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deluj lokalno

Projects of 2016

During 2016, Syri i Vizioni continued its activities within the projects and partnerships it has, which have brought changes in the lives of thousands of citizens throughout Kosovo. Part of these activities has been the continuation of projects and partnerships created during work in the past years, but also including new important projects.

Two important projects have been developed in the municipality of Istog with the support of the European Commission, which aim to develop the possibilities of this municipality for the presentation and development of truism and innovation in general. The support of agro-tourism in Istog has continued with the important project of launching the tourist trail in Burim i Istog and the new project that has started in partnership with STIKK for the development of entrepreneurship. At the same time, in the fifth and last year, he worked with Solidar Suisse in the milk processing and production sector.

The increased commitment in the sector of development, promotion of tourism and proper education to adapt to the labor market has been expanded even further this year, continuing the two existing projects “Mismatch” and “SEED” which aim to support of schools in creating the best frameworks for work. Activities from the Municipality of Peja, have expanded throughout the southeastern region of Kosovo, including the schools of Gjakova and Prizren, and through grants that have been distributed to 11 organizations and beneficiary entities in these municipalities.

In the schools of Kosovo, two continuity projects of cooperation with the very important partner of SiV in the protection and promotion of children’s rights, “Save the Children”, with whom we have been an active partner in the drafting of the Law for Children in Kosovo, have continued. the drafting of municipal regulations for codes of conduct and complaint boxes in municipalities.

Two new projects that are being developed in the region of Peja have been developed in partnership with KFOS and aim to integrate the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, with a special role of involving children in schools.

In the sector of civic engagement, strengthening society and democratization through the project “Active Citizenship” with Olaf Palme Center, the encouragement of active citizenship in Kosovo has continued, in the Project for the Support of Women with the support of USAID/ATRC, which started this year, has been supported the empowerment of women in politics, business and civil society, while in the continuation of the third year of the SELDI project, the anti-corruption commitment has been continued as part of the Balkan network. The exchange of information and networking is carried out through the coordination of the Civikos network at the local level.

The year 2016 was a year in which the organization continued its growth and professionalization, a staff of 53 people were actively engaged in various projects during this year, of which 19 are permanent staff of the office. In addition to the staff, there has been a continuous commitment of members and volunteers who have made the activity of the organization visible. This year has resulted in a very important presence in the media, where SiV has offered its expertise at the country level, serving as a point of reference for Kosovo on several topics, as well as sharing its experiences with the public. In the service of the organization’s better visibility, there have been products that have influenced the image of SiV to the public, but also with the addition of assets and adaptation of work spaces.

Raising the capacities of the staff was also done with the financial management, which was done with the support of partners and TAK, and with the drafting of the Financial Procedures. Dozens of different trainings, conferences and symposiums as well as study visits were held, such as in the field of children’s rights, which have led to an increase in the number of trainers in the organization.

All this has influenced the organization to be a clear voice of active citizenship in Kosovo and the region, gathering around itself communities that want to commit to improving living conditions and making them part of a process that aims to bring changes and development. Syri i Vizioni offices have been an address where citizens and communities have found support, while they have been guided and supported in their requests and ideas, making them all part of a common commitment that gathers all those who aim for positive change in the neighborhoods and villages where they live.

Governance with children's rights
Project name: "Governance with children's rights"

Duration: 12 months (January 2016 – December 2016)

Place: Peja, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Pristina, Mitrovica and Klina

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €57,430.72

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: The project aims to empower children at the local level and their involvement in decision-making through the strengthening of municipal assemblies of children, as a legal body for the organization of children at the municipal level, so that they can influence the design of local policies , related to the improvement of the position of children, respect for their rights and involvement in decision-making.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries are the children of the municipal assemblies of the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Mitrovica and Klinë, who represent the lower secondary schools of these municipalities, also the beneficiaries are the local institutions, namely the coordinators for children's rights as well as the schools, which are part of the project's activities as well as the numerous trainings that have been carried out for capacity building and strengthening of the assemblies.

Realization of the project: In six municipalities of Kosovo, we worked directly with the children's assemblies as well as with the coordinators for children's rights in these municipalities, where the children's assemblies and the coordinators have drawn up their work plans for the next two years.

