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The children and the President agree to work together to raise awareness of issues that affect them

On the occasion of June 1 – Children’s Day, the children of the Children’s Rights Monitoring Group “Respect Our Rights” met with the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Vjosa Osmani to discuss the state of respect for children’s rights in Kosovo, especially in the field of security, education and environment, these areas directly affect the health and proper development of children in the Republic of Kosovo.

In this meeting, the children’s representatives presented the challenges faced by children in Kosovo and their proposals for finding a sustainable solution. In the field of safety, children drew attention to abuses and their lack of safety in school and family environments, asking President Osmani for her institutional support to find a solution that respects the child’s right to a safe environment as it is defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Law on Child Protection.

The “Respect Our Rights” group also raised the issue of challenges in the environment and education, presenting awareness campaigns for children and activities in these areas, such as the “Think about the Earth” sessions and the “Bring me home with the same quality” campaign and the findings of the report “How we learned and how much we learned during the pandemic”, giving recommendations regarding the improvement of the distance education situation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Osmani congratulated the children on their Day by giving pledges to support the initiatives in the framework of the awareness of the citizens of Kosovo in the field of education, environment and gender equality. Among other things, President Osmani assured the children that she will work in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Assembly to advance the processes that are in the best interest of children so that every child in Kosovo enjoys institutional protection and respect for his rights.

The ROR group (Respect Our Rights) is a group composed of 24 children from different municipalities of Kosovo, aged 14-17, from all communities, including children with disabilities. The children’s monitoring group was founded by the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” and “Save the Children” within the program “Governance with children’s rights – Monitoring of the Convention on Children’s Rights”.


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