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Projects of 2015

Gjatë vitit 2015 Syri i Vizionit është duke implementuar rreth 15 projekte me donatorë dhe organizata të fuqishme ndërkombëtare, të cilat kanë mbështetur projektet e organizatës sonë nga të cilat përfitojnë me mija qytetarë të Kosovës. SiV punon me projektet e financuara nga Komisioni Evropian, USAID, Olaf Palme Center, Solidar Suisse, Save the Children, etj. si kontribuues të përhershëm ndër vite, si dhe donatorëve tjerë që kontribuojnë kohë pas kohe.

With a staff of about 20 people engaged in projects, Syri i Vizioni realizes 12 large projects as well as activities, campaigns and small projects in the community in accordance with the programs that Syri i Vizioni has.

During this year, the following projects that started in the past two years are in the implementation phase:
1. “Protect your property”, awareness campaign on property and heritage, with the support of ATRC/USAID 2014-2015,
2. “Meeting EU requirements for good governance, for the further European integration of Kosovo” in partnership with KIPRED and with funding from the European Commission,
3. “SEED Kosovo – Support of Educational and Employment Development” in partnership with Solidar Suisse and Volkshilfe and financial support from ADA, 2014-2016.

From the past years with new one-year projects, seven more projects have followed the continuity:
1. Active Citizenship, with the support of the Olof Palme Center,
2. Governance with children’s rights – Monitoring the implementation of the international convention on children’s rights, with the support of Save the Children,
3. Governance with children’s rights – Empowerment of children’s assemblies, with the support of Save the Children,
4. Child protection, with the support of Save the Children,
5. “Mismatch”, support for vocational education in Peja with support from Solidar Suisse,
6. Social dialogue in the dairy sector, with support from Solidar Suisse.
7. Continuity in the anti-corruption network of the states of the SELDI region – civil society for good governance and anti-corruption – Balkan network with the support of the European Commission

A very important new project that our organization is implementing in the period 2015-2016 is “Support for Agri-Tourism, Business and Infrastructure in the municipality of Istog, to increase and promote economic development and the creation of sustainable jobs for better future” with support from the European Commission.

While during the year, other projects are being implemented such as “Let us stay for few moments together in the dark” with support from the European Commission through the “Culture for all – phase III” program, holding a camp for children in the Fidanishte neighborhood, the campaign of signing the petition for visa liberalization, etc.

SELDI II (Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti- Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising)
Project Title: Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising- (SELDI)

Duration: March 2015- December 2016

Country: Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey

Implementing organization(s): Center for the Study of Democracy (SiV is a member of the network for Kosovo together with the Riinvest Institute)

Budget: €10,365 through Syri i Vizioni, (the other budget was realized through CSD)

Donor: European Commission

The purpose of the project: The purpose of the project is to support the European integration process by promoting democratic values ​​and the rule of law, to contribute to an active and dynamic civil society in the region, which participates in the public debate on democracy and the rule of law and against corruption.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the project are civil society organizations, institutions dealing with the fight against corruption and good governance, public administration and legislators, media and citizens in the respective countries where the project is implemented.

Realization of the project: The project is realized within the network, by the actors, each in their own country. Joint meetings and conferences are held twice a year, in which the findings from the research and the anti-corruption report in each of the countries are published. In this period, the research is based on the analysis of the scepter of energy and corrupt practices in this sector.

Activities and Results:

• Development of the action plan for SELDI activities in the region for the regional strategy of good governance and anti-corruption by civil society

• Presentation of a joint strategic program aimed at strengthening and evaluating coalitions of NGOs and various initiatives

• The realism of qualitative research, monitoring and advocacy strategies in the field of good governance and anti-corruption, contributing to the key reforms of the sector at the regional and national level;

• Action for clean and good governance and anti-corruption advocacy messages and policy recommendations for each country and region through the most powerful SELDI and CSO coalition and more empowered citizens;

• Oversight of good governance (including CMS surveys, presentation of analyses, Western Balkans and Turkey Assessment Reports);

• Public awareness and dissemination (including the Regional Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Policy Forum, cooperation with local CSOs, startups and networks, meetings and consultations with authorities, media dissemination).

• Government institutions recognize the importance and value of civil society participation in the process of reforms in good governance and anti-corruption and that citizens are better aware and consulted on the subject.

