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Save the Children and Syri i Vizionit: Respect the Child Protection Law

On the occasion of the entry into force of the Law on Child Protection, the office of Save the Children in Kosovo and the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” call for an inter-sectoral harmonization and cooperation between all relevant actors in order to fully implement obligations arising from this Law.

It is high time that the Child Protection Law is used as a tool that helps all boys and girls in Kosovo enjoy their right to live in a healthy and violence-free environment.



Save the Children in Kosovo, in close cooperation with our partner, the NGO ‘Syri i Vizioni’, has advocated through the “RriteMeDashni” campaign for Kosovo to have a law for the protection of such children since 2013 until the passing of the Law on 21 June 2019 (when it was passed in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo). During this journey, we have worked closely with the relevant institutions supporting and offering our suggestions to the working groups of the Legal Office of the Prime Minister and the Office for Good Governance and the Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Petitions, especially in the inclusion of legal articles for the prohibition of violence against children in any environment, it is stated in the press release.

In addition, since 2017, we have continuously supported parents or guardians, teachers and institutional officials through the Positive Discipline program.

This training program offers alternative forms of non-violent child discipline and focuses on cooperation to solve problems in a healthy way.

Save the Children and “Syri i Vizioni” assess that the implementation of the Child Protection Law is very important for the future of the country, therefore, they call on the responsible institutions to do their best to implement this law, for the children of they are given the opportunity to grow up healthy and without violence so that they can reach their potential in Kosovo.


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