identification of problems and needs of farmers in these regions

• Organizing the conference at the central level and presenting the findings from the workshops.

• Creation of the web page for BSHBK

• Organization of the study visit to Bulgaria for the members of the BSHBK board, where they received experiences from the institutions, businesses and farmers' organizations about the challenges in meeting the standards before joining the European Union and the problems they are facing now after the membership.

"Drin day"
Project Title: Day of Drin

Duration: 10 months (18 November – 19 September 2014)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €14,932.50

Donor: GIZ

The purpose of the project: Drin Day aims to increase the understanding of the value of this natural wealth for people and ecosystems. The civil society as well as the local and national governments of the Drin Coast must build an emotional and respectful relationship for their river. A wide range of activities, such as cultural and sports events, educational and entertainment as well as the involvement of artists and personalities dedicated to Drin could inspire the public to be active for Drin in their daily lives.

Beneficiaries: Children, school students, children of the villages where the project activities will be extended for this phase of the project. The institutions and all the citizens of Kosovo will also benefit, especially the municipalities where the white Drin passes.

Realization of the project: The activities will be organized within the Drin Day and aim to create a wide network of active actors in all governmental, non-governmental and society sectors. These activities will be organized by seven non-governmental organizations, under the coordination of Syri i Vizioni, and in cooperation with several municipalities and three universities. These activities will include municipal officials from ten (10) municipalities of Kosovo, artists and sportsmen, scientists, environmentalists, pupils, students and community members in the areas along the course of the river, with the aim of creating a wide network of protection and environmental protection activists, but also to influence the local institutions responsible for drafting policies and adequate legislation.

Activities and Results:

• Better understanding and awareness of the value of the Drin River basin, its sustainable use, environmental issues as well as climate change impacts on water and ecosystems, possible adaptation measures and coordinated action among riparian countries river, as well as between actors (youth, general public, politicians and public sector decision-makers) to protect and preserve this resource

• Increased participation of civil society for the protection of the Drin River Basin

• Improved cross-border cooperation

• Increased sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the Drin River Basin

"Governance and the rights of the child" - Monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the rights of children
Project name: "Governance and the rights of the child" - Monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the rights of children

Duration: 7 months (June 2013 – December 2013)

Place: Pristina, Peja and Gjakovë

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €13,797

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: The project aims to develop a framework for monitoring three areas: the Right to Education, Harassment and Non-discrimination, which are regulated by the international Convention on the Rights of the Child; raising issues through cooperation with all actors for the protection of children in order to achieve change at the institutional level. Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are the primary school "Ramiz Sadiku" in Pejë, the primary school "Zekeria Rexha" in the city of Gjakova and the primary school "Naim Frashëri" in the city of Prishtina, with key target groups being school principals, teachers and students from the three schools. Indirect beneficiaries of the project are the various institutions (the institution of the People's Advocate, the Center for Social Work, the Directorate of Education and Health, the Police, the Court, the coordinator for children's rights) and parents.

Implementation of the project: The project was implemented in three municipalities, that of Peja, Gjakova and Prishtina. Eye of Vision in cooperation with Save the Children have selected these three primary schools, in which together with the principals and teachers of the schools, 30 children between the ages of 11 and 15 (from 10 in one school) have been selected, including students from minority communities. With several informative meetings and trainings, these children have been trained to carry out research questionnaires in their schools. The questionnaires were completed with students, parents and institutions. The research was done by the children themselves with the support of the project staff. From the findings of the research, reports have been drawn up for the three municipalities of Pejë, Prishtina and Gjakovë, as well as a general report. The reports together with the relevant recommendations have been submitted to all institutions at the local and central level, which deal with the protection of children's rights. Also, these reports were submitted to the schools where the monitoring was done, as well as they were presented before the Assembly of the Coalition of Organizations for the Protection of Children - KOMF and in the media. The monitoring report will help the institutions in general and the schools themselves to take measures to improve the state of children's rights within school facilities by creating a safe and friendly environment for all children.

Activities and Results:

• Realization of over 3000 questionnaires with children, parents and institutions

• Drafting and publication of three monitoring reports in the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë and Prishtina

• Drafting and publication of the general monitoring report in the areas: Right to Education, Non-discrimination and Harassment

• Three workshops were held with the school council and the working group of the regulation for preventing and addressing violence in schools.

• Workshops were held with groups of children where groups of children who know and are ready to monitor their rights guaranteed by the international convention on their rights were created in each of the three schools.

• Numerous meetings and workshops were held with various institutions dealing with the protection of children's rights and a very good cooperation was established with them.

Active Citizenship Kosova
Project Title: Active Citizenship Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January 2013 – December 2013)

Place: Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan, Rahovec

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €51,928

Donor: Olof Palme International Center

The purpose of the project: The project aims at a general engagement of all citizens of Kosovo, to be part of the decision-making processes, focusing on the region of Peja and Prizren.

Beneficiaries: Village representatives of 7 local communities of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec municipalities, representatives of civil society organizations of Pejë and Prizren region, non-formal groups of women as well as all citizens of Kosovo.

