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The monitoring report of the International Convention on Children’s Rights is published

Press release

Peja, April 2, 2014
The Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with the organization Save the Children, have published the monitoring report of the international convention on the rights of children by the children themselves under the title “Perceptions of students, parents and officials about the right to education, harassment and discrimination in School”.

The report includes three areas of the international convention on children’s rights: “Right to Education”, Harassment” and “Non-discrimination”, where in each of these areas it has been seen that there have been violations of children’s rights and not much has been done by The report also points out that many of the children and parents are not aware that these three areas are regulated by the constitution of Kosovo and by separate legislation in each municipality.

Also, the report has highlighted that there is no proper coordination of institutions to improve the situation of children’s rights, especially in the field of the right to education, prevention of harassment and non-discrimination.

Those present at this meeting pledged that much more should be done to increase the safety of children and improve their social condition not only at school but also at the city level. Creating policies and investments according to the needs that arise from the children themselves or from meetings with the children themselves.

The report of “Students’, parents’ and officials’ perceptions of the right to education, bullying and discrimination in schools” came out of a one-year work within the “Child Rights Governance” – CRC Monitoring program implemented by the organization Syri i Vizioni and financially supported from Save the Children in the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë and Prishtina.

Present at the meeting where the report was published were the Directorate of Education, the Kosovo Police, the Basic Court-juvenile unit, the Office of the Ombudsperson Pejë, the Center for Social Work, the municipal coordinator for children’s rights, the family medicine center , director of some schools, civil society, parents, students, probation service, lecturer, psychologist and other institutions that are responsible for the protection of children’s rights and the media.


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