• Clear action on good governance and anti-corruption, dissemination of the advocacy message and policy recommendations for each country and region through the empowered SELDI coalition and NGOs and citizens;

• Monitoring of good governance (including surveys, production of analyzes in the Western Balkans and Turkey, Corruption Assessment Reports);

• Public and field awareness (including the regional Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Policy Forum, cooperation with local NGOs, grassroots organizations and networks, meetings and consultations with extension authorities, media).

Supporting agritourism and infrastructure for improving and promoting the potential of businesses for the economic development of Istog, growth and the creation of stable jobs
Project name: Supporting agro-tourism and infrastructure to improve and promote the potential of businesses for the economic development of Istog, as well as the creation of sustainable growth and jobs for a better future

Duration of implementation: 18 months (December 2014 – June 2016).

Place: Istog.

Implementing organization: Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the municipality of Istog

Donor: European Union 80% of the total amount, Municipality of Istog 20% ​​of the total amount.

Total budget: ~500,000 Euros

The purpose of the project: Increasing the potential of agritourism businesses in Istog, creating suitable conditions and environment for businesses, supporting economic growth and generating employment.

Beneficiaries: The final beneficiaries of the project are: the private sector, businesses and service providers, farmers, tourism and farmers' associations, local municipalities, citizens, local employment offices, etc.

Project implementation: The project was won by the Eye of Vision in partnership with the Municipality of Istog by the European Commission under the call for proposals from the EURED scheme. The project is implemented by Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the municipality of Istog and within it the improvement of the infrastructure and the business environment in the agro-tourism sector, namely the creation of the path near the Source of Istog, the direct support of agro-tourism operators for improve competition and supply, including building their capacities and giving grants in order to generate economic growth and sustainable employment as well as promoting and increasing their potential to develop business.

Project activities and results:

• Development of agro-tourism business infrastructure, including hiking/walking, cycling, amphitheater and pedestrian bridge at Burimi;

• Capacity building program and development of agritourism offers, improved competition, development plans and generation of new jobs; training of about 50 businesses from the municipality of Istog.

• Direct support of business operators with grants to improve their services, offers and products; allocation of 20 grants for businesses.

• Opening of a tourist information and support center for agro tourism;

• Tourist signage, promotion of products of local businesses, maps.

Active Citizenship Kosova
Project Title: Active Citizenship Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January 2015- December 2015)

Place: Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €43,000

Donors: Olof Palme International

The purpose of the project: The project aims at the general engagement of all citizens, with special emphasis on women, to be part of the decision-making processes, focusing on the region of Peja and Prizren.

Beneficiaries: Village representatives of the local councils of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec municipalities, non-formal women's groups, assembly women, as well as all citizens of Kosovo.

Realization of the project: The Active Citizenship project is focused on supporting the advocacy field and the activation of non-formal women's groups, assembly women of the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Deçan, Klinë and Rahovec, as well as monitoring the implementation of regulations for the organization and functioning of local councils in the municipalities of Parti, Istoge, China, Deçan and Rahovec. As another mechanism to help the chairmen of local councils and other interest groups, the auxiliary and advisory office continues to function, which helps any individual, formal or informal group, in writing requests, complaints or project ideas to address to the institutions. While another advocacy tool that serves to distribute information to citizens is the website www.aktivizohu.org, through which a lot of information is distributed on how to develop an active citizenry, issues are published or even their solutions are published with the initiative of citizens and residents in the various municipalities of Kosovo also have access through this. The activities of this project are concentrated more on strengthening the role of women in decision-making processes, supporting them with small grants, for which there are five (5) grants in total.

Activity and Results:

• Trainings with the women assembly members of the municipalities of Peja, Klina, Istog, Deçan and Rahovec on budgeting with the participation of women as well as appearing in the media.

• Conference with participants from gender equality offices, assembly women, active women in the community, civil society organizations, as well as the media with the aim of engaging women in decision-making, their position in society, increasing transparency and accountability.

• The support of five non-formal groups of women with small grants, for the protection of women's rights, strengthening their role in decision-making processes, with the support of the assembly women of these municipalities where the project was implemented.

• Monitoring the implementation of the municipal regulations for the election of local council presidents in the municipalities: Pejë, Istog, Kline, Deçan and Rahovec, as well as monitoring the election process for local council presidents.

