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The heads of the local councils ask the municipalities to invest equally for all citizens and not according to the electorate

Pejë, April 20- In the debate organized by the GAP Institute in cooperation with the “Eye of Vision” organization, the topic “Active citizenship in the various localities of Kosovo” was discussed, and the report from the GAP Institute was published, which talks about the various localities in Kosovo where the community is organized in performing voluntary work in the general interest.
This report includes citizens’ perceptions of how much they know about their representatives in their residences and their commitment to performing voluntary work in the interest of the community itself.
Some of the local council presidents of Pejë, Deçan, Istog and Klinë municipalities, civil society and the media were present at this meeting, but the mayors of these municipalities were absent even though they had confirmed their participation days before.
The heads of the local councils have agreed that the voice of the citizens should be more powerful in addressing the issues that are in the general interest, but according to them, the lack of responsibility of the institutions in prioritizing the problems together with the citizens has influenced their disappointment.
According to the heads of local councils and civil society, the local government continues governance and the orientation of investments 80% according to their electorate, or in those areas where the directors and assemblymen of the party that is in power come from, and not according to the needs of the citizens to have a comprehensive extension at the municipal level.
The good work being done by the heads of the local councils has also been appreciated, despite the difficulties they have with their community and often with the institutions and investors who carry out the works in their settlements.
According to them, their influence on the institutions has increased, although not as much as it should be, even the chairmen of the councils of Peja have asked other municipalities that have not created these structures to follow the example of Peja, for the way of notification, organization and maintenance of elections for local councils.
As for the stimulation or payment for the local council presidents, they requested that the institutions should provide a dignified salary or not allocate funds at all, since according to them the amount of compensation set by the municipality of Peja, in the amount of 300 euros per year, is worthless for the work, responsibilities and obligations that the heads of local councils have. This assessment came from the heads of local councils from other municipalities, and the heads of the local councils of Peja themselves agreed with this assessment, who announced that in their commitments to the community and for the good of the community, they spend five times this compensation.
At the end of the meeting, they all agreed that a general mobilization is needed, heads of councils, civil society and the media to influence the strengthening of the citizen’s voice against the institutions, but also the increase of responsibility and voluntary contribution for the benefit of the community.

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