Think Globally,
Act Locally

Projects of 2008

In 2008, the organization continued its engagement with expanding activities and other important donors. This year, cooperation agreements were signed in the realization of projects with two new donors for the organization: SLA and Olof Palme Center. A good partnership and cooperation was established with the first organization, which then continued with several projects. The office of the organization “Syri i Vizioni” undertook to cover this organization in Kosovo. During 2008, the project called “Rural Perspective” was implemented with SLA, to support farmers and their organizations.

In partnership with the Olaf Palme Center, three important documents for the community were drawn up: based on the strategy of the Government of Kosovo, the three-year action strategy for the Roma and Egyptian community in the municipality of Peja and Istog was drawn up as the action strategy for the Serbian community in Peja .

Meanwhile, the projects within the KIP continued and were completed during the year, which marked the end of its mission. The last projects were also realized in the neighborhood of 7 September and in other localities in the municipality of Peja and Istog.

During this year, in partnership with organizations02 and to help their projects, SiV has developed several activities in the region of Peja, mainly debates with citizens on various topics. Several debates have been held with FiQ during this year: Pejë Istog and Klinë from a debate on transparency and accountability in the courts, a debate with citizens on security and another one related to the role of the EULEX mission in Kosovo. With the NGO KCIC, a debate about the danger from small arms that are carried by citizens without a permit. Another debate in cooperation with KDI was held with MPs from Peja where five MPs participated in order to increase communication between MPs and citizens of the region. The draft of the Kosovo constitution was discussed with the ATRC.

In support of the “Cooperative” project that has been developed in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro that has implemented AED, “Syri i Vizioni” has helped the inclusion of young people from the region of Peja through an audition for the selection of candidates for a reality show with young people from Kosovo and Serbia that was broadcast on the televisions of the two countries.

A part of the staff during this year was engaged in the projects started in 2007: SDEKPI, Llazoviqi and the municipal regulation for transparency. Apart from them, the activists of the organization were engaged in projects and other volunteer work during this year.

Coordination of the OWPEJL network for Kosovo
Project Title: Coordination of the OWPEJL network for Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January - December 2008)

Country: Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €11,700

Donor: Hivos – Tavolo Trentino con il Kossovo

The purpose of the project: Support and promotion of OWPEJL's program areas (projects and initiatives) with a focus on creating the content of materials for publication in the Albanian language as well as network management/representation for Kosovo of OWPEJL. Coordination of activities will be done through the OneWorld network in the Southeast Europe region.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of this undertaking are all those countries that access the OWPEJL through the Internet and are thus notified quickly of developments occurring in the region covered by OWPEJL as well as in the particular languages ​​of the readers of these countries.

Project implementation: This project is based on the provision of support through the exchange of information and online and printed materials related to the areas of direct cooperation and public information. In addition, OWPEJL enables readers to obtain information about various social, economic and political developments in the countries it covers. Communication between network members is based on partnership, where each organization exchanges information and materials for coordinated distribution.

Activities and Results:

• Maintenance and coverage of the Albanian language portal of OWPEJL

• Publication of more than 100 topics/issues and publication in the Albanian language. This information is further translated into the languages ​​of the countries where OneWorld is located;

• Regular engagement of one person (network manager) and half a year for editor;

• Increasing the diversity of information provided for the countries covered by the OWPEJL platform.

Return to the neighborhood "7 September", (second phase-continuation)
Project Title: Return to the neighborhood "7 September", (second phase-continuation)

Period: January 1 - December 31, 2008

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Implementing organization: Eye of Vision in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Project amount: €48,580 (employment 24,900, return and integration 5,800 + 4,380, cleaning 3,500, education 5,000, health 5,000)

Purpose: The purpose of the project was to create opportunities for the Roma and Egyptian community to integrate as well as possible in their country after returning from Montenegro. By creating better conditions for life, education, health services, etc. The project aimed to improve their living conditions but also to promote their employment so that they can create income for self-support.

Beneficiaries: The entire Roma and Egyptian community of the neighborhood, as well as the majority population, has benefited from the project. The direct beneficiaries are 12 young people employed during the implementation of the project, as well as the young people and students of the community who have benefited from various training courses and educational opportunities at the primary and preschool level. Beneficiaries are also the Family Medicine Center in the Fidanishte neighborhood, which was given medical equipment and apparatus, the "Xhemal Kada" school, which was supplied with photocopying equipment and a library, as well as 7 companies in the city of Peja that employed the returnees.

