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Call for applications for training and grants in agriculture!


Women and persons with disabilities are invited to apply for training and grants in agriculture

This call is made within the project “Women and persons with disabilities as agricultural entrepreneurs in Kosovo” financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed by Brot für die Welt. It is implemented by Eye of Vision (SiV) in partnership with Brot für die Welt.

Syri i Vizioni invites all women and persons with disabilities from the rural areas of the municipality of Peja, Istog, Gjakova and Rahovec to apply to become part of the project, which aims to develop their capacities in agriculture and business development and putting those skills into practice.

What will you gain?
You will benefit from 10 days of training on the topics: business plan development, business and farm management, organic production techniques, and individual mentoring will be provided during the drafting of the business plan. After completing the training, these women and persons with disabilities will be invited to apply to the grant scheme with their business ideas. In total, 25 beneficiaries will be supported with grants.

Who can apply?
a) All women and persons with disabilities who are over 18 years old and come from the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Gjakovë and Rahovec

The aforementioned must also:
b) They are willing to be part of trainings/workshops
c) They or their family are engaged in business or agricultural activity
d) Are interested in applying to the grant scheme for agriculture
e) To be interested in starting a business or being self-employed.

Application method and deadline
All of you who are interested can apply online by filling out the form here or you can come to our office to fill it out in physical form. Our offices are located on Isa Demaj street 14, 30000 in Peja.

The deadline for applications is until 08 May 2023 (Monday), at 17:00.

For help and additional information, please contact us every working day (Monday – Friday) from 08:30 to 17:30, by phone +383 39 423240 or at the e-mail address


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