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Projects of 2014

During 2014, the Eye of Vision organization has played an active role at the local and national level and has been an active actor in civil society initiatives at the level of the states of the region. The projects in which he was involved were a continuation of those of the past years and deepened further into the problems of citizens and communities. The organization has served the citizens in submitting their requests, in addressing the relevant institutions, namely by building bridges of communication and cooperation between the citizen and the institution.

About 15 larger projects were in the process of implementation during the year, in which a staff of up to 20 people were engaged, assisted by the members of the Eye of the Vision organization and volunteers, as an important part of the organization’s operation.

Donor organizations and partners have continued to support our work, while during the year collaborations have increased and projects have been designed that have opened up new opportunities for the organization and citizens, who benefit directly from these projects. Two projects started in 2013 with funding from the European Commission were continued throughout 2014, specifically the engagement in the anti-corruption network SELDI of the countries of Southeast Europe for good governance and monitoring, as well as the project at the level of Kosovo together with IADK on empowerment of civil society on policy making and consultation with the government in the agricultural sector.

During the year, two projects on the monitoring and protection of children’s rights were developed that are financially supported by Save the children, focusing on empowering the children themselves in monitoring and reporting their rights, but with continuous support from the organization . In the long-term partnership with Olaf Palme International Center, the project of active citizenship has played an important role in supporting marginalized communities in several municipalities of Kosovo.

The continuous cooperation with Solidar Suisse during the year continued with the two projects that have financial support from Solidar, the project on social dialogue in the milk sector, namely support for farmer organizations, as well as with the “Mismatch” project, which supports the adaptation of the schools of Peja. with the labor market, increasing cooperation with schools and businesses and improving professional practice. During the year, Solidar Suisse started another partnership together with Volkshilfe from Austria in a new three-year project with support from ADA to support professional education in the hotel and tourism sector, which is implemented in Pejë, Gjakovë and Prizren.

During 2014, two other important projects have been started, related to the justice sector and the functioning of the law in Kosovo. The project for fulfilling EU requirements for good governance, for the further European integration of Kosovo, is implemented in partnership with Kipred and is financed by the European Commission. It aims to monitor six areas of law enforcement in Kosovo. The “Protect Your Property” project is focused on law enforcement campaigns and awareness, especially in property and inheritance issues and is funded by USIAD/ATRC.

With the support of UNDP during the year, a mini project was carried out to raise the position of women in peace-making and peace-keeping processes, while with financing from “Ernst Basler + Partner” the project “Feasibility study for the treatment of wastewater” was implemented. black in Peja”.
In the environment sector, two other projects have been developed: the continuation of the awareness activities of “Drin Day”, which started a year earlier, and the support as part of the campaign for the cleaning of the city of Peja.

The year 2014 was an election year in Kosovo, while Syri i Vizioni, as part of the coalition of NGOs “Democracy in action”, monitored the election campaign in six municipalities of the region of Peja and Gjakova.

In the internal functioning of the organization during the year, Syri i Vizioni has been consolidated even further in creating the most efficient structure that meets the needs of its membership. The new model has been reorganized for membership and volunteers, who now have a much more active role as part of the organization. An assembly of members was also held and the drafting of the new three-year strategy.

Elevating the position of women in peace-making and peace-keeping processes
Project Title: "Raising the position of women in peace-making and peace-keeping processes"

Duration: 3 months (March 2014 – May 2014)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: 1,060 euros

Donor: UNDP

The purpose of the project: The project aims to increase the participation of women during the processes of peace building and post-conflict planning.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of this project have been women, organized civil society groups and institutions, while beneficiaries have also been institutions and all active citizens in the decision-making processes in the municipality of Peja.

Realization of the project: Trainings were carried out to increase the capacities of the directors of the directorates of the municipality of Peja, to empower the directors in better advocacy and lobbying about gender budgeting and women's participation in policy-making. Workshops were also held for the drafting of the action plan and strategy for gender budgeting with participation, at the same time roundtables were held with institutions, civil society and the media. Simultaneously, meetings were held with each of the directorates to present the strategy and action plan for the inclusion and incorporation of gender budgeting.

