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Peja, June 28- The local Council for employment in the municipality of Peja, established by the Municipal Assembly of Peja last year, met for the first time. The purpose of this council is to contribute to the identification of the challenges that exist in the labor market, to propose initiatives for the employment of special groups (youth, women, minorities, etc.) to draw up action plans and strategies for employment at the level local, etc. In the first workshop, the constitution of this council was made and the manner of its functioning was discussed. Its composition includes representatives of the Municipality, the municipal assembly from various political entities, businesses, civil society, etc.
The establishment of this council and its operationalization was done within the framework of the project “Support for the Development of Education and Employment in Kosovo – SEED” which is supported by the Austrian Development Agency – ADA and is carried out by Syri i Vizioni and Volkshilfe Solidaritet.


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