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Workshop on the drafting of the work plan within the objective for the Civic Space

Workshop on the drafting of the work plan within the objective for the Civic Space
Prizren, 28-28 May, the workshop for the drafting of the work plan for the Civic Space for children is being held with the partner organizations Save the Children Kosova/o, Handikos, Domovik, Forum of Disability, Nevo Koncepti, Putevima Sunca, Kosovar Gender Studies Center, EkoZ and Syri i Vizioni.
The purpose of this workshop is to draw up a joint plan for the Civic Space for children and to engage organizations in support of children’s groups such as Respect Our Right’s, Children’s Municipal Assemblies, Um Za Decu, Tim Mladi, Environmental Assemblies, Our Voice and the group of the moon children. for the year 2025-2027.
This workshop is held within the framework of the thematic program for the protection and rights of the child “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights” for the Strengthening of Civil Society by the Eye of Vision Organizations in partnership with Save the Children Kosovo, financed by the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development – Sida.


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