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Gjakovë July-November 2011. The organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, within the project for the empowerment of the Roma, Egyptian and Shkali communities, in the municipalities of Peje, Istog, Klinë, Deçan, Gjakovë and Rahovec, has started with the test class in the Romani language that is carried out at the “Emin Duraku” school, in the Municipality of Gjakova.

About 25 students from the Roma community, who have expressed their desire and willingness to learn their language and not to forget their mother tongue, continue to study in this class. This activity is organized in order to protect the rights of children to learn their mother tongue and will continue until the end of December 2011.

The project is financed by the Olof Palme International Center and implemented by the NGO “Syri i Vizioni”.


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