Activities and Results:

• The realism of the three tables with the group of women, men and young people

• Extracting recommendations from the three tables and addressing them to institutions

• Realization of trainings for capacity building and directors' awareness of the importance of gender budgeting.

• Drafting of three separate reports on the role and readiness of women for inclusion in the existing mechanisms on peace building.

"Democracy in Action" – Central Elections 2014
Project Title: "Democracy in Action" – Central Elections 2014

Duration: 5 months (August - December 2013)

Country: Region of Peja (Peja, Gjakovë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan and Junik)

Implementing organization(s): "Syri i Vizioni" within the coalition "Democracy in Action"

Budget: €27,772.20 through Syri i Vizioni, (the other budget was realized through KDI)

Donor: USAID, Embassy of Norway

The purpose of the project: "Democracy in Action" was established with the purpose of monitoring the parliamentary and local elections organized in November 2007, as well as with the purpose of raising the awareness of citizens to participate in the elections. In addition to the organization "Syri i Vizioni" part of the coalition "Democracy in Action - Elections 2013" there are 10 non-governmental organizations in Kosovo

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are the entire population of Kosovo. In particular, a number of people who have been involved in the process as monthly and daily monitors have benefited from training on the electoral process and system in Kosovo. Also, all voters have benefited from voter education campaigns in general, while the undecided ones in particular.

Realization of the project: The activities include the overall monitoring of the electoral process: the monitoring of the one-month campaign of the parties, the day of the elections, the voting and the counting of the votes on the day of the central elections.

Activities and Results:

• Monitoring hundreds of election activities during the campaign period;

• Holding press conferences with reports on problems and irregularities encountered during monitoring,

• Monitoring of election day, voting and counting of votes in six municipalities; runoff in four municipalities of the region

• Engagement of long-term observers (LTO) for a period before the solutions;

• Engagement of over 350 short-term observers (STOs) on election day;

• Organization and holding of over 50 trainings for STO for a period of 10 days;

Social dialogue in the dairy sector
Project title: Social dialogue in the dairy sector

Duration: 12 months (January 2014 – December 2014)

Country: Kosovo

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision in partnership with Solidar Suisse

Budget: €13,600

Donor: Solidar Suisse

Project Purpose: This project aimed at empowering producers and processors in the milk sector: their officials during milk sampling, project administration, transparency and neutrality during milk sampling by the Association of Producers and Processors of milk.

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries are associations of milk processors and producers, administration and project officers who are directly involved in the realization of the project, farmers and consumers of dairy products.

Realization of the project: In this project, the Association of Milk Producers and Processors, SiV during 2014 had the responsibility of providing assistance to the project workers in the processing of the database of farmers, providing statistics as well as monitoring the project officers in the field while receiving samples. Throughout this period of one year, SiV has gone to the field with the project officers to see the problems they face during the collection of samples and at the same time has received the opinions of farmers about the challenges they face, their opinion about obtaining samples and results for milk samples.

Activities and Results:

• Regulating the list of farmers and processing the database

• Monitoring of project officers

• Realization of 100 questionnaires with farmers from all over the territory of Kosovo

• Reporting of research results

“Mismatch” (4)
Project name: "Mismatch" (4)

Duration: 11 months (February 2014 – December 2014)

Place: Peja

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €12,405.00

Donor: Solidar Suisse

The purpose of the project: Improving the quality of professional practice for students of high schools of hospitality and tourism in Peja, raising students' awareness of the education system in Kosovo and career counseling/orientation. Beneficiaries: the direct beneficiaries of the project are the students of the high school of hospitality, the high school of economics and businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector. The municipality of Peja through the municipal directorate of education is also a beneficiary, specifically around 20 teachers accredited for career counseling in a few schools. Realization of the project: The project was realized in cooperation with the economic high school "Ali Hadri" of Peja, specifically in the areas of hotel and tourism. In cooperation with the school, the municipality, the regional office of education, businesses and civil society, a coordinating group has been created that has addressed the issues of professional practice for students in these two directions, the increase of cooperation between the school and businesses, etc. About 35 contracts have been signed with the school and the businesses of Peja for professional practice. The staff have been trained and for the first time career guidance has started to be applied in 15 schools of the municipality of Peja.

