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Training for the newly elected presidents of the local councils of Peja

Peja, June 26 – The NGO “Syri i Vizioni” within the “Active Citizenship” project, has conducted training on the topic of “Advocacy” with the newly elected heads of local councils in the Municipality of Peja.
The purpose of this training was to give them additional information about advocacy and how to initiate problems or concerns towards the elections that they have as presidents of the new local councils that have just been elected according to the municipal regulation in the municipality of Peja.

During the training, many issues were also discussed, how to initiate the problems they have such as: electricity, sewage, water supply, road infrastructure and stray dogs and what are the benefits of the citizens by choosing these problems.

The “Active Citizenship” project during this year will continue to carry out other activities with the heads of local councils and other actors who are part of the program, which is carried out by the organization “Syri i Vizioni” in the municipalities of the region of Peja and Prizren with support from Olof Plame Center International and AIDS.


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