misli globalno,
deluj lokalno

October 6, 2011- In order to increase transparency, democratization and improve communication between municipal bodies and the Serbian community, “Experimental Studio Group” (ESG) on Thursday at the premises of Radio Gorazhdec has organized a round table on the topic “Position of the Serbian community in the municipality of Peja”. The authorities of the Municipality of Peja, the Kosovo Police, the Kosovo Property Agency, the OSCE and the representatives of the Serbian villages of Gorazhdec, Bellopojë, Brestovik and Levoshë participated in this meeting. In the discussion, they discussed the problems that the community and the relevant institutions have regarding the Serbian community in Peja in two points: security issues and the return process and property problems.
The meeting was held within the project “Improving communication with municipal structures in the region of Peja” that implements ESG with funding from “Syri i Vizioni” within the project “Serbs Inclusion action plan through active Citizens’ Participation” supported by the Olof Palme Center .

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