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Peja, September 3, 4 and 5 – In Peja, a three-day workshop was held on the topic of gender equality, in which institutions and civil society participated. The training is organized within the project “Support for the Development of Education and Employment”-SEED, which is implemented by Syri i Vizioni and Volkshilfe and supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
The aim of the workshop is for the participants to increase their knowledge about gender equality and at the same time contribute to the design of an awareness campaign, which will then be realized with the support of the project.
The SEED project aims to contribute to the increase of dialogue and cooperation between business and secondary economic schools in the management of tourism and hospitality in the municipalities of Peja, Gjakova and Prizren, as well as contribute to the increase of female participation in the tourism sector. This cooperation will bring in creating the opportunity for students to complete their internship in existing businesses, as well as adapting schools to the needs of the labor market.
The workshop was held on September 3, 4 and 5 and was led by Barbara Kuhhas from the Austrian company Gender and Diversity Consulting.


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