Project Title: SEED Step II Kosovo – Support of Educational and Employment Development
Duration: 36 months (January 2017 - December 2019) - 2019
Country: Kosovo, Albania, Serbia
Implementing organization(s): Eye of the Vision (for the project in Kosovo) in partnership Volkshilfe Solidarität
Donor: ADA – Austrian Development Cooperation
The purpose of the project: To contribute to the strategic development of the labor market, a contribution to the reduction of poverty and gender equality in these countries, the promotion of sustainable partnership for the creation of an active labor market framework at the local level and access to employment formal, supporting young people and women for employment, facilitation between the public and private sector, promotion of employment or self-employment under fair working conditions and raising awareness of gender equality.
Beneficiaries: This program benefits students, especially women, in secondary economic schools - the direction of tourism in the Dukagjin region, but the project includes all actors of tourism in this region. The community in the municipalities of Pejë, Prizren and Gjakovë also benefits with the improvement of the situation in the field of employment in tourism, enterprises and businesses.
Implementation of the project: The three-year program in Kosovo is implemented by the organization "Syri i Vizioni" and focuses on promoting sustainable partnership that leads to the creation of an active labor market framework at the local level and access to formal employment. Special attention has been given to young people and women through: employment support, facilitation between the public and private sectors, strengthening of partner organizations, expertise and knowledge transfer, promotion of employment or self-employment under fair working conditions and awareness raising for gender equality.
• Functionalization of the local employment group in Prizren, holding workshops for the creation of action plans for employment and strategies for the development of human resources in these regions.
• The drafting of three strategies for the development of employable human resources for the regions of Peja, Gjakova and Prizren 2020-2025 and the drafting of Action Plans for the year 2020 for these strategies.
• The membership of three economic professional schools "Ali Hadri" Pejë, "Kadri Kusari" Gjakovë and "Ymer Prizreni" Prizren in the European Network of Hospitality and Tourism Schools, and the support of the schools to participate in the annual meeting of this Network, i which was held in November in the city of Split, Croatia.
• Signing of 16 cooperation agreements between vocational schools, directorates of education and businesses in Gjakovë and Prizren, for the completion of the professional practices of female students in businesses.
• Organization of the visit to Albania (Shkodër, Lezhë and Tirana) to exchange experiences and increase cooperation between local institutions and professional schools from Peja, Gjakova and Prizren with those of Albania.
• Continuation of the awareness campaign through social networks, national televisions, portals, billboards and meetings with parents and the distribution of flyers on the streets and near lower secondary schools (ninth grades) about the opportunities offered by professional economic schools with special emphasis on registration of girls in the hotel and tourism profile.
• Training of 40 participants from businesses, local institutions and professional schools on the topics: "Complementarity of dual education and non-formal education" and "Social Economy, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Solidarity Economy"
• Tourist packages have been created for the region of Peja, Gjakova and Prizren (three one-day versions and three three-day versions) which have been created with the engagement of experts and students of the hotel and tourism profile from the city of Peja, Gjakova and Prizren.
• Implementation of nine grants by the beneficiaries and the following results were achieved:
- Creation of three cabinets for hotel services in "Ali Hadri" Pejë, "Kadri Kusari" Gjakovë and "Ymer Prizreni" schools in Prizren.
- Review and update of two modules of Professional Practice in grade 12 in the educational profile "Tourist Assistant" and "Hotel Assistant"
- Employing six women in a hotel/kitchen company
- Creation of the platform for cultural heritage in the city of Gjakova, which will serve ninth grade students.
- Self-employment of 10 women in the city of Gjakova, who, after training in the pastry shop, have created their own company.
- Raising the capacities of girls who study hotel and tourism in the city of Peja and connecting them with businesses.
- About 1000 students from the ninth grade have visited the professional economic school "Ymer Prizreni" and have been advised for orientation in the hotel and tourism profile.
Project name: "Our Obligation to the Future - Child Protection and Governance with Children's Rights"
Duration: 12 months (January 2018 – December 2021)
Place: Pejë, Gjakovë, Klinë, Gjilan and Prizren, Prishtina, Ferizaj and Mitrovica
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision
Budget: 127,536.25 euros
Partners: Save the Children, Office in Kosovo
Donor: Swedish AIDS
The purpose of the project: Eye of Vision within this program will work on two themes in the field of Child Protection and Governance with Children's Rights. In the field of Child Protection, it will influence the creation of the legal infrastructure that protects children and prohibits violence and corporal punishment against children in any environment, as well as the professional development of institutions mandated to protect children to provide services fast and professional. In the area of Governance with Children's Rights, the program will work with the children of the RoR monitoring group and the Children's Assemblies in strengthening their role for policy drafting and their participation in decision-making at the local and national level.