Activities and Results:

• 6 informative meetings were held with the municipal assemblies of children of Pejë, Gjakovë, Prishtina, Mitrovica, Gjilan and Ferizaj municipalities,

• Realization of the Karl Popper debate tournament on the occasion of marking the day of teachers in cooperation with the Municipality of Pristina and partners SCI and SIV,

• Increasing children's participation in decision-making through free elections in lower primary schools, for the selection of members of the children's assembly by the children themselves,

• Selection of new members of the ROR group,

• Realization of the informational meeting of the ROR group, for the presentation of the plan of activities and new members of this group,

• The launch of the new website of the ROR group,

• 7 meetings were held with human rights units, namely with the coordinators for children's rights in seven municipalities,

• 7 activities were carried out as part of the International Children's Day, June 1. The implementation of training with coordinators for children's rights,

• Drafting of the first draft document of CLMAs,

• 5 regular meetings were held with the children's assemblies (Klina, Gjakovë, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjilan)

• A regular meeting as well as a training with the ROR monitoring group of children was carried out,

• Realization of two exchange visits between the municipal assemblies of children,

• 7 meetings were held with human rights units, namely with the coordinators for children's rights in seven municipalities,

• 7 activities were carried out within the International Children's Day on June 1,

• Realization of training with coordinators for children's rights, Drafting of the first draft document of CLMAs,

• 5 regular meetings were held with the children's assemblies (Klina, Gjakovë, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjilan)

• A regular meeting as well as a training with the ROR monitoring group of children was held

Active Citizenship
Project Title: Active Citizenship Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January 2016 - December 2016)

Place: Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €34,721.35

Donors: Olof Palme International

The purpose of the project: The project aims to activate citizens at the local level to influence the development of the community's capacities, to organize themselves to improve their livelihoods, and to be an integral part of decision-making at the municipal level.

Beneficiaries: Representatives of the local councils of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec municipalities, formal and non-formal women's groups, women assembly members, youth groups, deputies of municipal assemblies, officials of institutions, other actors working in this field as well as all citizens of Kosovo.

Realization of the project: The Active Citizenship project is focused on supporting, strengthening and raising the capacities of these groups of actors in the community, non-governmental organizations, groups of young women, so that these groups have the opportunity to create self-initiatives to be part of decision-making. , and monitoring officials in improving communication between officials and the community. As another mechanism to help the chairmen of local councils and other interest groups, the auxiliary and advisory office continues to function, which helps any individual, formal or informal group, in writing requests, complaints or project ideas to address to the institutions . While another advocacy tool that serves to distribute information to citizens is the website www.aktivizohu.org, through which a lot of information is distributed on how to develop an active citizenry, issues are published or even their solutions are published with the initiative of citizens and residents in the various municipalities of Kosovo also have access through this. The activities of this project this year are also focused on strengthening the role of women in decision-making processes, supporting them with small grants, for which there are five (5) grants in total.

Activity and Results:

• Consultative meetings with all the actors foreseen in the project.

• Research with citizens and workers in public and private enterprises. "Awareness of Workers about their Rights and Registration in the Trade Union", if they are registered in any trade union, if they have knowledge of the representation of trade unions in court in case their rights are violated, as well as information of others will be collected in this research. The results of this research served for the conference, which was organized after this research.

• Conference with representatives of Trade Unions, the Directorate for Labor and Social Welfare, the Directorate for Youth, the heads of local councils, representatives of municipalities, citizens and non-governmental organizations to participate in this conference.

• Workshop with the heads of the councils to list the priorities facing the community.

• Meetings with municipal officials for the presentation of residents' priorities for each locality by the heads of local councils, thus directly influencing the inclusion of community needs.

• Workshop for identifying the needs or problems raised by the women themselves, and drafting a joint work plan of assembly women, women's organizations, active women in the community and offices for gender equality.

• Increasing the participation of citizens, through the heads of the councils, in the public meetings organized by the municipality, especially the public meetings about the budget and development plans, where the residents have given support to their representatives chosen by them as heads or members of the councils, which is their priority included in the municipal budget and development plan.

