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The code of conduct is established at the “Ramiz Sadiku” primary school and books are donated to the library

Pejë December 21, 2012- The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni has established a code of conduct and donated books to the library of the Ramiz Sadiku Elementary School in Pejë.
The code of conduct was drafted in cooperation with the school council and the director of education in the Municipality of Peja. The ceremony of setting the code as well as the donation was held in the building of this school where officials from the directorate of education, teachers and students of the school, representatives from the council of parents and students participated.
This activity is part of the many activities that the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni is carrying out in the primary schools of the Municipality of Peja and Gjakova, supported by the children’s rights organization Save the Children International.
In addition to the code of conduct for schools and grands for each school, since September of this year until now, numerous trainings have been held for the students of these schools on various topics such as Violence and its forms, Harassment and forms of harassment as well as the existing Mechanisms for addressing and preventing violence in schools. Where more than 100 students of the heads of classes as well as teachers have participated in these trainings.
The project Prevention of violence in schools and protection of children’s rights, which the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” is being implemented since September of this year, is supported by the children’s rights organization Save the Children International.
The project aims to prevent violence against children, especially in schools, as well as strengthening the freedoms and rights of children in Kosovo.


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