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are all children of Kosovo without ethnic, religious, racial, gender or disability differences. Institutions at the local and national level that mandate the protection of children and governance with their rights, Children's Assemblies, schools, parents, teachers as well as CSOs that work with children.
Implementation of the project: In the field of Child Protection, the project will be implemented in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Gjakovë, Prizren and Gjilan, while in the area of Governance with Children's Rights, work will be carried out in the municipalities of Pristina, Pejë, Prizren, Klinë, Gjilan. , Gjakovë, Mitrovica and Ferizaj.
Project achievements
- Local institutions are functional in identifying cases of violence and child protection;
- They have created mechanisms for reporting and preventing cases of violence both inside and outside the school, as long as teachers and parents use alternative methods for educating children;
- Creation of child-friendly mechanisms for reporting school violence;
- An analysis (Initial Study) regarding the mechanisms for reporting violence in schools;
- Drafting an assessment of violence reporting mechanisms;
- Poster signature action. SiV will use the "Collection of Schools" approach, which will start the poster signing action;
- Professional support for the Commission for opening complaint boxes;
- About 400 parents trained in positive discipline;
- Developing the capacities of the officials of the Center for Social Work to identify and manage cases of violence as well as to provide better quality services for children;
- Supporting schools in the implementation of the work plans of the School Governing Council for the prevention of violence and the initiation of social dialogue with the PSC;
- Initiation of social dialogue between schools, parents, PSCs and the Police for the identification of children with antisocial behavior in schools and their resocialization in school and family;
- Drafting of the Unique Code of Conduct, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the directorates of education in the municipalities of Kosovo;
- Advocacy for the development of the legal infrastructure and functional system for the protection of children from violence and corporal punishment with the participation of NGOs, children and other actors;
- Commitment in support of the parliamentary committee in the finalization and approval of the Law on the Protection of Children to include the recommendations on the prohibition of corporal punishment;
- Launch of the awareness campaign regarding the Child Protection Law "#RriteMeDashni
- Supervision of the implementation of the Law;
- Informative workshops in the regions;
- Development of advocacy capacities of civil society partner organizations for the implementation of the project as well as citizens to become aware of the prevention of violence against children and its reporting;
- Workshop on advocacy and international mechanisms;
- Workshop for campaign strategy development;
- Strengthening the capacities in the field of evocation and watering for children of the ROR Group and AKF, as well as strengthening the role of children in increasing the accountability of institutions and the direct involvement of children in the planning and implementation of local and national policies;
- Renewal of the ROR Group with new members trained in KNF monitoring and capacities are developed based on their needs;
- Creation and support of independent children's supervision groups through cooperation with the Ombudsman;
- Periodic meetings between ROR and Municipal Children's Assemblies;
- Strengthening AKF's Internet Communication Platform and using it as a communication mechanism where children will periodically ask questions to the position holders in order to push them to answer the questions;
- Publication of a legal study on the legal mechanisms of structuring children at the local level;
- Drafting and approval of municipal regulations for Municipal Assemblies of Children;
- Drafting and supervision of the work plans of the Children's Municipal Assemblies;
- Participation in reality through advocacy - children's involvement in decision-making;
- Lobbying to become part of the Commission for the verification of school tests: SiV in cooperation with ROR will organize meetings with MEST and other government actors to ensure that they are part of the verification of school tests;
- The Association of Municipalities, together with ROR, promotes the draft regulation for the inclusion of children in planning and budgeting in two municipalities;
- Marking of the International Day of KNF and International Children's Day in seven municipalities.
Project Title: Active Citizenship Kosova
Duration: 12 months (January 2018 - December 2018)
Place: Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision
Budget: 32,752.95 euros
Donor: Olof Palme International
The purpose of the project: The project aims to activate citizens at the local level to influence the development of the community's capacities, organize themselves to improve their livelihoods and be an integral part of decision-making at the municipal level. It also aims to create official mechanisms for increasing the accountability and transparency of institutions.
Beneficiaries: Representatives of the local councils of the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec, formal and non-formal groups of women, deputies of municipal assemblies, youth groups, officials of institutions and other actors working in this field, such as and all citizens of Kosovo.
