misli globalno,
deluj lokalno

July 4, 2013 – Prizren

The Eye of Vision organization (SiV) in cooperation with the Initiative for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo (IADK) is in the process of implementing the project financed by the European Union “Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the sector of agriculture”, which aims to contribute to strengthening and raising the capacities of the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo (BSHBK).
In the framework of this project, a workshop was held with farmers’ associations of the Prizren region, representatives of the directorates for agriculture from the municipalities of Prizren, Rahovec, Suharekë, Malishevë, Dragash and Mamushë.
The purpose of this workshop was to analyze the existing strategies for agriculture in the region, the problems faced by farmers’ organizations, the implementation of laws and administrative ordinances. Recommendations emerged from this workshop on what BSHBK should undertake in its work plan and priorities were determined according to municipalities.
Such workshops have also been held in the region of Peja and Mitrovica, while they will also be held in the region of Ferizaj/Gjilan and the region of Pristina. After these workshops, a general conference will be held, where the findings, recommendations and specifics of the 5 regions of Kosovo in the development of agriculture will be presented.


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