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In the summer school in Razëm, in addition to the countries of the region, the children of the ROR Kosovo group also attended

July 10-14 – In Razem Shkodra, a summer school was held by Save the Children Kosovo in partnership with local organizations from various countries in the region such as: Eye of Vision (SIV) – Kosovo, Women’s Consortium Ukraine (WCU) – Ukraine, Child Rights Informatio Center (CRIC) – Moldova and Child Rights Center (CRC) – Serbia.
In this summer school, children from different countries of the region have shared their work experiences in terms of monitoring the International Convention on Children’s Rights, children’s participation in decision-making and improving the situation of children in their countries.
The children of the ROR monitoring group presented their work and the report they drew from the monitoring of the KND where. The work of this group has been valued and seen as a good methodology for the work of children from Kosovo for children from other countries, who were part of this school.
The participating children of this camp had the opportunity to learn about the methodology of how to take the voice of young people and how to convey their voice to the institutions. “Young Voices” or “Voices of the young”, was carried out in Sweden, where through questionnaires carried out by younger people it was possible to issue reports, which were addressed to institutions and this has made many changes in improving the position of young people in the Swedish state.
In this summer school, the children have managed to design such a questionnaire that each group of children will carry out with the youth of their state and then an attempt will be made to make a report for each state separately and then these reports will be addressed to the institutions.
The “Summer School” activities are realized for the second time in Razem, Shkodra, and the children of the monitoring groups of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child from Kosovo (CRC), Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine participate in them. Also participating in this school were the partner organizations of Save the Children, which work with children’s groups: NGO Syri i Vizioni (SiV) – Kosovo, Women’s Consortium Ukraine (WCU) – Ukraine, Child Rights Informatio Center (CRIC) – Moldova and Child Rights Center (CRC) – Serbia.



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