Think Globally,
Act Locally


The organization “Syri i Vizioni” from Peja held a public meeting with the citizens of…

Press release Kosovo needs the Law for the Protection of Children’s Rights Pristina, December 18-…

Pejë, December 05- Representatives of hotel and tourism businesses in the area of ​​Rugova together…

A 5-day camp has started with 15 young men and women from the region of…

Pejë, November 27- The economic high school and the hotel and tourism businesses in Pejë…

Pristina November 24 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the organization…

Those present at this round table requested that Kosovo should have a basic law for…

Pejë, November 18 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni, in partnership with the organization…

Istog, November 21 – On Friday in Istog, a meeting was held in which representatives…

Pejë, November 20 – Nicola Bertolini, Head of the EU enlargement sector, unit D3 for…

Pejë, November 14- On the initiative of the director and psychologist of the “8 Marsi”…

The Kosovar Institute for Research KIPRED and Syri i Zozoni have presented the barometer of…

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