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A new project for the integration of students in schools in Peja, Istog and Klina

Pejë, July 2017- Since July, Syri i Vizioni has started another new project to support the education and integration of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali returnees in the society in Kosovo. The project “Support in the Integration and Empowerment of Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali Returnees, through the development of Basic Education Capacities” is supported by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – German International Cooperation) and will last until the end of 2019.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the integration of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in the education system, both for those living in Kosovo and those returning, in particular, to improve the sustainable and successful long-term participation of children in formal education system.
About 500 benefit from this project (300 Roma, Egyptian Ashkali and about 200 Albanians) who will benefit from additional education, mentoring and educational achievements. The same Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children will benefit from school bags and other teaching aids and will engage in intercultural school activities involving a total of 3600 students in the 6 respective schools.

The project will be carried out in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë and Istog, in which six schools have been selected in Zahaq, Kličinë, Sigë in Pejë, the schools “Ismet Raci” and “Motrat Qiriazi” in Klinë and the village school Zallq in Istog in which six support learning centers will be opened for the students of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, in which 18 tutors – support teachers will be engaged who will work with the students in these centers. Within the project, there will also be the organization of intercultural events at the school level, summer camp, lobbying and advocacy activities for the inclusion of integration measures in local plans for the co-financing of project activities as well as community advocacy campaigns.

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