misli globalno,
deluj lokalno

Rahovec, August 29 – The “Presentation of the priorities of local councils” meeting was held, which was organized within the project for strengthening Active Citizenship in Kosovo.
The purpose of this meeting was the presentation of the priorities of the local councils and the inclusion of these priorities in the work plans or priorities of the municipality for 2016 and 2017.
In this meeting, during the presentation of the priorities of the local councils, the dissatisfaction of the community representatives in the realization of their needs, and especially in the realization of the works of contracting companies from the municipality to realize the projects, were presented. According to the community, the companies contracted by the municipality for the realization of projects do not perform the work as they should, they are not inspected by the competent bodies, and almost always the companies do not adhere to the pre-defined criteria for the realization of the works and do not finish and properly organize the space where they are performed and works.
The municipal officials have motivated the heads of the councils to be part of the public hearings and make more requests to the institutions.
Participants in the meeting were the chairmen of the local councils, the chairman of the assembly and the officials of the municipal directorates.
The meeting was organized within the framework of the “Active Citizenship” project, which aims to develop active citizenship in Kosovo, which has been taking place for several years in the region of Peja and Prizren by the NGO “Syri i Vizionit” supported by the organization Olof Palm International Center.


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