Activities and Results:

• Coordination of municipal-school-business actors related to professional practice

• Meetings with business representatives in Peja, signing of 35 contracts between businesses and the economic school for professional practice

• Training and licensing for career guidance

• Application of career guidance in the schools of Peja

• Exchange of experiences with other secondary schools

"Protect your property"
Project name: "Protect your property"

Duration: 8 months (October 2014 – June 2015)

Place: Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: $22,044.00


The purpose of the project: The project aims to raise citizens' awareness of the importance of solving property issues, both in the sense of transferring the inheritance to its respective heirs, and in relation to the change of owners, accompanying it with the documentation of properly, focusing mainly on rural areas and where such awareness and practices are lacking.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the project are the institutions and citizens of the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Deçan and Istog, who during the development have received all the necessary information regarding the problems they have with the property, the ways of solving these problems related to inheritance, the base legal and the paths to follow. Institutions have had the opportunity to extend communication with citizens and improve cooperation between them.

Implementation of the project: In four municipalities of Kosovo, meetings were held with citizens, with representatives of citizens in villages and neighborhoods. Representatives of the institutions of justice and local government from the Courts, the prosecutor's office, the municipality, the notary service, lawyers and other institutions that deal with property issues, answered the questions of the citizens and addressed their requests for the resolution of property issues, improvement of procedures, etc.

Activities and Results:

• Meetings between the representatives of the institutions and the leaders of the local communities in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Deçan and Istog

• Public gatherings with the community in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Deçan and Istog

• Round tables with experts and institutions in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Deçan and Istog

• Radio debates on Radio Peja and Radio Fontana

• Preparation and distribution of Leaflets on property laws and calls for property settlement

• A leaflet on the operation of the Court of Peja

• 5 advertising spots on Radio Dukagjini

Together 4 Children Rights- CRC Monitoring
Project Title: "Together 4 Children Rights - CRC Monitoring"

Duration: 11 months (February 2014 – December 2014)

Country: All of Kosovo

Budget: €33,608

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: Development of children's capacities to report on their rights and to raise awareness among institutions, parents, primary school councils and all the mechanisms created for the protection of children's rights, about the situation of respecting children's rights children in Kosovo based on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Beneficiaries: The KNDF implementation monitoring project has covered the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo, thus including 37 municipalities of Kosovo or 1,467 settlements. Realization of the project: A group of 24 children (ROR - "Respect Our Rights") has been created who have the skills and capacities to monitor the implementation of the KNDF by themselves, specifically in two areas: The right to education and the right to decision-making. for the first time in Kosovo with a monitoring report on the implementation of the Convention in these areas through new mechanisms in the field of monitoring the implementation of the international convention in Kosovo. The project makes children active actors and increases their role and voice in monitoring, for the rights that are guaranteed not only by local legislation but also by international conventions. The published report on the current situation in these areas comes from the research done by the children themselves, directly influences the policies of the institutions and makes the children participants in decision-making, offering suggestions and recommendations for institutions on what government and local institutions should do to improve the situation of children's rights.

Activities and Results:

• Publication of reports with monitoring findings from last year in Peja and Gjakova,

• Competition and selection of 24 children from all municipalities of Kosovo interested in being part of the ROR monitoring group,

• Trainings for the ROR group for operation, monitoring, reporting, etc., joint meetings, a workshop for the compilation of questionnaires and monitoring methodology

• Creation and management of the website www.ror-rks.net

• Participation in the summer school in Albania with children from the countries of the region.

• Selection of 6 municipalities for monitoring: Prishtina, Mitrovica, Gjakova, Vushtrri, Deçani and Dragashi. Meetings with the directors of the Directorates of Education in these municipalities and the signing of cooperation memoranda with them.