Realization of the project: The project is a continuation of the project realized in 2007 and has been divided into several components. The first component has been educational: preschools, computer courses and reproductive health education (held by the Institute for Public Health). Within this component, with grants of 2000 euros, the primary school "Xhemal Kada" was helped with school books and photocopies, as well as the Family Medicine Center No. 5 in this district, where the returned families were provided with booklets by the Directorate of Health. with which they are exempted from payment for health visits at this center. In the second component of the project, 12 more people were employed (20 people were employed during 2006 and 2007), mainly from the Roma community and returned Egyptians. The employed persons signed a 1-year contract with the companies where they were employed through the project program. These companies have drawn up a business plan and based on that plan, the project has supported them with equipment for work in the amount of 1,500 euros, as well as compensation for the salary of the employees: for 2 months 75% from the project 25% from the company, in the second phase 50% by 50%, the third phase 25% by the project and 75% by the company and for the next 6 months, the company paid the full salary of 150 euros for each employed worker. The third component is the one with which the community has carried out advocacy initiatives. In numerous meetings, the community has chosen to advocate for the cleanliness of the neighborhood. In cooperation with the public hygiene company, it engaged its own excavators and cleaned the neighborhood, after which several containers were bought and together with the public hygiene company, the schedule was made on which day the truck will come to collect the waste.

Activities and Results:

• Organizing and holding computer courses for 20 children from the Roma and Egyptian community

• Organization of social activities with preschool children as well as a literacy course for 12 children;

• Hiring and monitoring the work of 12 workers and businesses;

• Provision of equipment for the school and ambulance in this neighborhood

• Subsidies for the 7 beneficiary companies;

• Organizing and holding three radio shows in local media and publishing a number of articles and interviews in newspapers

• Neighborhood cleaning and provision of containers

• Making a debate...

Compilation of the action strategy for the Serbian community of the municipality of Peja
Project Title: Compilation of the action strategy for the Serbian community of the municipality of Peja

Duration: 7 months (June - December 2008)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €14,897

Donor: The Olof Palme Center

The purpose of the project: This project aims to empower and support community focus groups returned to the municipality of Peja through the compilation of a three-year strategy. This strategy has made multiple contributions in raising the community's capacities to evoke in the choice of their own problems, raising the capacities of village and neighborhood leaders and cooperation with the authorities. A statistical database for the community and a plan for municipal action in cooperation with the community and potential donors in the three-year period have been created. The publication of the strategy and its distribution to potential donors and other local and central authorities as well as other relevant factors, responsible for the integration of this community in the current Kosovar society. The community has benefited from the support of two projects arising from this strategy.

Beneficiaries: The Serbian community of the municipality of Peja, seven different locations inhabited by the Serbian community in the municipality of Peja. The local government of Peja also benefits, which has been provided with a basic strategic action document to act in this community. In addition to the written Strategy, the pensioners of the Serbian community of Gorazhdec and the young people of Bellopoja have also benefited from a more priority project that has emerged from the Strategy: the activation of the pensioners' club in the village of Gorazhdec through equipping it with the necessary tools and supplies of the Palace of Culture in Bellopoje for the young people of this village.

Realization of the project: In the drafting of the strategy, we worked with the community through focus groups in each village. All problems in all areas of life are presented in the final document that was drawn up in cooperation with the municipality and the community. This document presents the basis of the action plan in this community in the three-year period, presented according to the relevant sectors, from one locality to another. The strategy gives recommendations on how to act in the main sectors in which it is necessary, presents the needs of the community as a whole in the form of projects. In addition, two of these projects have been supported and implemented immediately.

Activities and Results:

• Creation of an accurate and real database on the current state of the Serbian community of the municipality of Peja in social and material terms.

• Raising the capacities of the community leadership for action, for better and successful further management.

• Determining real priorities with the community and compiling the action plan for the next three years.

• Compilation of the three-year strategy for the Serbian community of the Municipality of Peja and its distribution to the community, local and central authorities as well as to donors.

• Giving two grants for the revival of the retirement club in the village of Gorazhdevc and stimulating the return of young people to the village of Bellopojë through the supply of equipment to the Palace of Culture.

• Improving the conditions and increasing the possibility of raising the quality of life for the Serbian community in this municipality.

• Raising cooperation between the community, local government, international organizations and other factors.