• Preparation of a newsletter to inform the community about subsidies in agriculture. This informant would increase the number of applicants to benefit from these subsidies, it would influence the local and central institutions to increase the amount for subsidies, they would be able to make a better selection.

• The "Active Citizen's Week" campaign as a tool for awareness and activation of all actors with whom we work, to address problems and raise our voice in decision-making processes.

• National conference with representatives: Ministry of Local Government Administration, Agency for Gender Equality, Ministry of Finance, Offices for Gender Equality, directors of Administrations, civil society, assembly women's groups, informal women's groups, representatives of local councils. The purpose of the conference, Addressing the problems of the local level against the central institutions.

• Organization of two radio debates to inform citizens, institutions and other interest groups about the Active Citizenship campaign, promoting and directly influencing the promotion of active citizenship, the opportunities and rights that citizens have towards institutions and institutions towards them.

• Supporting five non-formal women's groups with small grants, for the protection of women's rights, strengthening their role in decision-making processes, with the support of women assemblymen of these municipalities where the project is implemented.

• The functioning of the Office, which has served for the reception of the parties and the addressing of citizens' problems in official documents, requests, complaints, project ideas, etc. Also, the office has served as a kind of guidance and assistance and consulting institution for all citizens, local council presidents, civil society and institutions since this office, as needed, also informs local institutions of policies issued by institutions at the central level .

• The website www.aktivizohu.org as a means of information, advocacy and exchange of good experiences of the initiatives itself, directly for citizens throughout Kosovo.

EU Support in the Implementation of the Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities, Egyptian
Project Title: EU Support in the Implementation of the Strategy for the Integration of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali Communities 2-Education for Integration (EUSIMRAES 2)

Duration: 36 months (April 2016 - March 2019)

Place: Istog

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €94,203.80

Donors: Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS)

Project goal: The specific objective of the project is to ensure equal access of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali children to pre-primary, primary and secondary education, improving enrolment, attendance and achievement of children's outcomes through community-based support and financial.

Beneficiaries: Children from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, between the ages of 5 and 14, parents of school-age children, school teachers serving the target communities, secondary school students, civil society organizations and the general public in Kosovo.

Project implementation: Inclusion of children from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in pre-primary, primary and secondary education and improvement of their learning outcomes. Improved access and attendance of children of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in upper secondary education and improvement of their capacities to benefit from higher education. Organizations working in the field of education of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities improve their capacity to provide quality services to members of their communities.

Activity and Results:

• The operation of 10 learning centers is supported

• Parents of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities are made aware to enroll their children in school on time

• Logistical support is offered to children of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities to continue pre-primary education

• Individual mentoring and homework help is provided for school-aged and returning children

• Anti-bias training is organized for teachers and parents, and mentoring/counseling is provided to ensure the implementation of acquired competencies.

• Local events are organized to help the better integration of children of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities at the school level.

• Support is provided for the enrollment of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children in upper secondary education

• A scholarship program is created for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian high school students

• Mentoring is provided for scholarship recipients

• An informal network of CSOs working to improve educational opportunities for the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities is established.

• Communication between network members is facilitated and information is shared

• The cooperation strategy for the network is developed

• Professional development opportunities are provided for network members to improve their service and advocacy skills.

Development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the cross-border region of Kosovo and Montenegro
Project name: "Development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the cross-border region of Kosovo and Montenegro"

Duration: 14 months (December 2015 – February 2017)

Country: Istog- Kosovo and Berane- Montenegro

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni and STIKK

Budget: €250,752.14 (SiV €64,728.34)