• Trainings with the presidents of the newly elected local councils, for capacity building in the field of advocacy, project writing and self-initiation of the problems faced by the community they represent.

• Workshop for drafting documents in official form with the chairmen of local councils and municipal officials in Pejë, Deçan and Rahovec. The "Active Citizenship Week" campaign as a tool for raising awareness and activating citizens for self-initiatives, addressing problems and raising their voices in decision-making processes.

• National conference with representatives: Ministry of Local Government Administration, Agency for Gender Equality, Ministry of Finance, Offices for Gender Equality, Directorates of Administrations, civil society, assembly women's groups, informal women's groups, representatives of local councils. The purpose of the conference, the presentation of the report on active citizenship, the impact on institutional policies on the empowerment and participation of citizens in decision-making, the role and position of women in decision-making processes, the budget, challenges or opportunities for the functioning of councils and the empowerment of active citizenship.

• Organization of two radio debates to inform citizens, institutions and other interest groups about the Active Citizenship campaign, promoting and directly influencing the promotion of active citizenship, the opportunities and rights that citizens have towards institutions and institutions towards them.

• The website as an informative, advocating and exchanging good experiences of the initiatives itself, directly for citizens throughout Kosovo.

Together 4 Children Rights- CRC Monitoring
Project Title: "Together 4 Children Rights - CRC Monitoring"

Duration: 10 months (March 2015 – December 2015)

Country: All of Kosovo

Budget: €32,810.00

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: Development of children's capacities to report on their rights and to raise awareness among institutions, parents, primary school councils, as well as all the mechanisms created for the protection of children's rights, about the situation of respect for children's rights. children in Kosovo based on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Beneficiaries: The KNDF implementation monitoring project has covered the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo, thus including 37 municipalities of Kosovo or 1,467 settlements.

Realization of the project: The project has influenced that the children of the ROR monitoring group are now an active part of society and their role is quite powerful in monitoring, raising and strengthening their voice and role for the rights that are guaranteed to you not only with local legislation but also with international conventions. The published report on the current situation in the field of decision-making and the right to education, resulting from research done with children, directly affects the policies of institutions and makes children participate in decision-making, since the report offers suggestions and recommendations for institutions on what to do. government and local institutions do to improve the situation of children's rights. During this period of time, it has continued to advocate and monitor the implementation of the recommendations from the "Our Reality" Report to the responsible institutions by the children of the ROR group, who were part of the monitoring. The report was presented to: the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, the Minister of Education Arsim Bajrami, the ombudsman Hilmi Jashari, the parliamentary group of human rights in the Parliament of Kosovo, the mayors of the municipalities of Kosovo, the directorates of education in most of the municipalities of Kosovo as well as in some schools of these municipalities: Pejë, Pristina, Gjakovë, Mitrovica, Prizren, Ferizaj, Fushë Kosovë, Klinë.

Activities and results:

• Coordination meeting of the ROR Group

• Meeting with the board of Save the Children from Sweden with the children of the ROR group during their visit to Kosovo.

• Meetings with local and central institutions as well as with lower secondary schools in the municipalities of Kosovo for the promotion of the ROR monitoring group as well as the advocacy and monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations from the "Our Reality" report

• The "Race for Survival" campaign, the video clip with the hopes of children 2030, as well as the submission of these wishes to the institution of the Ombudsman Mr. Hilmi Jashari

• ToT training of the ROR monitoring group (Respect our Rights)

• Two meetings in the municipality of Peja and Mitrovica for child-friendly budgeting

• The two-day workshop for the compilation of the strategy, the regulation of the ROR monitoring group of children, as well as the meeting for the approval of the regulation of the ROR Group

• Campaign for marking November 20, the day of the International Convention on Children's Rights.

• Two Policy Papers on the topics: Educational quality in Kosovo and violence in schools

• National conference on the topic "What has the state done or should do in the protection of children in Kosovo"

• The members of the RoR Children's Group have carried out training with the municipal children's assembly of Pristina on KNDF and participated in many activities organized by SIV and SCI in strengthening the children's assemblies in the municipalities of Kosovo.

• ROR members invited to the RTK television program "Imazh".

