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The new project for the protection of children’s rights in schools

“Syri i Vizioni” with support from the international organization “Save the Children” has started to realize the project “Together 4 children rights- Child protection and Child Right Governance”, a project that aims to help children, various organizations and schools in the protection of children from violence, transform schools into safe places for children and help create and strengthen child protection mechanisms.
The project is implemented in nine schools in five municipalities: primary schools “Ramiz Sadiku” and “Xhemail Kada” in Peja, “Mustafa Bakia” and “Zekeria Rexha” in Gjakovë, “Tefik Çanga” and “Jeronim De Rada” in Ferizaj, “Bedri Gjina” and Andon Zako Çajupi” in Mitrovica and “Naim Frashëri” elementary school in Prishtina, in the period from May to December 2013. The beneficiaries of this project are the students, their parents and the teachers of these schools.

The project activities in this period will be:

Analysis of the situation in schools – violence and the mechanisms of protection from it through meetings with school councils with students, parents and teachers from which an analysis of the situation and an action plan for improving the situation will be drawn up

The code of conduct for children and teachers will be drawn up and completed together with the schools and this code will be displayed in the school in a visible format.

Strengthening the advice of students in schools with knowledge, which they will transfer to other students, including an activity on the day dedicated to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Impact on improving the current situation at school through activities including training for teachers and children on the topics of violence and bullying, protecting children from them and addressing child protection mechanisms, visits to institutions, creating mechanisms in collaboration with school management and setting up complaint boxes inside schools, holding radio broadcasts in each municipality with different actors, etc.

The monitoring of children’s governance rights will be done in the primary schools “Naim Frashëri” in Prishtina, “Ramiz Sadiku” in Pejë and “Zekeria Rexha” in Gjakovë, by the students themselves who will be selected and then conduct research in the schools through questionnaires, separate reports will be drawn up for each school

All activities will be carried out in cooperation with the municipal directorates of education, school managements (directorate and school council) as well as all parties involved in the educational process will be invited to trainings, tables, workshops and other activities organized within of this project.

We welcome your cooperation in the realization of the project.

Persons responsible for the project:
Naser Lajqi, tel. 044 695 650, e-mail: naser.lajqi@syriivizionit.org
Teuta Uka, tel. 049 139 506, e-mail: teuta.uka@syriivizionit.org


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