• Implementation of questionnaires in 14 schools, 5 secondary and 9 primary in 6 six municipalities

• National Conference for the Publication of the Monitoring Report "Our Reality"

• Realization of the program on TV Dukagjin on the occasion of the publication of the report.

Together for the rights and protection of children
Name of the project: "Together for the rights and protection of children",

Duration: 12 months (January 2014 – December 2014)

Place: Peja, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Pristina and Mitrovica

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €53,668.20

Donor: Save the Children

The purpose of the project: Improving the position of children's rights in Kosovo, strengthening children's organizations in schools and outside them, increasing their influence in the implementation of children's rights; supporting and developing child protection policies in accordance with the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and EU standards.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are the schools: "Ramiz Sadiku" and "Xhemail Kada" Pejë, "Zekeria Rexha" and "Mustafa Bakija" Gjakovë, "Jeronim de Rada" and "Tefik Çanga" Ferizaj, "Andon Zako Çajupi" and "Bedri Gjinaj" Mitrovica, "Naim Frasheri" and "Ismail Qemali" in Prishtina, who attended trainings on protection from violence and harassment in schools, drafting strategies for operationalizing protection mechanisms in schools. The Institution of the People's Advocate, the directorates of education in the municipalities, the Center for Social Work, the Kosovo Police, the Ministry of Education, etc. have benefited.

Realization of the project: In five municipalities of Kosovo, we worked directly with school councils in the drafting of codes of conduct and in the creation and strengthening of mechanisms for the protection of children's rights at school, the promotion of children's rights, the prevention of violence and harassment and public awareness.

Activities and Results:

• Drafting and implementation of the code of conduct in two lower secondary schools

• Strengthening complaint boxes in eight schools to address children's grievances

• Training of over 500 children in preventing and addressing violence and harassment in schools

• Over 1000 children were informed about the work of the mechanisms for their rights that operate at the local level in visits and meetings with these institutions.

• Five round tables in Prishtina, Pejë, Gjakovë, Mitrovica and Ferizaj with all the actors on the topic: Safety and respect for children's rights in schools and the needs to complete changes in legislation as well as the drafting of new laws

• From a training with the governing councils of schools in Pristina for the design of the strategy for the creation and operationalization of mechanisms for children's rights within the school.

• Debates on Radio Dukagjini and Radio Kosova, a show on RTV21 about children's rights

• Lectures within the international day of KNDF by the children themselves in each school.

• Creation of groups of trainers from 7 children in each school that teach about KNDF.

• Research by the children themselves in schools regarding the safety of children in schools.

• The organization of the "Week against Violence against Children" in Kosovo, within the framework of which a theatrical performance was realized and shown in Peja and Mitrovica, a media conference, a national conference with all the actors, several TV and local radio shows and national that aimed to sensitize society for more attention to violence

Feasibility study for wastewater treatment in Peja
Project Title: "Feasibility study for wastewater treatment in Peja"

Duration: 04 months (May 2014 – August 2014)

Place: Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €2,852

Donor: "Ernst Basler + Partner"

The purpose of the project: The project aimed to address the problems and needs of consumers using the services of the company "Hidrodrini", and analysis through focus groups, in meetings with which detailed information on knowledge about the services offered was collected. from the company, consumer awareness of wastewater treatment, the consequences they cause in the environment and consumer expectations.

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are citizens from Pejë, Istog, Klinë and Deçan municipalities, the Drin river and the environment in general, as well as all citizens of Kosovo.

Realization of the project: The project is focused on collecting information from consumers, through the formation of three focus groups, consumers from rural, urban areas, businesses, family members, regular and irregular payers of the "Hidrodrini" Company were included, with which has been worked on identifying problems and finding ways to solve problems in relation to wastewater treatment and other worrying issues related to the environment.

Activities and Results:

• Meeting with the participants, the consumers of the Peja urban area to raise awareness of the need for wastewater treatment and the hygienic and environmental consequences of untreated water discharges.