Realization of the project: The Active Citizenship project is focused on supporting, empowering and raising the capacities of these groups of actors in the community, non-governmental organizations, groups of young women, so that these groups have the opportunity to create self-initiatives to being part of the decision-making and monitoring of officials in improving communication between officials and the community.
As another mechanism to help the heads of local councils and other interest groups, the Assistance and Advisory Office continues to function, which helps any individual, formal or informal group, in writing requests, complaints or draft ideas to address them those to the institutions. Assistance counters have also been opened for citizens in the municipal administrations that offer the aforementioned services.
While another advocacy tool that serves to distribute information to citizens is the website, through which a lot of information is distributed on how to develop an active citizenry, issues are published or even their solutions are self-initiated. of citizens and through this the residents in the various municipalities of Kosovo have access.
The activities of this project this year are focused on creating official and sustainable mechanisms for the inclusion of citizens in decision-making processes and strengthening the role of women in these processes, supporting them with small grants, for which there are generally four grants.
Opening and promotion of help desks for citizens in the municipalities - Pejë, Deçan and Rahovec.
Initiation and amendment of the Administrative Instruction for "Organization, functioning and cooperation of municipalities with villages, settlements and urban neighborhoods" in cooperation with MPL and other actors.
Holding seven regional meetings for the discussion of the draft Administrative Instruction with the local level and receiving recommendations from the practices of the municipalities for the implementation of the Administrative Instruction.
Drafting of the "Advocacy Strategy" for the Municipality of Rahovec.
Sustainable development and active participation of women in decision-making, supporting four informal groups of women with small grants for the protection of women's rights, strengthening their role in decision-making processes, with the support of the deputies of the municipal assemblies of these municipalities where the project is implemented.
The website has continued to serve as an information tool, advocacy and exchange of good experiences of self-initiatives, directly for citizens throughout Kosovo.
Project title: Support in the integration and empowerment of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali returnees, through the development of capacities in primary education (CDBE) Kosovo
Duration: 30 months (July 2017 - December 2019)
Place: Pejë, Istog, Klinë
Implementing organization: Eye of Vision
Donor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH -
German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project goal: The overall goal of this project is to facilitate the integration of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities into the education system, including those living in Kosovo and those returning. In particular, the project aims to improve the sustainable, successful and long-term participation of children in the formal education system.
Beneficiaries: About 500 children (about 200 Albanians and 300 Roma, Egyptians and Ashkali) will benefit from supplementary education, mentoring and educational achievements. The same Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children will benefit from school bags and other teaching aids. Among other things, from 200 to 300 Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian and Albanian students will engage in intercultural school activities from a total number of 3600 students registered in the six respective schools.
Realization of the project: The project is realized through annual awareness campaigns, the opening of six learning centers for students of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, the training of 18 tutors who will work with the students in these centers, the renovation and equipment of classrooms in the learning centers , providing individual mentoring-assistance in doing homework for Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali children, supplying school material for Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali children in these six learning centers, organizing intercultural events at the school level and in the six centers learning, psycho-social support near these learning centers, training of mediators, mediation with municipal authorities, summer camp 2017, lobbying and advocacy activities for the inclusion of integrative measures in local plans for co-financing project activities as well as advocacy campaigns in community.
Project achievements:
- The opening of supplementary education classes in six primary schools in the municipalities of Peja, Klina and Istog, their renovation and the supply of modern materials for the holding of supplementary education in the schools of Zahaq, Siga, Kličina, two schools in the city of Klina and one in Zallq of Istog;
- Training of 18 tutors (educators) for the development of supplementary education with about 25 students from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in the respective schools;
- Realization of annual awareness campaigns about enrollment in first grades and the importance of education for children of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities;
- Providing individual mentoring help with homework for students participating in supplementary education;
- Supply of school material for Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali children, participants of supplementary education (distribution of school packages-bags)
- Organization of intercultural events at the school level in the six schools of supplementary education classes;
- Psychosocial support for children in the sixth grade of supplementary education;
- Training of mediators;
- Mediation with municipal authorities in social issues, health, etc.
- Development of the two-week summer camp 2017 (held in July-August);
- Development of advocacy and lobbying activities for the inclusion of integration measures in local plans for the co-financing of project activities;
- Development of advocacy campaigns in the community.