• Members of the ROR monitoring group of children took part in activities organized by SCI for the celebration of June 1st International Children's Day

• At the end of the year, the annual meeting of the ROR children's group took place, as well as the presentation of the project in the program of Radio Dukagjin in Pejë.

Children's participation in decision-making
Project name: "Children's participation in decision-making",

Duration: 12 months (January 2015 – December 2015)

Place: Peja, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Pristina and Mitrovica

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €44,482.00

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: The project aims to empower children at the local level and their involvement in decision-making through the strengthening of municipal assemblies of children, as a legal body for the organization of children at the municipal level, so that they can influence the design of local policies , related to the improvement of the position of children, respect for their rights and involvement in decision-making

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the children of the children's municipal assemblies of the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, and Mitrovica, who represent the lower secondary schools of these municipalities, also the beneficiaries are the local institutions, namely the coordinators for the rights of children as well as schools, which are part of the project's activities as well as the many trainings that have been carried out for capacity building and strengthening of the assemblies.

Realization of the project: In six municipalities of Kosovo, we worked directly with the children's assemblies as well as with the coordinators for children's rights in these municipalities, where the children's assemblies and the coordinators have drawn up their work plans for the next two years.

Activities and Results:

• Signing of agreements with the mayors of 6 municipalities Pejë, Gjakovë, Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj and Mitrovica

• Restructuring of the children's municipal assemblies in the six municipalities,

• Conducting research by the children's assemblies of six municipalities and entering data into the database

• Drafting the report with the research results and publishing the report Training on the international convention on children's rights by the ROR Group.

• Realization of two trainings with coordinators for children's rights in six municipalities

• Drafting of the two-year work plan of the children's municipal assemblies in the six municipalities

• Realization of six round tables with local institutions that have the mandate to protect children's rights

• Regular monthly assembly meetings in order to address children's problems

• Realization of two TV and radio shows, for the presentation of the work of the assembly and their role

• Printing and distribution of brochures of municipal assemblies of children in six municipalities

• Marking the international day of children's rights in cooperation with the municipalities of Pejë, Prishtina, Gjilan, Mitrovica, Ferizaj and Gjakovë.

Together for the rights and protection of children
Name of the project: "Together for the rights and protection of children",

Duration: 12 months (January 2015 – December 2015)

Country: Pristina, Pejë, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Prizren and Mitrovica

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €55,499.72

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: Improving the position of children's rights in Kosovo, strengthening children's organizations in schools and outside them, increasing their influence in the implementation of children's rights; support and development of child protection policies in accordance with the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and EU standards.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the schools: "Ramiz Sadiku" and "Xhemail Kada" Pejë, "Zekeria Rexha" and "Mustafa Bakija" Gjakovë, "Jeronim de Rada" and "Tefik Çanga" Ferizaj, "Andon Zako Çajupi" and "Bedri Gjinaj" Mitrovica, "Naim Frasheri" and "Ismail Qemali" in Prishtina, "Ibrahim Fehmiu" and "Haziz Tola" in Prizren and "Selami Hallaqi" and "Thimi Mitko" in Gjilan, who have attended trainings on protection from violence and harassment in schools , the design of strategies for the operationalization of protection mechanisms in schools. The Institution of the People's Advocate, the directorates of education in the municipalities, the Center for Social Work, the Kosovo Police, the Ministry of Education, etc. have benefited.

Realization of the project: In seven municipalities of Kosovo, we worked directly with school councils in the drafting of codes of conduct and in the creation and strengthening of mechanisms for the protection of children's rights at school, the promotion of children's rights, the prevention of violence and harassment and public awareness. Work has also been done on the drafting of the draft law for the protection of children, which will be approved in 2016.

Activities and Results:

• Drafting and implementation of the code of conduct in four lower secondary schools

• Strengthening complaint boxes in ten schools to address children's grievances

• Training of over 500 children in preventing and addressing violence and harassment in schools

• Over 1000 children were informed about the work of the mechanisms for their rights that operate at the local level in visits and meetings with these institutions.

• Work with the Child Protection Law working group to finalize this law.

• From a training with the governing councils of schools in Prizren and Gjilan for the design of the strategy for the creation and operationalization of mechanisms for children's rights within the school.

• Lectures within the international day of KNDF by the children themselves in each school.

