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Second Round of Elections for the Mayor of the Municipality, November 19, 2017
Second Media Release
DnV: Invites citizens to vote
Pristina, November 19, 2017
Going to the Election
The coalition of NGOs “Democracy in Action” continues to observe the electoral process of the local elections that is taking place today in the entire territory of the country.
Until 12:00, according to the reports of DnV observers, 145,126 citizens with the right to vote came out to vote, corresponding to 10.7% of all voters with the right to vote.
Voter turnout in the elections in the largest municipalities of Kosovo: Gjakovë (12.6%), Pristina (13.19%), Prizren (8.56%), Mitrovica (11.34%), Gjilan (7.88%), Ferizaj (11.24%).
The most obvious irregularities
The most frequent irregularities that are delaying the voting process in the field until 12:00 are:

Voters’ difficulties in finding their name on the Voters’ List
These difficulties are following this electoral process as well. Complaints related to the List of Voters were reported in 107 polling stations, or 6% of polling stations. The municipalities where this problem was noted are: Podujevë with 15 polling stations, in Mitrovica with 12 polling stations; Gjakova and Prishtina with 10 polling stations each.
Family voting
A total of 68 polling stations, or 3.8% of all polling stations. Leading municipalities: Ferizaj (in 17 polling stations), Gjakova (in 8 polling stations), Mitrovica (in 5 polling stations).
Photographing the vote
It was recorded in 27 polling stations at the country level, corresponding to 1.5% of all polling stations. In the municipality of Pristina in 6 polling stations, in Gjakovë in 4 polling stations and in Podujevë in 3 polling stations.
Assisting voters more than once
A total of 19 polling stations (about 1% of polling stations). The municipalities lead: Suhareka (in 4 polling stations), Prishtina (in 3 polling stations) and Gjakova, Ferizaj and Mitrovica in 2 polling stations each.
Cases of voting outside the voting booths (or publication of the vote)
In total in 17 polling stations (or in about 1% of polling stations). In the municipalities: Prizren, Suharekë and Podujevë in 3 polling stations each.
Presence of unauthorized persons in polling stations
It was recorded in 12 polling stations (about 0.7% of polling stations). The municipalities lead: Podujevë with 4 polling stations, Mitrovica and Prishtina with 2 polling stations each.
Attempts to vote more than once (double voting)
In total, in 3 polling stations, in the municipalities: Podujevë, Klinë and Mitrovica.

Some of the irregularities reported:
In the voting center 0803 C in the polling station 01R in the school “Emin Duraku” in the municipality of Klina, two people after voting publicly showed the ballot in front of all those present. A similar case is also in the voting center 0810 C in the polling station 01R in the “Dëshmorët” elementary school, municipality of Klina, a person after voting publicly revealed the vote and showed who he voted for.
In the voting center 1802X in the polling station 03R in the “Naim Frashëri” school in the municipality of Podujeva, 6 observers of the LDK party are present in this polling station. The same ones stay inside the polling station.
In the polling station 1111 B in the polling station 04D in the “Bedri Gjira” school in the municipality of Mitrovica, the head of the polling station took pictures while a person was voting.
In the voting center 1906 E in the polling station 08R in the Faculty of Philology in the municipality of Pristina, a person was allowed to vote despite having traces of spray liquid on his fingers. The CEC was also notified of this before I voted, however voting was allowed.
In the municipality of Gjakova, it has been reported from the field that there were several times voting with assistance, while the assistance was not done according to the rules provided by law. In those polling stations, the person voted for himself and for the person he assisted.
In general, in localities with a Serbian majority, residents of the Serbian community are being urged not to go out to vote. Such cases have been reported in the municipality of Vushtrri, respectively in the villages of Grac and Banjskë and in the municipality of Obliqi.
DnV invites citizens to vote and thus become part of the decision-making and creation of policies that are in function of improving their well-being and life.
With respect,

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