Project name: Kosovo integration initiative 2020 (KOSINT 2020)
Duration: April 1, 2018 - December 31, 2020
Country: Kosovo
Implementing organization(s): SiV with partners KEC, BSFK, RADC
Donor: Open Society Foundation (OSF)
The purpose of the project: This project aims to improve the access of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities to education, labor market and social welfare services by contributing to the fulfillment of the relevant commitments made by the Government of Kosovo, in the form of sectoral reform policies that focus on education, employment and social welfare. By overseeing the implementation of sectoral reforms and influencing the development of policies and budget planning, the coalition contributes to the implementation of announced policies and thus the inclusion of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in society. The objectives of the project are as follows:
Beneficiaries: The main beneficiaries are the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, state and civil society institutions that deal with these communities, including the Government of Kosovo, namely the entire Kosovar society.
Realization of the project: The project has three interconnected components in accordance with the expected results that will be realized:
• Strengthening the KOSINT Network
• Supervision of the implementation of sector reforms
• Policy development and advocacy
Project achievements:
1. Expanded opportunities for CSO involvement and participation in sector reform oversight, policy development and budget planning
• Growth and strengthening of the KOSINT Network by expanding it further with other CSOs working on the inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in the education sector and the labor market, as well as improving access to social welfare services
2. CSOs organize the supervision of sectoral reforms of education, employment and social welfare, regarding the Government's commitments for the integration of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
• Organization of monitoring teams for the collection of data for the monitoring of selected sectoral reforms at the national level from the perspective of the integration of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
The basic idea is to organize the supervision of two national sectoral policies in light of the inclusion of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities:
• Strategic Education Plan of Kosovo 2017-2021,
• Sectoral Strategy of MPMS 2014-2020 which covers the field of employment and social welfare.
3. CSOs influence the implementation of education, employment and social welfare reform policies and the budget planning process, in the best interest of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
• The creation of two specialized working groups to provide evidenced contributions for the development of policies and budget planning of the reform of education, employment and social welfare from the perspective of the integration of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Project Title: Youth Promoters - Increasing Understanding, Building Intercultural Competences
Duration: July 2018 - March 2019
Country: Kosovo, Serbia
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with the Humanitarian Center of Novi Sad
Donor: ADA - Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO)
Project goal: The overall goal of the project was to increase youth mobility, promote activism and mutual cooperation, and in the long term contribute to reconciliation in the Western Balkans region. To this end, the project has enabled young people to learn more about tolerance, dialogue and cooperation. Intercultural competences have been promoted as a tool to promote youth activism. Groups of young people from Serbia and Kosovo gained knowledge and developed skills related to communication and tourism promotion of local communities.
Beneficiaries: The project included 20 young people (average age 24.6 years, 10 women and 10 men) from Apatini, Kulla, Vladicin Hani, Surdulica, Novi Sadi, Peja, Gjakova and Prizren. They were chosen after a public call for interested and motivated young people who were ready to engage in mobility and training activities to become promoters of their local communities.
Implementation of the project: Young volunteers from Shabac and Peja were also involved in the organization of training, mobility activities and promotion of the project. Eight young people from Apatini, Vladicin Hani, Kulla, Novi Sadi, Peja, Gjakova and Prizren have also completed training for trainers so that they are able to transfer their knowledge to other young people in their communities.
• The six-day training and mobility activities took place in Pejë, Prizren, Shabac and Novi Sad. They were implemented in two parts for a mixed group of 20 young people from Serbia and Kosovo. The aim of the training was to introduce the young participants to the concept of youth hosts/promoters as modern tourist guides and to provide them with basic skills on how to present their local communities. The activity included training sessions and visits to different locations. Exchange of regional experiences in education and employment, participation in activities of municipal officials from the municipality of Šabac in Serbia to the municipality of Peja to see the functioning of vocational schools, vocational training centers and opportunities for cooperation between the two municipalities.
• The second part of the training was held in Shabac, on November 16 - 18, 2018, organized by SOL - Association of English Language Teachers and Students. The young trainees who participated in the first part of the training in Peja this time came to Shabac. They were welcomed by the group of Youth Welcomers 015, who were their hosts and shared their experience. This provided a deep insight into the work of the hosts in Shabac as well as various aspects of all stages of the formation of a group of hosts.
• Training for trainers of youth hosts was held in Shabac on 25-27 January 2019, organized by SOL - Association of English Language Teachers and Students. Ten new training participants, from the group of twenty who participated in the trainings in Peja and Shabac, were selected for this training. The participants were from Apatini, Kulla, Novi Sadi, Vladicin Hani, Prizren, Peja and Gjakova.