Safe Community Plan "Safe Place"
Project Title: Safe Community Plan "Safe Place"

Duration: 9 months (June 2008 – February 2009)

Place: Raushiq-Peja

Implementing organization(s): Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the organization Forum for Civic Initiatives, Pristina

Budget: (it was realized through FIQ) Donor: German Government

Aim of the project: To encourage local residents and the wider community to take part and take responsibility for making their community safer. By creating an action plan or strategy, the community members presented in the group, council or committee, will be able to identify their security concerns and address them to the responsible institutions.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of this project are the residents of the village of Raushiq, especially the village school and students, where school doors have been purchased, the cabinet has been arranged for lectures on traffic safety.

Realization of the project: First, a research was done on the ground about the security situation, with various local officials, and then the most endangered place was selected. The selection of the country's council was made and continuous meetings were held with local and central institutions, in order to solve the problems that this community has with security.

Activities and Results:

• Improving the security of communities continuously;

• Creating stronger links between civil society and security structures (police and municipality), raising the capacity of participation to improve human security at the community level;

• Supporting and encouraging people to work on their own to solve their problems;

• Bringing communities closer to local authorities;

• Increasing the influence of civil society on local structures;

• Increasing the accountability of local institutions on community safety

Information campaign for the Serbian community in Bllagaq and Bellopojë
Project Title: Information campaign for the Serbian community in Bllagaq and Bellopojë

Duration: 6 months (July - December 2008)

Place: Peja & Istog

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €7,800

Donor: Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

The purpose of the project: This project aims to inform and empower two focus groups, which are Bellopoja i Peja and Bllagaqi i Istog, as well as to support one of the most priority infrastructure projects that they themselves value as the most important for the life of them in the countries where they have returned and live. With the project, an information campaign has been developed with the primary goal of informing the community in focus about the role of various local and international public services so that they can be accessed more easily and correctly. The purpose of the project, of course, with these presentations from eleven different municipal and public services, was to familiarize the community itself, which has different needs, with the most important institutions for their different needs. With this campaign, the community in focus has been informed about the possibilities of benefiting from the services offered to them, they have also been informed of the procedures on how to apply for the needs and possible benefits, as well as the criteria required for these services. The purpose of this campaign was for the citizen himself to know how and where to turn for the realization of the rights and demands that he needs and that belong to him as an equal citizen with all others. The notification of procedures, opportunities, responsibilities and application forms creates self-confidence and is a solid basis for feeling safe, equal by fulfilling personal requirements in a regular form of access to the relevant institutions

Beneficiaries: Here the residents of the villages such as Bellopoja and Peja as well as Bllagaq i Istog have benefited with the necessary knowledge to realize their various rights and needs. Likewise, in Bellopje, they benefited from the village lighting project, while in Bllagaq, in addition to lighting, they benefited from sewerage, which was developed partly by THW, the other by DRC.

Realization of the project: This project is focused on improving living conditions and sustainable return for the Serbian community in the village of Bellopojë in the municipality of Peja as well as Bllagaq in the municipality of Istog. In these two, the level of safety and quality of life has been raised. An information campaign was held where the community was informed about the procedures and the role of different services in order to improve access to different local institutions and the services they offer, for a better integration of the community. In the framework of the same project in the village of Bellopojë and Bllagaq, the public lighting of the village has been done. In Bllagaq, in addition to the lighting, the sewerage project was carried out, which was carried out in two phases. Sewerage for one part of the village was done by THW, while the other part was done by DRC.

Activities and Results:

• Raising cooperation between the community, local government, international organizations and other relevant factors.

• Creating mutual cooperation and trust as a basis for the easier and faster realization of needs

• Capacity building through knowledge and notification of procedures as well as the various opportunities to benefit from various local and international services.

• Determining real priorities with the community itself and realizing the most priority ones to create conditions for a better life

• Realization of three projects, two in Bllagaq of Istog and one in Bellopojë of Peja for the improvement of the infrastructure of these two places.

• Familiarization of the residents of both villages to receive services for their needs in the relevant institutions

Strategy for Roma and Egyptian communities in the municipality of Peja and Istog 2009-2011
Project Title: Strategy for Roma and Egyptian communities in the municipality of Peja and Istog 2009-2011

Duration: 12 months (January 2008 – December 2008)

Place: Peja - Istog

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €21,931

Donor: Olof Palme Center

The purpose of the project: The project aims to strengthen and mobilize communities so that the Government Strategy at the central level in 2007 is transferred to the local level. The strategy presents all the demands and needs of the community at the local level and the action plan in the community, specifically in the municipality of Peja and Istog. The project is an extension of the work done in 2007, when the project included these two municipalities.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project activities have been the communities, 9 focus groups of 10 people in different neighborhoods and villages of the Pejë and Istog municipalities, the two municipalities, namely the community offices and the return offices in both municipalities, as well as community organizations . Indirect beneficiaries have been the mayors of Pejë and Istog municipalities, the heads of administration, the directorate for public services, the deputies in the parliament of Kosovo from the communities as well as the representatives of the political parties of the communities in Pejë and Istog municipalities.

