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Wild Apple Vinegar 100% bio organic produced by Lirije Muhaxheri
Pejë, September 10 – Although Lirije Muhaxheri works as a teacher, the desire to engage in agriculture and open her own business has not been absent, so she has been producing 100% organic Wild Apple Vinegar for several years now. organic, where the demands of the market and customers for the Vinegar produced by Lirija are so great that there are often no bottles in stock even for her and her family’s needs.
Farmer Muhaxheri is one of the beneficiaries of the grant within the program “Women and persons with disabilities as agricultural entrepreneurs in Kosovo”, which is being implemented by the organization Syri Vizionit, financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with the funds of Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed by Brot für die Welt.
“Today, I managed to produce almost double the amount of vinegar, thanks to the machinery and other equipment that I have benefited from the Eye of the Vision organization, for which I am very grateful, in addition to being able to produce a larger amount, I also managed to get it out quickly in the market and to supply the customers we have” she says.
Lirija has now hired other members of the family and engaged additional workers, especially now during the wild apple picking season, since the wild apple is cultivated in different areas in the Dukagjin plain, including the area of ​​Rugova, which they still did. more special and organic it.
Wild Apple Vinegar, produced by Lirija, in addition to being used by gastronomy, is also a highly sought-after product by various customers due to its many health and healing benefits, such as for diabetes, blood fat, weight problems, those who want to lose weight etc.
Already in the market of Peja and beyond, you can find 100% organic wild apple vinegar, which is produced by a woman, who is one of the other 28 farmers, women and people with disabilities from the municipalities of Peja, Gjakovë, Istog and Rahovec, who have benefited from the program “Women and persons with disabilities as agricultural entrepreneurs in Kosovo”, implemented by Syri Vizionit, financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed from Brot für die Welt.
#UthullaeMollesseEger #100%BioOrganike #GrateneBujqesi #MollaeEgër #PersonatmeAftesiteKufizuarneBujqesi #SiV #KomunaPeje #KomunaIstog #KomunaGjakove #KomunaRahovec



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