• Young people trained for welcome are positive, smiling, flexible, adventurous and communicative people of different profiles who are proud of their city, ready to show it to all visitors from a different angle and in a unique way. They will be your hosts for a few hours during the day, which will make you love the city you visit even more. They are volunteers who do not expect money for their services, but a smile on your face, newly-acquainted friends who will facilitate your stay in the city and make it even more pleasant. The hosts will show them special places that say something about the locals such as parks, shops, architecture, or lesser known parts of the city.
Project name: "Prospect +"
Duration: 37 months (November 2015 – April 2019)
Place: Peja
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision and Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS)
Budget: 68,135.00 euros
Donor: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie (KKS)
The purpose of the project:
The project aims to raise awareness and integrate the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, for the right to education, health, which is not only a fundamental right, but is also a strategy to overcome poverty and security in socio-economic cases. and advocacy, and in this context the project aims to contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan Strategy, the integration of communities by improving their access to education, health and social services. Also, the project aims to raise parents' awareness through various trainings, to engage them in school participation.
The beneficiaries of this project are the families of the communities, children, young people and the elderly, who, in cooperation with the institutions and the organization "Syri i Vizioni", will improve their participation in education, health and socio-economic services, to increase the level of awareness and information about health and health services.
Realization of the project:
In the municipality of Peja, work has been done in the neighborhood "7 Shtatori", one of the most populated neighborhoods with this community, as well as in the village of Vitomirica - the schools "Xhemajl Kada" and "7 Shtatori". In the aforementioned neighborhoods has worked directly with the communities, mainly with the families of the communities, for their current situation, their future, their rights in society, integration, children's rights in education, their rights in health as well as their socio-economic rights. Together during this period we have cooperated and had a good communication regarding the issues involved, in particular we have organized awareness campaigns with parents to motivate them to register children in schools and enable them to continue their regular education.The project, as such, has produced materials for certain campaigns, various meetings.
Activities and results:
- Two learning centers within the "Xhemajl Kada" SHFMU and the "7 Shtatori" SHFMU schools have been adapted and equipped with inventory, where supplementary lessons have been developed with students from the communities. Two tutors or teacher assistants have been engaged in these learning centers, where, in addition to homework, various intercultural, self-awareness activities, as well as educational activities have been carried out.
- Awareness activities were carried out for the registration of children in school - The importance of education
- Through various activities, the children have shown significant improvement in school, especially in regular lessons. The number of absences and dropouts has also decreased, while their attendance at school has improved.
- Health campaigns were carried out in the neighborhoods of the communities every month with the aim of informing and raising health awareness among the families of the communities. By raising the awareness of women, the number of unwanted pregnancies has decreased, the number of health checks in family medicine centers has increased, and children have been vaccinated.
- Advocacy activities/campaigns were organized in the neighborhoods inhabited by the communities, activities with which it was possible to solve some problems in these neighborhoods, such as those of road infrastructure, drinking water, systematic health checks, social services and issuing personal documents .
Project Title: \"Democracy in Action\" - Parliamentary Elections 2019
Duration: 3 months (September - November 2017)
Country: Region of Peja and Gjakova (Peja, Gjakova, Klinë, Istog, Deçan, Malishevë, Rahovec and Junik)
Implementing organization(s): \"Eye of Vision\" within the coalition \"Democracy in Action\"
Budget: 50,955.8 euros
Donor: USAID, German Embassy and Swiss Embassy
The purpose of the project: "Democracy in Action" was established with the aim of monitoring the parliamentary and local elections organized in November 2007, as well as with the aim of raising the awareness of citizens to participate in the elections. In addition to the organization "Syri of Vision", part of the coalition "Democracy in Action - Elections 2017" are also 10 Kosovar non-governmental organizations.
Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are the entire population of Kosovo. In particular, a number of people who have been involved in the process as monthly and daily monitors have benefited from training on the electoral process and system in Kosovo.
Implementation of the project: The activities include the overall monitoring of the electoral process: monitoring of the one-month party campaign, election day, voting and counting of votes on election day in eight municipalities and the publication of early results in the municipalities of the region of Peja and Gjakova .