Donor: European Commission

The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to contribute to the socio-economic development in the regions of Istog (KS) and Berane (MNE) through investments in innovation and increased competitiveness, which will open a new model for bring elevated qualities to the tourism sector by introducing technology into tourism products and packages.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the project are the House of Innovation in Istog and Berane, which will try to benefit from the local intellectual resources provided by the final beneficiaries, which in this case are the local residents who are involved in the tourism industry, but also the wider population of Kosovo and Montenegro that will be called to contribute to this project. In addition, with the expertise of the project partners and the support of external consultants, the project aims to create results in increasing awareness in the tourism industry and entrepreneurship (Promotion & communication), increasing competitiveness and innovation - supporting structures (House of Innovation) as well as the growth and promotion of regional products / services. Realization of the project: The project is implemented by the partners: Association of Information and Communication Technology of Kosovo (STIKK) and NGO Syri i Vizioni on the Kosovo side, in cooperation with the Montenegro side, consisting of the Tourism Organization of Berane and Cluster of Technology of Montenegro. The project aims that through these results, the beneficiaries who in this case are the local residents and local authorities, the project participants will use the opportunities offered on the Internet for the promotion of tourism, trade and communication, to increase their capacities through a number of trainings and seminars; and will come up with new innovations that will be applied to the local tourism industry, but moreover, it can be re-applied throughout the region targeted by the cross-border cooperation project.

Activities and Results:

• Creation of a joint steering committee and training of key actors to serve as tourism promoters

• Establishment and operationalization of Innovation Houses for Kosovo (in Istog) and for Montenegro (in Berane)

• Bringing tools to facilitate trade, tourism and communication within the program area (Internet, technical tools)

• Support for the promotion of regional products/services through the organization of cross-border events and activities

• Organization of a week-long competition in the form of a new business development camp (eg startup weekend) and mobile application for technology and tourism innovations that will influence the further development of the tourism industry in Istog

• Mentoring and development of innovation ideas resulting from the 1-week competition

• Giving grants to new businesses created by the 1-week competition for the most accurate formation of ideas and their business

• Development of marketing plan / printed promotional materials

• Organization of promotional campaigns, including video and country promotion.

Together for the rights and protection of children
Project name: "Together for the rights and protection of children"

Duration: 12 months (January 2016 – December 2016)

Country: Pristina, Pejë, Gjakovë, Klinë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Prizren and Mitrovica

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €41,683.07

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: Development of a system for monitoring and reporting violence against children, through the creation of favorable policies for improving the protection of children in Kosovo, which are in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and EU standards OF THE

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the schools: "Ramiz Sadiku" and "Xhemail Kada" Pejë, "Zekeria Rexha" and "Mustafa Bakija" Gjakovë, "Jeronim de Rada" and "Tefik Çanga" Ferizaj, "Andon Zako Çajupi" and "Bedri Gjinaj" Mitrovica, "Naim Frasheri" and "Ismail Qemali" in Prishtina, "Ibrahim Fehmiu" and "Haziz Tola" in Prizren and "Selami Hallaqi" and "Thimi Mitko" in Gjilan, who attended the trainings for the protection of children from violence at school and the creation of the committee for the administration of the complaint box. Yes, the institutions at the local and national level that have the mandate to protect children, especially in the drafting of the Law on the protection of children, as well as the directorates of education in municipalities, parents and centers for social work, are also beneficiaries.

Realization of the project: In eight municipalities of Kosovo, we worked directly with the school councils in the creation of the commission for administration with the complaint box, as well as the creation and strengthening of other mechanisms in the strengthening of mechanisms within the school. The unique code of conduct for schools has also been drawn up with the help of the directorates of education from the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë and Gjakovë, through which it has been extended throughout the country. The parliamentary committee was assisted in finalizing the law, and the municipalities were involved in the drafting of this law, which will be approved during 2017.

Activities and Results:

• Strengthening of functional mechanisms in 8 municipalities, to prevent and respond to all forms of violence;

• Drafting of the Unique Code of Conduct in eight municipalities, which will be distributed to all schools in these municipalities;

• Creation of the municipal group for the drafting of the Code of Conduct at the municipal level;

• Establishment of school councils for opening boxes and addressing complaints;

• Reporting on monitoring the use of complaint boxes;

• Holding the Week against violence against children and launching the video animation for the prohibition of corporal punishment against children;

• Participation of about 1,000 children in activities during the Week against Violence campaign

• Involvement of local institutions in the drafting of the child protection law and assistance to the parliamentary committee;

• Organization of two workshops with municipalities and national level institutions for the finalization of the draft law on child protection;

• Informing the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo about the recommendations that came out of the meetings at the regional level for the draft law on the protection of children;

• Initiation of social dialogue between parents, schools and PSCs to prevent violence against children not only at school but also at home in four municipalities (Pejë, Gjakovë, Pristina and Ferizaj);

• Creation of groups of 10-15 parents in the "Doves of Peace" kindergarten in Peja and preschool in the "Zekeria Rexha" school to attend training on positive discipline;

• Trainings on positive discipline in daily parenting were held and 21 parents who attended this training were certified.

