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Peja, 05/06 May – 24 teachers from the municipality of Peja have been trained for career guidance teaching. Some of them who already take this subject in their schools as an elective subject, and others who take it within the curriculum field “Life and Work”, during the training have followed the training model and the appropriate preparations for the implementation of this subjects in schools, focusing mainly on lower secondary schools. Grades 6-9 are the period when the first career decision is made by deciding on secondary education, and this is the moment when students and their families need to have the right information to reach the best decision. The career orientation model designed by GIZ consists of five steps: self-knowledge, information, education path, real meetings and decision making.
Since 2011, Syri i Vizoni has been engaged in projects aimed at adapting schools to support young people in increasing employment opportunities. The Procareer project is supported by Solidar Suisse and during 2018 it focused on empowering parents and giving them an active role in supporting children regarding education and career.


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