Realization of the project: The project is focused on the compilation of the action strategy for the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in Pejë and Istog municipalities. In addition, the project is also focused on empowering the communities by carrying out various meetings and trainings with the aim of raising the capacities of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in both municipalities. The project for one year has identified the problems and needs of the communities based on different villages and neighborhoods, including all the priorities of the communities in a joint document compiled by the NGO "Syri i Vizionit" together with the Municipalities of Pejë and Istog as well as community representatives in both municipalities.

Activities and Results:

• Two action strategies for the three-year period have been drawn up together with the community and the municipal assemblies of Peja and Istog

• Close to 30 meetings with participation were held to make sure that the recommendations and concerns of the citizens were included in the strategy

• A database has been created with detailed data on the state of this community in two municipalities

• At least five mini-projects emerging from these strategies have been implemented at the local level in support of these action plans

• The municipality knows the problems of the communities better, the cooperation between the community and the authorities has increased

• Through participation in meetings to identify problems, through trainings held on the topics: Advocacy, Strategic Planning and Drafting of Project Proposals, more than 30 community representatives have been trained to better present the community's demands and seek solutions to theirs.

• Creation and maintenance of two joint community councils, councils made up of village representatives, which have played an active role in the drafting of the strategy in the municipalities of Istog and Pejë. The creation of 19 focus groups in the different villages and neighborhoods of these municipalities, which during the design of the project raised the level of cooperation within the group and within the municipalities.

Rural Perspective
Project Title: Rural Perspective

Duration: 12 months (January 2008 – December 2008)

Place: Pejë, Istog, Deçan, Klinë

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €60,000

Donor: Swiss Labor Assistance, SLA

Purpose of the project: The purpose of the project was to improve rural living conditions and promote sustainable economic development in Western Kosovo. "Rural Perspective" has encouraged farmers' organizations to develop innovative ideas and provide better services to their members.

Beneficiaries: The direct focus group of the project were the ten winning organizations that entered the second phase of the project, in which at least six members of each organization attended the organized learning/counseling sessions. Indirectly involved in the project were 22 other farmers' organizations, whose business ideas were not selected by the jury among the ten best. The project also included institutions that participated in the jury, which in the two stages of elimination included 25 members, each representing an institution. Participants in the activities of the project were all the structures from youth, women and minorities.

Realization of the project: The rural perspective project during the realization is composed of three phases. In the first phase, meetings were held with the four municipalities of the Peja region to inform them of the project and to ensure support, as well as meetings with all organizations active in these municipalities to register for participation in the competition. All 32 organizations have compiled a business idea and from them the 10 best ideas have been chosen which have continued the competition further. In the second phase, these 10 organizations are involved in learning to compile business plans for their initial ideas that they submitted at the beginning. These 10 organizations have competed to win one of the five grants that have been allocated by the project. During this phase, the allocation of five grands was made for the best business plans, which were chosen by the external jury. The third phase of the project was the monitoring by the project staff for the implementation of these business plans.

Activities and Results:

• Compilation of 32 business ideas from farmers' organizations coming from the region of Peja with the four municipalities of Istog, Peja, Deçan, Klinë

• Creation of the list of active farmers' organizations in the region of Peja, leaflets in three languages ​​Albanian, Serbian and English with the content of information on the project, partners as well as the donor of the project and registration of the organizations

• Compilation of nine business plans by the winning organizations

• Brochure in both Albanian and English languages ​​in which the nine business plans are summarized

• Consolidation of the neutral jury, composed of local institutions, banks, civil society, private business and universities, for the two phases of the evolution of business ideas and business plans.

• Organization of 23 learning/counseling sessions for ten winning organizations in the first phase on the development of the initial business idea, in which 216 people participated, 30 of them women and 22 from the Bosnian community.

• Better knowledge of local institutions as well as other institutions included in the jury (institutions directly or indirectly related to the development of agriculture) with the problems in agriculture in the region of Peja as well as the ideas of non-governmental organizations in the selection of these problems.

• Funding of five business plans of non-governmental farmers' organizations winning the competition.

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