Project achievements:
• Monitoring of hundreds of election activities during the campaign period and regular reporting on a daily basis;
• Holding press conferences with reports on problems and irregularities encountered during monitoring,
• Monitoring of election day, voting and counting of votes in eight municipalities;
• Announcement of the preliminary result a few hours after the closing of the boxes;
• Engagement of 22 long-term observers (LTO) for a two-month period;
• Engagement of over 670 short-term observers (STO) on election day;
• Organization and holding of over 40 trainings for STO for a 10-day period;
Project name: ProKarriera
Duration: January 2019 - December 2019
Place: Peja, Kosovo
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision
Budget: 20,460.00 euros
Donor: Solidar Suisse
The purpose of the project:
The aim of the project is to improve the career and employment opportunities of young people by distributing to them and their families as much information as possible about careers and education in Kosovo, the involvement of parents in this process, as well as support for the education system to adapts to the needs of the labor market.
The direct beneficiaries are the students of lower secondary schools, from grades 6-9 in Kosovo, together with their parents, as well as local and central schools and institutions.
Realization of the project:
The project is the continuation of the six-year project "Mismatch" and helps education in adapting to the labor market and preparing students as best as possible for this market. The experience created in the region of Peja is intended to be transferred to the central level, offering the Ministry of Education support for the implementation of the career orientation course in Kosovo schools. This was done through direct training with Kosovo teachers as well as through supporting the process of drafting a strategy for communication with parents on career issues. At the local level, there is monitoring and mentoring of the teachers who were trained last year in Deçan and Klinë, as well as an analysis of the needs of these schools, which, together with the recommendations, is submitted to the Municipal Directorate of Education. Whereas in the municipality of Peja, in cooperation with all the actors who are coordinated in a local group, the needs are identified and concrete steps are taken to realize them. At the same time, the first groups of parents and informative and awareness-raising activities for parents about careers are created.
Project achievements:
- Coordination of a local group composed of all actors from the municipality, schools and business, drawing up a document for the analysis of the needs in the sector, intervention in the needs in the career education sector identified by the group
- Training for career orientation with the teachers of about 80 pilot schools of the curriculum at the level of Kosovo
- Support for the Ministry of Education for the design of the communication strategy with parents for career guidance
- Drafting of guides for secondary vocational schools of Peja. Their distribution to about 1700 ninth grade students
- Meetings with parents in lower secondary schools, career discussions, organization of meetings and visits to vocational secondary schools
- Involving parents as much as possible with an active role in supporting their children in their career choices, especially with the completion of the 9th grade and the decision for further education
- To help and push Kosovo institutions to give parents an active role by offering them the support they need to build communication with parents and to give them an active role in supporting children
Project title: Empowerment of local CSOs and citizens in the prevention of corruption in municipal public procurements
Duration: January 2018 - March 2020
Place: Istog, Kosovo
Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision
Budget: 8,550.00 euros
Donor: DAI – USAID
The purpose of the project:
The purpose of the project is to empower civil society in addressing and fighting corruption in public procurement and to be part of the TEAM project "Transparent, Effective and Responsible Municipalities", implemented by DAI and financially supported by USAID.
The direct beneficiaries are the institutions of the municipality of Istog, the citizens and the general public. The idea of this project is to increase transparency and awareness of institutions for accountability to citizens.
Realization of the project:
The project will monitor the municipality of Istog, and all phases of procurement starting from the process of preparation and approval of the municipal budget, the compilation of procurement plans, procurement procedures, contract management and the performance of the municipalities in addressing the specified findings. in the Auditor's reports. This project aims to improve the management of public money, increase the quality of services for citizens and reduce the risks of corruption through the active monitoring of all these stages of procurement. Through this project, the Democratic Institute of Kosovo (KDI) over the next two years will strengthen the capacities of the consortium of local NGOs Syri i Vizioni, YAHR, ISDY and Ekovizioni to monitor public procurement in the municipalities of Prizren, Suhareka, Ferizaj, Lipjan, Istog and Podujeva
Project achievements:
Budget planning phase - Monitoring of the municipal budgeting process for compliance with the legal requirements for the development of the municipal budget and follow-up of priorities presented by citizens during budget hearings and inclusion of priorities presented by citizens in the budget for the next year.
Procurement planning phase - Monitoring the process of developing municipal procurement plans and monitoring the implementation of municipal procurement plans.
Procurement process - Monitoring of two high-value procurement processes including analysis of technical specifications, assessment of whether correct procurement procedures are being followed, evaluation of bid evaluation process (selection of evaluation committee, evaluation criteria), monitoring and the evidence of any complaint from the economic operators participating in the process, highlights any deviation from the legal deadlines;
Contract management - Monitoring the implementation of two high-value contracts (the same contracts monitored during the procurement process); and monitoring and extrapolation of audit findings related to monitored municipalities (recurring risks and findings).