• Over 12,000 brochures on the functioning of complaint boxes were printed and distributed in all schools and municipalities to raise the awareness of parents, children and teachers about the boxes;

• Three workshops and two public hearings were held for the municipal regulation in the municipality of Peja for the opening and administration of complaint boxes in primary and lower secondary schools.

Women's support project
Name of the project: "Project for the support of women"

Duration: 15 months (February 2016 – May 2017)

Place: Pejë, Istog, Deçan and Junik

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: 49400 euros


The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to influence the improvement of governance, parliamentarism and entrepreneurship at the local and national level, advancing and raising the capacities and empowering women in the public, private and non-governmental sectors as well as improving their position in institutions and businesses.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are women from politics, business and civil society in the four municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Deçan and Junik, the municipal assemblies, the offices for gender equality and the wider society in general.

Realization of the project: In four municipalities of Kosovo, work will be done directly on empowering women, encouraging them for an active role, raising their capacities as assembly women, from business or from civil society. A group of 20 women assemblymen in these four municipalities, as the bearers of the process, will receive the appropriate assistance for revising the legislation at the local level and increasing the ability to be active in the municipal assemblies. The revision of the regulations is done in the relevant municipal assemblies in the municipalities. In the other group consisting of women active in business, politics and civil society, there are 24 women who will attend and be certified in the School of Entrepreneurship with trainers selected by Syri i Vizioni in eight workshops with different themes of commitment, innovation and entrepreneurship. A forum with active women in Kosovo will share the good experiences created in the region and will be attended by 40 women beneficiaries, from where a brochure will be initiated that will promote the experiences of successful women in the region of Peja. Eight women, four from business and four from politics, are offered 24 individual mentoring and counseling sessions by experts.

Activities and Results:

• Selection and creation of a group of 20 women beneficiaries from different entities, including minorities from the four municipal assemblies,

• Holding six daily sessions with women assemblymen,

• Gender analysis of about 77 municipal regulations in four municipalities, drawing up a report with recommendations,

• Initiation of activities for changing municipal regulations and adaptation to the new law on gender equality,

• Selection and creation of a group of 24 women beneficiaries from politics, business and civil society for the Entrepreneurship School,

• Training, holding eight one-day workshops on different topics and certification of participants in the Entrepreneurship School,

• Selection of eight beneficiaries, four from politics and four from business for personal mentoring,

• Holding 24 individual sessions by selected experts in mentoring/counseling with the eight beneficiary women,

• A joint meeting where successful women in the region present their experiences to a group of 40 active women from the region,

• Designing and distributing a brochure with successful women in order to promote them.

Prospect +
Project name: "Prospect +"

Duration: 13 months (November 2015 – December 2016)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision and Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS)

Budget: €23,225.00

Donor: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie (KKS)

The purpose of the project: The project aims at the awareness and integration of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, the right to education, health, which is not only a fundamental right but is a strategy to overcome poverty as well as security in social situations - economic and advocacy, and in this context the project aims to contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan Strategy, the integration of communities by improving their access to education, health and social services. It also aims to raise parents' awareness through various trainings, to engage them in school participation.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of this project are the families of the communities, children, young people and the elderly, who, in cooperation with the institutions and the Eye of Vision organization, will improve their participation in education, health and socio-economic services, to increase the level of awareness and information about health and health services.

