Think Globally,
Act Locally

Latest Past Events

Information Session Mitrovica

Mitrovice Mitrovice, Mitrovice

Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation and in coordination with the Director of Education, will hold the information session with the directors of Pre-university Education Institutions in the municipality of Mitrovica, for the presentation of the Child Protection Policy.

The second informative session for the presentation of the Monitoring Framework

Prishtina Hotel Sirius Sample, Prishtina

The Ministry of Local Government Administration/MLAP in coordination with the Office for Good Governance/ZKM and in cooperation with the organizations "Syri i Vizioni" and "Save the Children Kosova/o", will hold the information session for the presentation of the Monitoring Framework in the implementation of Work Plans of Child Rights Teams

AGE+ Planting Firest in “Gëzimi Ynë” kindergarten

Gurrakoc Gurrakoc, Istog

Syri i Vizioni within the Age + program will carry out an activity for the interaction between generations. The children of the kindergarten "Our Joy" in Istog, together with their grandparents, the residents of the community house in Gurrakoc and the elderly from the pensioners' association, will join today for a special mission: to fix the garden by planting flowers!

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