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Community groups in Peja, Istog, Klinë and Rahovec are supported with grants

June 3 – Peja. The solemn ceremony of the distribution of the fourth grant was held within the project “Community Engagement and Livelihood Support after Covid-19”, which is implemented by the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” in the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Klinë and Rahovec.

The project aims to promote and strengthen communication, dialogue and inter-ethnic cooperation in the community, which will enable and improve the well-being of the residents in these municipalities. The activities of this project are aimed at reviving community engagement and strengthening inter-ethnic cooperation through the implementation of joint projects. After the formation of groups from all communities, together with the officials of the Offices for communities in the respective municipalities, the needs of the communities were assessed and the project proposals submitted by the working groups, which were seen as economically viable, were financially supported.

As a result, community groups in the municipality of Peja have been supported with machines for the production of food products (ajvar and fruit), in the municipality of Istog with a line for the production of pogača for bees, in that of Klina with the development of beekeeping and in the municipality of Rahovec with equipment for cleaning private and business facilities. The grants reached the value of nearly 4,500 euros and will help in the development of the economy and social welfare.

The activities carried out and the support of communities with grants have been made possible thanks to the financial assistance given by the Office of the United Nations Mission (UNMIK) in Kosovo.


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