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Peja, 07 July – The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” – SIV in partnership with the organization Center for Research, Documentation and Publication – QHDP held a working meeting with the parents of children from primary and secondary schools in the municipality of Peja. Several topics were discussed at the meeting: prevention of violence in schools, safety in schools, carrying cold weapons and firearms in schools by students. It was also discussed how safe parents feel when their children are at school, cases of violence and harassment among peers, as well as coping mechanisms.

Parents have assessed as very necessary the implementation of measures for safety in schools and have expressed their dissatisfaction with the safety of children at school, not making decisions in a fair way by the appropriate institutions.
According to them, security in schools should be improved by making parents aware of greater surveillance of their children, as well as through independent security in schools, cameras that should not be managed by school staff, but by an external team. , the exchange of educational reforms with the right of exclusion and repetition of the year for students, the drafting of regulations signed between parents and the school.

The meeting was held within the project “Cross-border network of citizens for peace, reconciliation of communities and human freedom”, which the Center for research, documentation and publication in partnership with the organization “Syri i Vizioni” are implementing.
Present at this meeting were parents of children of different ages, who expressed the benefits and problems they face while having their children at school. They also congratulated the organizations for the organization and the initiative taken on a very important issue, which is very worrying for parents, especially recently in Peja.

At the end of the meeting, some recommendations were made that will help the organization’s research, which will be done at the general level of the country, so that the results of this study can help institutions to prevent and react more successfully to cases of violence among young people.


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