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deluj lokalno

October 2022 – Throughout the months of September and October, the Eye of Vision organization held six advocacy and information campaigns with the theme “Increasing the participation of women in local councils” in the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Gjakovë.

The purpose of the campaigns was to inform and advocate for women’s groups regarding the local councils, the electoral process and the importance of their participation in these councils, through which they are included in the decision-making processes, thereby influencing the increase in transparency and accountability of institutions. These activities have influenced the increase of women’s interest in being part of the councils in order to push forward the issues that directly affect them.

The activities were developed within the project “Active citizen and responsible municipality in Kosovo”, which is implemented by Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Communication For Social Development, EC Ma Ndryshe and Democracy Plus, which have formed an alliance for this program, which is financially supported by Olof Palme International Center. The program aims at the widest possible inclusion and participation of citizens in decision-making.


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