Realization of the project: The "Active Citizenship" project is focused on seven local communities, in five municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Rahovec, Deçan and Klinë municipalities, whose councils and NGOs have been supported and empowered to be the bearers of responsibilities themselves. to carry out the activities themselves on behalf of the community of the presenting communities. For this, professional trainings have been held in various fields, such as Advocacy, Writing project proposals and Raising funds. As another mechanism to help the councils of local communities, civil society and other interest groups, the Assistance and Advisory Office has been opened in Peja, which has continuously helped the heads of local communities in writing requests, complaints or project ideas to submitted on time to the institutions. Also, the activities of this project at this stage are concentrated even more on strengthening the role of women in decision-making processes, supporting also with small grants, where in general 12 grants have been allocated to women's organizations and non-formal groups. Also, another advocacy tool that has served to distribute information to citizens has been the opening of the website www.aktivizohu.org, through which a lot of information has been shared on how to develop an active citizenry, and the most pressing issues have also been published. which citizens of different municipalities of Kosovo face

Activities and Results:

• Creation of 7 councils of territorial communities in Pejë and Prizren regions

• Realization of trainings for the councils of territorial communities

• Realization of trainings with non-formal women's organizations and groups

• Drafting of activity plans for local community councils

• Providing advice to many citizens on the form of advocacy and their rights to receive services from institutions

• Distribution of information on citizens' initiatives that have served as good experiences for citizens of other countries of Kosovo and beyond

• Addressing all citizens' requests to the relevant institutions and their support

• Mobilizing citizens and raising their voice for participation in decision-making processes

• Operation of the auxiliary and advisory office within the project

• Direct support for citizens through the provision of information and communication opportunities through the website.

• Support of six non-formal groups of women with small grants (the following projects were financed: Development of the role of women through the media and journalism with the women's group in Novosella of Peja; Awareness of women through training on health, family planning and reproductive health the women's group from Grabanica in Klina, the empowerment of Roma and Egyptian communities through the hairdressing course in Klina, the importance of women's participation in decision-making processes in Gurrakoc, Istog in the decision-making processes in Dugujevo i Klina; Strengthening the role of women in family businesses Zllakuqan i Klina).

• Support of six women's organizations with small grants (the following projects were financed: Alleviation of illiteracy among women by the women's association "7 Shtatori" Pejë; Empowerment of the women of the Roma and Egyptian communities through sewing courses "Vizioni 02" Istog; Participation of women in rural areas NGO "Zana" NGO "Alma" Pejë Municipality; Implementation of the Albanian language course for the women of the Serbian community NGO "Gorazhdevc" Pejë active in the Serbian community NGO "Efemija" Rahovec).
"Raising the position of women in peace-making and peace-keeping processes"
Project Title: "Raising the position of women in peace-making and peace-keeping processes"

Duration: 4 months (May 2013 – June 2013)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: $3,590

Donor: UNDP

The purpose of the project: The project aims to increase the participation of women during the processes of peace building and post-conflict planning.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of this project have been women, organized civil society groups and institutions, while beneficiaries have also been institutions and all active citizens in the decision-making processes in the municipality of Peja.

Realization of the project: Three roundtables were held with the topics "Readiness of women in their involvement in the existing mechanisms on peace building". The first table was organized with the group of women, the second with the youth and the third with the group of men, where in all three tables the participants were representatives of civil society, institutions and active citizens with influence in the municipality of Peja. Also, within the framework of these roundtables, recommendations were drawn up which came out during the discussions at these three roundtables. Three separate reports have also been drawn up on the role of women and their willingness to include them in the existing peace building mechanisms.

Activities and Results:

• The realism of the three tables with the group of women, men and young people

• Extracting recommendations from the three tables and addressing them to institutions

• Drafting of three separate reports on the role and readiness of women for inclusion in the existing mechanisms on peace building.
Mismatch III
Project Title: Mismatch III

Duration: 10 months (March 1 - December 31, 2013)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €17,830

Donor: Solidar Suisse

The purpose of the project: The general purpose of the project was to adapt the secondary vocational schools in the city of Peja to the needs of the labor market, to increase the level of education and to create competent staff in the professions that are necessary for the labor market, with a focus on hospitality and tourism.

Beneficiaries: The main beneficiary of the project is the "Ali Hadri" Economic High School in Peja with hotel and tourism majors. Direct beneficiaries of the project are also about 1700 9th grade students in 26 primary schools of Peja, Municipality of Peja in the education and work sectors, businesses in the municipality of Peja. While indirect beneficiaries are all the municipality of Peja, young people and citizens of Peja.

Realization of the project: The project was realized in cooperation with the economic high school "Ali Hadri" of Peja, specifically in the areas of hotel and tourism. In cooperation with the school, the municipality, the regional office of education, businesses and civil society, a coordinating group has been created that has addressed the issues of professional practice for students in these two directions, the increase of cooperation between the school and businesses, etc. with the initiatives of this group, an open day was held for the Economic School, the file of professional practice contracts, the guidebook for professional practice in hospitality and tourism, a research on the state of hospitality and tourism businesses, etc.

Activities and Results:

• Creation of the coordinating group composed of schools, businesses and institutions

• Drafting of the contract file between schools and businesses for conducting, monitoring and evaluating professional practice

• School open day with visits from 26 primary schools to the Economic School

• Drafting of guides for 1,700 9th grade students for courses at the Economic School

• Guidebook for professional practice in hospitality and tourism

• Organized visit for businesses at the economic school

• Research on the situation in hotel and tourism businesses in the municipality of Peja

• Initiating meeting for the subject of career guidance with the principals of primary schools in Peja
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