think globally,
act locally

Letter from the Director


Letter from the Director


For the challenges of 2020 we needed a 2020 vision!


Dear friends, colleagues, collaborators, partners, donors,


The end of the year is a good opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made in our work and to see how we can even more fully achieve our goals and objectives that we have set to ourselves as an organization. The passing year proved once again the importance of the work that “Syri i Vizionit” as an organization has and the necessity of providing assistance to our beneficiaries.


Because of the difficulties that the pandemic brought with it, sometimes it seemed to us that this year would never end. Needless to say, 2020 was a challenging year for everyone, both personally and professionally, so I want to use this letter to thank all those who helped us overcome it more easily.


I am especially proud and thankful for the team of the organization and the way they quickly adapted and coped with the situation created during this year. Despite the pandemic, we never completely vacated our offices, even though we sent most of our members home, but continued to work together as a team. This new way of working forced us mature and become even stronger as an organization.


The disorienting pandemic we faced over the course of this year further oriented us in addressing the basic needs of project beneficiaries who, as always, raised them as issues of paramount importance. This was also the reason why, without neglecting the organisation’s permanent activities and those built over the years, in certain cases it made us orient ourselves in providing basic aid, food and medicine, which our citizens of different communities needed. Good job has been done, although we have to admit there were many challenges and uncertainties we faced with.


For the challenges of 2020 we needed a 2020 vision. For the year we are getting ready to enter to, let us remain hopeful that this pandemic which has conquered the world will end soon and return to our ‘normality’ with additional will and dedication to make this place of ours better. We know we have a lot of work to do and we must keep doing it together.


May you have happy end of the year holidays and a Happy New Year!



Veton Mujaj

Executive Director

NGO Syri i Vizionit