• Creation of groups of trainers from 7 children in each school that teach about KNDF.

• Research by the children themselves in schools regarding the implementation of the Code of Conduct and the complaint box in schools.

• The organization of the "Week against Child Violence" in Kosovo, within which a theatrical performance was realized and shown in Peja and Mitrovica, a media conference, a national conference with all the actors, several TV and local radio shows and national ones aimed at sensitizing society for more attention to violence.

• Meetings with the governing councils of schools and institutions mandated to protect children for the presentation of the research report.

• Drafting of the report by the external expert on the work that Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children have been developing for three years now in the seven largest municipalities of Kosovo.

Support to education in Peja Region
Project name: Support to education in Peja Region

Duration: 2 Months (September - October 2015)

Place: Peja, Kosovo

Budget: €7,970.00

Donor: Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA)

The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project was to improve teaching in hospitality and tourism at the high school of economics \"Ali Hadri\" in Peja, namely to facilitate the teaching conditions for the teachers and students of this school through the drafting of three texts - textbooks for students of grades 10, 11 and 12 related to the subjects of tourism and hospitality.

Beneficiaries: Teachers and students of the economic secondary school in the city of Peja, who for more than 20 years did not have textbooks of professional subjects. In addition to them, the beneficiaries are all the high schools that have the management of hotel and tourism in Kosovo, the municipalities and MEST, which are offered three professional and quite practical textbooks for teaching.

Realization of the project: Drafting of three school manuals: "Hotel service", "Organization of the hotel enterprise" and "Organization of work in the hotel industry", and their publication for about 120 hotel and tourism students of the school of economics. They have been provided during this school year with these books that will serve them for internal use of the school's needs and must remain at school after the end of the academic year. Their design was done through an intensive work process that was done by a group of people, two external professional consultants in the design of subjects and curricula and three experienced professors of the school of economics. Led by the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni, this group has done intensive work, including regular weekly meetings until the drafting of the final draft. After viewing the draft by all actors, it was edited and proofread as well as designed and printed. The books are available to students for free and are also offered to other similar schools in Kosovo. Their use has been formalized by the decision of the professional activity of hotel and tourism subjects, a decision which has been implemented by the Municipal Directorate of Education in Peja and by the school directorate.

Activities and results:

• Selection of experts with experience in the drafting and coordination of works for the publication of three texts Creation and coordination of the working group for the texts together with the professors of SHME Ali Hadri

• Holding seven workshops, collecting and processing materials

• Preparation and printing of three manuals

• Approval of the texts by the school and the municipal Directorate of Education in the municipality, their officialization and their inclusion in the school program.

“Mismatch" (5)
Project name: "Mismatch" (5)

Duration: 11 months (February 2015 – December 2015)

Place: Peja, Gjakova, Istog

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €11,660.00

Donor: Solidar Suisse

The purpose of the project: Improving the quality of professional practice for students of high schools of hospitality and tourism in Peja, raising students' awareness of the education system in Kosovo and career counseling/orientation.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are the students of the hotel high school, the economic high school, businesses in the hotel and tourism sector. The municipalities of Peja, Gjakova and Istog also benefit, through the municipal directorate of education, specifically about 40 teachers accredited for career counseling in a few schools.

Realization of the project: The project was realized in cooperation with the economic high school "Ali Hadri" of Peja, specifically in the areas of hotel and tourism. In cooperation with the school, the municipality, the regional office of education, businesses and civil society, a coordinating group has been created that has addressed the issues of professional practice for students in these two directions, the increase of cooperation between the school and businesses, etc. About 25 businesses have been trained for the professional practice of students in the MUNICIPALITY of Peja. The trainings for the staff of SHME have also continued, and for the first time career guidance has started to be applied in 15 schools of the municipalities of Gjakovë and Istog.