Realization of the project: In the municipality of Peja, work was done in the "7 Shtatori" neighborhood, one of the most populated neighborhoods of this community, as well as in the village of Vitomiricë - the schools "Xhemajl Kada" and "7 ShtatoriË®. In the aforementioned neighborhoods, work was done in directly with the communities, mainly with the families of the communities, about their current situation, their future, their rights in society, integration, children's rights in education, their rights in health as well as their social rights - economic. We have cooperated together during this period of time and have a good communication regarding the affected issues, in particular we have organized awareness campaigns with parents to motivate them to enroll their children in schools and enable them to continue their regular education. The project as a project has produced materials for certain campaigns, various meetings,

Activities and Results:

• Awareness activities were carried out for the registration of children in school - The importance of education

• 6 intercultural activities were carried out in the centers/locations of additional learning on the topics: Tolerance, Children's Rights Convention Day, International Children's Day - June 1, November 28, Halloween and New Year's Holidays - Christmas and New Year.

• 7 activities, health awareness campaigns were carried out in the residential neighborhoods of the communities on the following topics: Pregnancy before, during and after birth, Breastfeeding, Vaccination and the importance of vaccination of children and the elderly, Body hygiene, Breast cancer, Pap test and Check-Up Reminder (the importance of annual routine checks), Prevention of caries

• Realization of the advocacy campaign carried out in the residential neighborhoods of the communities for identification and problem solving.

Mismatch (VI)
Project name: "Mismatch" (6)

Duration: 11 months (February 2016 – December 2016)

Place: Peja, Gjakovë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan, Junik

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €13,774.00

Donor: Solidar Suisse

The goal of the project: Improving the quality of teaching through the introduction and strengthening of the subject of guidance and career counseling in lower secondary schools, creating conditions for teachers and schools to apply the subject.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are the students of the lower secondary school in the municipalities of the region of Peja and Gjakova, the teachers who have been trained and certified or have been equipped with the annual curriculum for this subject. Beneficiaries are also the municipalities of Peja, Gjakova, Klina, Deçan, Junik and Istog, through the municipal directorate of education, in which the subject of career counseling is implemented.

Realization of the project: The project was realized in cooperation with the municipal directorates of education in the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan, Junik in order to implement the teaching of the subject of career counseling. In the municipalities of Decan, Junik and Istog, 38 teachers have been certified for career guidance and counseling, some of whom have started applying it immediately since September. Meanwhile, in the municipalities of Gjakovë and Istog, the implementation of the subject, which started last year, has been monitored. With the DKAs of the six municipalities, a joint request was made to the Ministry of Education and then an annual teaching plan was drawn up for the subject of counseling and career guidance, which was submitted to MEST to share as an experience in other schools in Kosovo.

Activities and Results:

• Training and certification of 38 career guidance teachers in the municipalities of Klinë, Deçan and Junik.

• The beginning of the application of career guidance as a subject in the three municipalities of the region.

• The report with recommendations for the municipalities drawn up based on the findings from the monitoring of the implementation in the municipalities of Gjakovë and Istog, where Career Orientation has started since last year.

• Annual curriculum for the subject of career orientation 9 in the ninth grades with optional lessons.

• The annual teaching plan for the curricular field "Life and Work" - the "Career Orientation" module, curricular level 3 and 4, including materials, tools and teaching methods, which has been submitted to the Ministry of Education to be distributed in the municipalities of Kosovo .

Social dialogue in the dairy sector
Project title: Social dialogue in the dairy sector

Duration: 12 months (January 2016 – December 2016)

Country: Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with Solidar Suisse

Budget: €10,600

Donor: Solidar Suisse

Project Purpose: This project aimed at empowering producers and processors in the milk sector: their officials during milk sampling, project administration, transparency and neutrality during milk sampling by the Association of Producers and Processors of milk.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are associations of milk processors and producers, administration and project officers who are directly involved in the realization of the project, farmers and consumers of dairy products.

Realization of the project: In this project, the Association of Milk Producers and Processors, SiV during 2014 had the responsibility of providing assistance to the project workers in the processing of the database of farmers, providing statistics as well as monitoring the project officers in the field while receiving samples. Throughout this period of one year, SiV has gone to the field with the project officers to see the problems they face during the collection of samples and at the same time has received the opinions of farmers about the challenges they face, their opinion about obtaining samples and results for milk samples.