• Meeting with the participants, consumers of the urban area from the regional municipalities of Istog, Klinë and Deçan to raise awareness of the need for wastewater treatment and the hygienic and environmental consequences of untreated water discharges.

• Meeting with the participants, consumers of businesses in Peja to raise awareness of the need for wastewater treatment and the hygienic and environmental consequences of untreated water discharges.

Active Citizenship Kosova
Project Title: Active Citizenship Kosovo

Duration: 12 months (January 2014 – December 2014)

Place: Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan, Rahovec

Implementing organization(s): Eye of Vision

Budget: €43,910

Donor: Olof Palme International Center

The purpose of the project: The project aims at a general engagement of all citizens with special emphasis on women, to be part of the decision-making processes, focusing on the region of Peja and Prizren.

Beneficiaries: Village representatives of 7 local communities of Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Rahovec municipalities, representatives of civil society organizations of the Pejë and Prizren region, non-formal groups of women, assembly women, as well as all citizens of Kosovo.

Realization of the project: The "Active Citizenship" project is focused on supporting advocacy campaigns and the activation of women's organizations, non-formal women's groups in the local communities where our organization operates, women assemblymen of the municipalities of Pejë, Deçan, Klinë, Istog and Rahovec as and monitoring the implementation of the regulation on the organization and functioning of local councils in the municipalities of Peja and Istog, or its drafting in municipalities that have not drafted it yet. As another mechanism to help the councils of local communities, civil society and other interest groups, the Assistance and Advisory Office has been opened in Peja, which has continuously helped the heads of local communities in writing requests, complaints or project ideas to submitted on time to the institutions. While another advocacy tool that has served for the distribution of information to citizens is the website www.aktivizohu.org, through which a lot of information on how to develop an active citizenry has been shared, and the problems faced by citizens have also been published. different municipalities of Kosovo The activities of this project at this stage are concentrated even more on strengthening the role of women in decision-making processes, supporting them with small grants, for which a total of 8 grants have been allocated.

Activities and Results:

• National conference with participants from all the institutions of Kosovo Municipalities, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, civil society, representatives of local communities, informal groups of women and assembly women. The purpose of the conference is to reflect the work methodology of the SiV organization as well as the work and role of the active citizen.

• Organization of the debate on national TV with participants from the ministry, local institutions, local communities and SiV to inform citizens about the form of activation and the functioning system of local communities.

• Visit to exchange experiences of mayors of urban neighborhoods and villages in those municipalities where the structure of the organization and functionalization of active citizenship is an example for other municipalities.

• Monitoring the implementation of regulations regarding the selection of representatives in local communities. SiV will engage in monitoring the selection process of representatives of local communities, and at the end of the process we will issue a report containing recommendations on the regulation.

• Municipal workshop with participants from municipal institutions, civil society, neighborhood and village representatives, media. In these workshops, the possibility of implementing the regulation will be addressed, the benefits that the municipality and citizens can have in the implementation of this regulation, which would increase the cooperation of the municipality and the mayor himself with rural and urban areas.

• Advocacy and leadership trainings for eight groups of women in eight local communities.

• Compilation of the action strategy for women's groups: The joint action strategy will be compiled with the women's groups of the eight local communities, but within the activity strategy they will be separate for each community separately.

• Organization of joint workshops between groups of women from local communities with women assembly members with the aim of activating women in decision-making, as well as advocating for women assembly members to address the priorities of women from these local communities.

• Distribution of information on citizens' initiatives that have served as good experiences for citizens of other countries of Kosovo and beyond.

• Addressing all citizens' requests to the relevant institutions and their support.

• Mobilizing citizens and raising their voice for participation in decision-making processes.

• Operation of the auxiliary and advisory office within the project.

• Direct support for citizens through the provision of information and communication opportunities through the website.

• Supporting eight non-formal women's groups with small grants.

