Think Globally,
Act Locally


Priorities of local councils in the municipality of Deçan for 2022

Priorities of local councils in the municipality of Rahovec for 2022

Priorities of local councils in the municipality of Gjakova for 2022


Novosella Village

Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with the Municipality of Peja…


Syri i Vizioni within the Age + program will carry…


Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o…

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About Syri i Vizionit

Think globally, Act locally

The organization ”Syri i Vizionit” officially registered as a local NGO in September 2001, started operating as early as 1999 as a Community-Based Organization (CBO) in the city of Pejë/Pec to coordinate the publication and release of a Youth Magazine in Kosovo, with the financial support of USAID.
Since its inception, the NGO”Syri i Vizionit” has gained in professionalism through implementation of large spectrum of multi-faced projects, proving itself as a genuine Civil Society actor in Kosovo.
Our activities are focused around follwing programes:

Years of Fundation
People Reached
Project Completed
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