Activities and Results:

• Coordination of municipal-school-business actors related to professional practice

• Trainings for business representatives in Peja, specifically individual trainings with 25 businesses by trainers from the Economic School for professional practice, training for school staff as well

• Training and licensing of 25 teachers for career guidance in Gjakova and Istog

• Application of career orientation in the schools of Gjakova and Istog

• The monitoring report for the application of career orientation in Peja after one year

Let us stay for few moments together in the dark
Project name: Let us stay for few moments together in the dark

Duration: five months (March – July 2015)

Place: Peja, Kosovo

Implementing Organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: 2,670 Euros

Donor: InterArts/European Commission through the call "Culture for all"

The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to influence the reduction of stereotypes in Kosovar society regarding children and blind people through the organization of a concert for the public by blind and visually impaired children.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the blind community in Kosovo, young people and students of the Resource Center for learning and counseling "Xheladin Deda"

Realization of the project: The project helped the students of the school for the blind CBMK Xheladin Deda from Peja and other blind and visually impaired children to hold a concert with the participation of only blind people. The concert is considered to be the only such concert composed entirely of blind people in Kosovo and was held in the "Istref Begolli" theater in Peja. To prepare this concert, a qualified teacher was hired to work with the blind, who prepared the children for the concert.

Activities and results:

• Hiring a music instructor

• Selection of children for the program and creation of the group

• Maintaining regular exercises and preparing the program

• Performance of the concert with music in the theater of Peja
Construction of the sports field in Videja i Klina
Name of the project: Construction of the sports field in Videja i Klina

Duration: 4 months (November 2015- February 2016) Place: Vidëja, Klinë

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €24,982

Donor: UN

The purpose of the project: Improving the living conditions for the community, especially for the young people in Videja, creating the conditions for the development of sports and entertainment activities among the young people in this locality and the surrounding areas

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the residents of the village of Videja, young people and everyone who is interested in the development of sports activities.

Realization of the project: The project was realized in the center of the village of Videja in Klina, in which a sports field was built, with sufficient conditions for the development of sports and entertainment activities. Syri i Vizioni has engaged and coordinated all the necessary work until the final delivery of the project.

Activities and Results:

• Identification of community needs for sports activities in territorial communities

• Choosing the location, arranging the permits and preparing the works

• Engagement of companies to perform the works

All in school for a better future
Project name: "Everyone in school for a better future",

Duration: 5 days (06 July - 10 July 2015)

Place: "7 Shtatori" neighborhood, Peja

Implementing organization(s): "7 September" women's association and Syri i Vizioni

Budget: €5,000

Donor: Terre des Hommes

The purpose of the project: Socialism and association of the children of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali community with the children of the Albanian community, increasing awareness of the importance of education and the return to school of children who have already dropped out of school

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are about 100 children, most of them from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities who live in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori" and other neighborhoods, who have difficult economic conditions in their families, and are unable to provided fun summer activities for them.

Realization of the project: The project was realized in the community center "7 Shtatori" in which for five days it was worked with these children to influence the increase of awareness on the importance of education, for the prevention of dropping out of school, and the impact on the parents of them, increasing the enrollment of children from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in school, namely their return to school.

Activities and Results:

• Informative meeting between children through games led by animators

• Attractive games on children's rights for the international convention on children's rights

• Expression of children's rights through drawings "My right to go to school", conversation with children

• Various games: Right to life and non-discrimination

• Singing and dancing activities

• Closing cocktail with the parents of the children participating in the camp, the local institutions that have the mandate to protect children to be informed about the work and activities carried out during the camp, the exhibition of the works done in the camp.

Social dialogue in the dairy sector
Project title: Social dialogue in the dairy sector

Duration: 12 months (January 2015 – December 2015)

Country: Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with Solidar Suisse

Budget: €11,300

Donor: Solidar Suisse

Project Purpose: This project aimed at empowering producers and processors in the milk sector: their officials during milk sampling, project administration, transparency and neutrality during milk sampling by the Association of Producers and Processors of milk.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are associations of milk processors and producers, administration and project officers who are directly involved in the realization of the project, farmers and consumers of dairy products.

Realization of the project: In this project, the Association of Milk Producers and Processors, SiV during 2014 had the responsibility of providing assistance to the project workers in the processing of the database of farmers, providing statistics as well as monitoring the project officers in the field while receiving samples. Throughout this period of one year, SiV has gone to the field with the project officers to see the problems they face during the collection of samples and at the same time has received the opinions of farmers about the challenges they face, their opinion about obtaining samples and results for milk samples.

Activities and Results:

• Regulating the list of farmers and processing the database

• Monitoring of project officers

• Realization of 100 questionnaires with farmers from all over the territory of Kosovo

• Reporting of research results

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