SEED Kosovo - Support of Educational and Employment Development
Project Title: SEED Kosovo - Support of Educational and Employment Development

Duration: 36 months (January 2014 - December 2016)

Country: Kosovo, Albania, Serbia

Implementing organization(s): Eye of the Vision in partnership Volkshilfe Solidarität and Solidar Suisse

Budget: €291,450

Donor: Austrian Development Cooperation

The purpose of the project: Improving access to the labor market for young people and women in the hotel and tourism school, mitigating unemployment and identifying gender barriers; promoting social dialogue in this sector.

Beneficiaries: This program benefits students, especially women, in secondary economic schools - the direction of tourism in the Dukagjin region, but the project includes all actors of tourism in this region. The community in the municipalities of Pejë, Prizren and Gjakovë also benefits with the improvement of the situation in the field of employment in tourism, enterprises and businesses.

Realization of the project: The project is developed in parallel in three countries, Kosovo, Albania and Serbia, while Syri i Vizioni is responsible for the project in Kosovo. In the framework of this project, we will work with economic high schools in the Dukagjin region, specifically with the tourism departments, with whom we will work on the transfer of knowledge, the exchange of experiences and the development of capacities.

Activities and Results:

• Improving employment and self-employment opportunities for targeted groups, young people and women in the tourism sector

• Promotion and support of certain courses in professional schools

• Meetings and coordination between actors in the tourism sector

• Workshops on best experiences and skills development in tourism

• Financial support for the best ideas that compete in the groups of actors in the three municipalities

• Trainings for drafting project proposals

• Improving the social dialogue on gender policies

• Study on gender barriers in tourism

• Awareness raising campaigns related to gender barriers

Fulfillment of EU requirements for good governance, for the further European integration of Kosovo
Project name: Fulfillment of EU requirements for good governance, for the further European integration of Kosovo

Duration: 2 years (May 2014 - April 2016)

Country: Kosovo (Eye of Vision responsible for Pejë, Gjakovë, Deçan, Junik, Klinë and Istog)

Implementing organization(s): Kipred and Eye of Vision

Budget: €65,280

Donor: Liaison Office of the European Commission in Pristina

The purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to monitor six relevant areas from the sphere of the rule of law in Kosovo: Democracy and the rule of law; Preventing and fighting organized crime and corruption with a focus on public order and security; Border management related to organized crime; Strengthening cooperation for law enforcement; The judicial system and the fight against money laundering.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of this project are the local institutions represented at the central and local and regional level, dealing with anti-corruption and organized crime issues, including the central and local government sector and judicial institutions, the police, municipal authorities, etc. Indirect beneficiaries are also the local media and the general population of Kosovo, who will be informed about the achievements and the measurement of the fulfillment of EU requirements.

Realization of the project: Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with the KIPRED Institute aims to increase public debate and pressure for the fulfillment of EU requirements by the Government of Kosovo in the fight against corruption and organized crime through a) regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the fulfillment of EU requirements, b) increase public awareness and pressure at the local and central level c) strengthening civil society to successfully protect the interests and needs of citizens in the central and local government sector. The project is implemented throughout Kosovo, while Syri i Vizioni covers activities in six municipalities, that of Peja, Gjakova, Deçan, Junik, Klina and Istog. This project focuses on issues that require urgent treatment in order to fulfill the criteria set by the EU for good governance and to accelerate the further European integration of Kosovo. Special emphasis is placed on improving the rule of law and the fight against corruption/organized crime within the legal framework and its implementation. For the realization of the project, meetings are planned with the relevant institutions for the collection of information for research. From the findings of the research, KIPRED and SiV will also engage in the compilation of recommendations for the relevant local and international actors to improve the situation in the aforementioned areas, as well as the publication of the first barometer in Kosovo for measuring the rule of law.

Activities and results:

• Meetings with relevant institutions to collect information for research

• Monitoring and implementation of questionnaires by the relevant institutions

• Organization of round tables

• Compilation of recommendations from the tables for the relevant local and international actors in improving the situation in the aforementioned areas

• Publication of the first barometer in Kosovo for measuring the rule of law

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