Activities and Results:

• Regulating the list of farmers and processing the database

• Monitoring of project officers

• Realization of 100 questionnaires with farmers from all over the territory of Kosovo

• Reporting of research results

Empowerment of civil society in the region of Peja through the regional center of the CiviKos Platform
Project name: "CIVIKOS Hub Pejë"

Duration: 12 months (July 2015 – December 2016)

Place: Pejë, Gjakovë, Klinë, Istog, Junik, Deçan and Istog

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €1600

Donor: CIVIKOS Platform

The purpose of the project: Dissemination of information to all civil society organizations, informing CSOs in time about the possibilities of their involvement in legal and sub-legal policies and the involvement of CSOs through various councils and commissions in local level institutions and national. Likewise, the strengthening of CSOs in their active role in decision-making, thus influencing the increase of cooperation between institutions and civil society at both levels.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are all civil society organizations regardless of their charter and the activity they do in the municipalities of the Peja region. Likewise, local and national level institutions, since they have had an active voice and a responsibility as well as help civil society in those departments where their participation is guaranteed by law and by contributing to the design and help in the implementation of various policies.

Implementation of the project: In six municipalities of Kosovo, in Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan, Junik and Gjakovë, where through the regional center of the CiviKos platform in Pejë, CSOs from these municipalities have been sent various information in both languages ​​that they came from the central level from the center of Civicos in Pristina. In addition to information, meetings, debates, roundtables were held between civil society organizations and institutions at the local level in the aforementioned municipalities, as well as various researches, campaigns and reports with recommendations related to civil society cooperation. with local level institutions.

Activities and Results:

• The distribution of information that has been in the interest of CSOs of all fields, not only Albanian but also Bosnian Serb, Roma, etc.;

• Coordination of the actions and activities of the CSOs of the Peja region, aimed at increasing the cooperation of civil society with institutions;

• Research and analysis on the situation of CSOs in the region of Peja, through individual meetings and interviews;

• Debates and roundtables on the position of CSOs vis-à-vis institutions and opportunities for cooperation;

• Providing assistance and advice to CSOs that have had to do with advocacy and their active role towards institutions at the local and regional level;

• Increasing the cooperation of local institutions with civil society, through regular meetings, debates and conferences.

Civic participation
Project Title: Civic Participation

Duration: 4 months (November 2016 - February 2017)

Country: Kosovo, Serbia, Albania

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni, The Timok Club, Vlora Youth Center

Budget: €2431.59

Donor: Olof Palme International

The purpose of the project: The main purpose of the project proposal "Citizen Participation" is to encourage the active involvement of citizens in the work of CSOs through the exchange of experiences, the creation of a sustainable regional network of CSOs and the use of innovative practices in citizen participation. related to local policies and decision-making processes in Albania, Serbia and Kosovo.

Beneficiaries: At least 500 participants (citizens from rural and urban areas; equally represented in terms of gender) included in the research in all countries, at least 6 local or regional media, 6 NGOs will be included depending on their primary group in focus towards which they are oriented in mobilizing the local community (citizens) - implementing and promoting the results and testing examples of the best models.

Activity and Results:

• Memorandums of Understanding created and signed between all partners

• Meetings of partners

• Creation of the communication plan

• The initiating and final event

• Creation of an animated film for the participation of citizens

• Development of methodology and preparation of unique questionnaires

• Field work

• Creation of comparative analysis

• Presentation and dissemination of results

• Four-day seminar "Presentation of examples of the best models/mechanisms for citizen participation in Albania, Serbia and Kosovo"

• Test models/mechanisms for citizen participation

• Effective cross-border cooperation between NGOs in the three regions

• Creation of 3 animated films for the participation of citizens

• At least 600 participants involved in the research in all countries

• More than 150,000 residents of municipalities participating in the project receive information on the involvement of citizens in the work of NGOs.

• The capabilities of 6 NGOs to interact with people and increased citizen participation have been developed

• A comparative analysis of citizen participation in the three countries has been created and distributed

• The capacities of NGOs through the transfer of techniques have been raised

• At least 12 appearances in the media have been made

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